What were they like tradutor Português
247 parallel translation
What were they like?
- Como eram?
What were they like?
Como eram eles?
What were they like?
Como é que elas eram?
What were they like?
Como eram?
What were they like?
- Eles eram o quê?
- What were they like?
- Como eram?
What were your Wednesdays with Ginny what were they like?
Como eram as suas quartas feiras com a Ginny...
- What were they like?
Como eram?
It sounds crazy but that's what they were shaped like.
Sei que parece loucura, mas o formato era esse!
I stared at their faces, to see what they were like.
Procurei ver-lhes no rosto que tipo de homens eram.
They think back to what they were like at our age.
Lembram do tempo em que tinham a nossa idade.
I used to pass places like this and wonder what they were like.
Passava por lugares como este e perguntava-me o que eram.
I didn't know what they were like.
Não sabia como eles eram.
I would like to ask the team what they would do if they were hitler.
Gostava de perguntar à equipa o que fariam se fossem o Hitler. - Gerald?
They forget what it was like when they were children.
Esquecem-se de como era, quando eram crianças.
I wonder what they were like.
Fico a pensar como seriam.
We shall be asking many people who knew them what they were really like.
Vamos conhecer muitas pessoas que sabem como eram realmente.
But, despite what you might have seen on the late show... when you were watching what your parents told you not to... they do not... walk around... Like this.
Mas apesar do que vocês possam ter ter visto na sessão da noite... quando estavam a ver filmes que os vossos pais proibiram... eles não andam por aí... assim!
A week ago, just as when we were zeroing in on what looked like a rich vein, we began to notice that they were there, hanging around in the bushes- -
Mesmo no instante que estávamos sobre um filão prometedor, demos conta que eles nos estavam a espiar.
They cut off her tongue so she wouldn't tell... who they were or what they looked like.
cortaram-lhe a língua para que não pudesse dizer quem eram nem como eram.
They were talking about what happened with you and Gilbert Blythe, and mother said you have a disposition just like Marilla's.
Estavam a falar sobre o que houve entre ti e o Gilbert Blythe, e a minha mãe disse que tens um gênio igual ao da Marilla.
Villages in this region were few and far between and I knew well what they were like.
Entendi perfeitamente a singularidade das raras vilas da região.
True, but compared to what I thought they'd be like, they were superb.
Verdade, mas comparado ao que eu esperava, eles estavam soberbos.
And the way they always made us feel... like we were the two most important, smartest, most talented, handsomest... and it kills me to think that they look at me and wonder what they did wrong.
E sempre fizeram com que a gente se sentisse, Como se fossemos... os dois mais importantes, espertos, mais talentosos, bonitos... E o que me mata é pensar que olhavam para mim e perguntavam-se onde tinham errado.
These forests give us a very accurate picture of what the trees of the petrified forest were like when they were alive so long ago.
Estas florestas dão-nos uma imagem muito precisa de como eram as árvores da floresta petrificada, quando estavam vivas, há tanto tempo atrás.
Second time, they were jumping like... - What? What?
Na segunda eles saltavam como...
Did you know what they were like?
Sabias como era esta gente?
Nobody really knows what they were doing there, but hell, they stood out like cotton balls.
Ninguém soube ao certo o que lá estavam a fazer mas o certo é que davam imenso nas vistas.
But in the midnight hour, layin'there, alone, on the hot bed of lust, I'm sure they must've thought what it would be like... to have one of them big, black bucks... their husbands were so desperately afraid of.
Mas a meio da noite, lá deitadas, sozinhas, na cama quente da luxúria, estou certo que imaginaram como seria possuir um daqueles enormes garanhões pretos que os maridos tanto receavam.
But what would the world be like if people said whatever they were thinking all the time, whenever it came to them?
Como seria o mundo se as pessoas dissessem sempre tudo o que lhes passa pela cabeça?
Sometimes I wonder what they were like.
- Está bem?
His children were beautiful but they made him feel old and seeing me reminded him of what it was like to be young and marriage was a tough trade-off.
