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You guessed it tradutor Português

145 parallel translation
You guessed it, Mr. Maple.
Adivinhou bem, Sr. Maple.
You guessed it.
You guessed it, Chief.
Acertou, chefe.
You guessed it.
You guessed it.
Speaking of luck, it's J.R. Bonner's luck... to have drawn the country's number one bucking bull... undefeated in 29 rides... the 29th of which was, you guessed it, J.R. Bonner.
Falando de sorte, J.R. Bonner tem a sorte... ter montado o touro número um do país... invicto em 29 batalhas a 29... já adivinharam... de J.R. Bonner..
- You guessed it.
- Acertaste.
Yeah. You guessed it.
Você adivinhou.
You guessed it.
Aw, dang, you guessed it. Wait right here.
- Raios, adivinhaste.
The second attempt by the state to have Dave meet his maker was by hanging, but when Dave dropped, you guessed it, the rope broke.
A segunda tentativa de execução foi por enforcamento. Mas, quando o laço apertou... Sim, adivinharam, a corda partiu-se.
- You guessed it.
- Adivinhaste.
- Between... have you guessed it?
entre.... Já adivinharam?
One of the reasons could be because every song is about... Oh, you guessed it, huh? Love.
Pode ser pelo fato de todas as músicas falarem, adivinhem... de amor, amor, amor.
Yeah, you guessed it... yours truly, Larry Burrows.
Exacto, adivinharam! Larry Burrows.
Next stop : mouth, throat, stomach, intestine and, you guessed it, Green River.
Próxima paragem : Boca, garganta, estomago, intestino e... advinharam, Green River.
You knew it or you guessed it
Não mintas, Rebeca, tu sabias ou pelo menos imaginavas...
Er... mmm, well and sure enough, erm, erm, when I left the house... whoops! Ha-ha, er... mm m, the last thing I did... ha-ha, yes, you guessed it, well, was to forget my speech.
E quando saí de casa esqueci-me do discurso.
You guessed it, Mr. Maple.
Acertou, Sr. Marple.
That station, you guessed it, is WNBC...
Essa estação, adivinharam, é a WNBC...
How did you guessed it?
Como é que adivinhou?
Flag on the play, called against - you guessed it - the Toros.
Badeira levantada na jogada, contra... vocês adivinharam os Toros.
- Yeah, you guessed it.
- Acertaste.
You guessed it, Batfake!
Adivinhaste, Batfake!
You have guessed it, Mr. Graham.
Você adivinhou certo.
It looks like you guessed right.
E parece que acertei.
I never would have guessed it if you hadn't told me.
- Não podia imaginar, se não me dissesse.
And you guessed it.
Deu-se conta, então.
If you haven't already guessed, here is the way it begins.
Se ainda não adivinharam é assim que ela começa.
I don't like to tell you this, but she was the first to know almost guessed it.
Não queria lhe dizer isso, mas ela foi a primeira a saber quase adivinhou.
- You sensed it or guessed it.
- Pressentiste-o ou adivinhaste.
Well, wouldn't you know, sheriff, he guessed it.
Quem diria, Xerife? Ele adivinhou!
I couldn't have guessed it was you!
Não sabia que eras tu!
- You should have guessed it.
- Devia ter adivinhado.
You could have guessed it.
Devia ter adivinhado.
It's Laura Palmer, in case you haven't guessed.
É a Laura Palmer, caso não tenha notado.
It's Laura, in case you haven't guessed.
É a Laura, caso não tenha adivinhado.
I guessed as much. You weren't supposed to know about it.
Não devia ter chegado ao seu conhecimento.
¡ ¡ Louie, I never would have guessed it, but you got a great body there. "
Assim me gosto. Vamos! Façam de novo e mostrem que não foi só sorte.
She said you were shy and had a bad time with some guy, and I guessed and she didn't deny it.
Ela disse que eras tímida e passaste um mau bocado com alguém. Eu adivinhei e ela não negou.
You guessed it!
- Não dá pra esconder.
Perhaps you do. Perhaps you've guessed it.
Talvez já saiba, ou tenha adivinhado.
Have you... never guessed it?
Nunca o adivinhou?
As you may have guessed, it's inhabited by the ghost of my friend's dead father.
Como percebeste, está assombrado pelo fantasma do falecido pai do meu amigo.
I should have guessed that you did it, but I didn't.
Devia ter adivinhado, mas não adivinhei.
"And... as you may have guessed," "exactly when it was natural that it should be so, not a moment sooner," "Edmund came to speak the whole delightful... and astonishing truth."
E, como devem ter adivinhado, no momento em que seria natural que assim fosse e nem um minuto antes, o Edmund declarou a deliciosa e surpreendente verdade.
Yeah, it was where you guessed, except on the top.
Estava exactamente onde disseste, mas no início do circuito.
You've guessed it.
I thought it'd be nice to have a snack when you got home... but I didn't know when that'd be, so I guessed and made a batch around 8... but they burnt.
Achei que seria bom petiscar quando chegasses, mas não sabia quando vinhas, por isso adivinhei e fiz uma leva às oito, mas queimaram-se.
It's strange, you know, I would have never guessed it. We had nothing in common.
A vida é esquisita, nunca pensei que resultasse, ele é tão diferente de mim...
I should've guessed that if there was gonna be some sort of fashion fiasco... that you girls would be in the center of it.
Eu devia ter adivinhado que se houvesse um fiasco de moda... voces de certeza estavam no centro dele.

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