Que os filhos eram bonitos, mas que o faziam sentir-se velho e que ver-me o fazia recordar como era ser-se jovem... e que o casamento era uma má negociata.
You don't know how many times Miles spoke about what the Cardassians did to the prisoners at Setlik lll, what they were like afterwards.
Não sabe quantas vezes o Miles me falou disto, do que os cardassianos faziam aos prisioneiros em Setlik Três, de como ficavam a seguir.
And I knew what they were thinking, just like I knew guys at school thought about me when they jerked off.
Já então sabia o que pensavam. Como os da escola que pensavam em mim quando batiam uma. De vómito.
Imagine how the ancient Bajorans must have felt heading into space in a ship like this one not knowing what they were going to find or who they were going to meet.
Imagina como os antigos bajorianos se devem ter sentido, dirigindo-se para o espaço numa nave como esta, sem saber o que iam encontrar, ou quem.
Your normal stuff that would probably happen... if you were working at TWA, but they don't realize that... what they're really talking to are rapists or murderers... or, you know, people that are just like...
Coisas banais, que provavelmente aconteciam se trabalhássemos na TWA. Mas eles não se apercebem que estão a falar com violadores ou assassinos... Gente que...
What were they like? Glorious.
But Torias, Curzon and Jadzia... they were in battle many times. I can remember what that felt like.
Mas o Torias, o Curzon e a Jadzia estiveram em combate muitas vezes e consigo lembrar-me da sensação que era.
What else could cause a vibration like that except if they were trying to dial home?
Que outra coisa causaria uma vibração como aquela excepto se eles estivessem a tentar discar marcar para casa?
Looks like they all stopped what they were doing and just left.
Parece que todos pararam o que estavam a fazer e foram embora.
What it was like when they were alone?
Sobre como foi quando estiveram sozinhos?
But then we were all nobodies, which was perfect for us because all the respectable, straight-arrow guys were busy doing what they always do, which is be respectable which meant the rest of us could run around acting like crazies which is what we did best.
Mas todos nós éramos. Isso era perfeito para nós. Porque os certinhos estavam ocupados a fazer o que sempre faziam.
They were squealing there, "what's going on". I'm like, hey, come on in, wanna have a look.
Elas estão aos guinchos. "que se passa?" eu digo, "entrem."
Sounded to me like a lot of people running around maybe they were locals or whatever. I don't know what the hell they wanted.
Bom, para mim parecia um bando de gente a correr... e não me quero meter com o povo daqui, sei lá quem.
We weren't quite sure what they were. 'One of our team members had pointed out there were things'that looked like the tops of volcanoes.'
Um dos membros da equipe sugeriu que se pareciam com o topo de vulcões.
they were developing but the shareholders want getting an accurate picture he was forced to confront antagonizing question could it would it be possible that he was right even though or eleven members biotech aboard were against him what what does it feel like to be
É uma situação frustrante. E apavorante, também. Eu não diria que é apavorante, mas é realmente preocupante.
Rina knew what they were. It was for girls like her to meet men.
Rina sabia que eram onde as mulheres conheciam os homens.
I do remember being tickled... by the fact that a lot of the guys were looking at me... like they didn't understand what I was sayin
Lembro-me se achar estranho o facto de olharem para mim como se não percebessem o que estava a dizer.
Something much like what they themselves were almost killed by.
Algo semelhante àquilo que quase os matou.
After the interview, people came up to me and said... "What were they really like?"
Depois da entrevista eu perguntava-me, "Como eram eles?"
There was near consensus about Columbus, until someone asked the Vikings what they were up to, and they're, like, discovering this America-shaped continent. I just...
Estou só a tentar dizer que seria interessante se o assunto fosse abordado de forma diferente.
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what were you thinking 741
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what were you doing there 136
what were they doing 32
what were their names 27
what were you thinking of 25
what were you talking about 62
what were you thinking 741
what were you saying 207
what were you gonna say 55
what were you dreaming about 17
what were you doing there 136
what were they doing 32
what were their names 27
what were you thinking of 25
what were you talking about 62