Perhaps you should tradutor Russo
842 parallel translation
Perhaps you should see a doctor.
Сходили бы к доктору.
Perhaps you should ask some questions, Stella.
Возможно, ты должна задать какой-нибудь вопрос, Стелла.
Daddy, perhaps you should let it be.
Папа, не нужно.
Perhaps you should let it go until tomorrow, madam... what with Mr. Van Ryn coming back... and everything.
Возможно, это можно оставить до завтра, мадам... Ведь мистер ван Райн возвращается и... все такое.
Perhaps you should. You've got to face it, whatever it is, sometime.
Вы должны взглянуть в лицо своим страхам, какими бы они ни были.
If you can't lick the Vandamms of this world without asking girls to bed down and fly away with them and probably never come back perhaps you should learn how to lose a few cold wars.
Если вы не можете стереть Вандамма с лица земли, не прося таких девушек спать с ним и улетать с ним, не будучи уверенными в своём возвращении, вам надо научиться изредка проигрывать в холодной войне!
- Perhaps you should ask your mother.
Вы так не думаете, доктор?
- Yes, perhaps you should.
Да, наверное.
Perhaps you should have waited and had breakfast with my father.
Пожалуй, вам стоит подождать и позавтракать с моим папой.
Perhaps you should give it to me.
Возможно будет лучше, если ты отдашь оружие мне.
Just before you start sneering at this prisoner perhaps you should know that his name is Diomede.
Перед тем, как начинать насмехаться над этим заключенным, возможно, тебе надо знать, что его имя Диомед.
Colonel Breen, perhaps you should...
Полковник Брин, может быть вы...
Perhaps you should forget logic.
Может, вам надо забыть о логике?
Perhaps you should lie down.
Вам лучше прилечь.
I think perhaps you should explain, Doctor.
Я думаю, возможно, что Вы должны объяснить, Доктор.
Perhaps you should employ the services of a very large cat.
Возможно, вам потребуется очень большая кошка.
Perhaps you should introduce us, General.
Возможно, Вы должны представить нас, Генерал.
- Perhaps you should do it for the padre, that would lighten up his services no end.
Может, порадуешь нашего падре? Это здорово взбодрит церковную службу.
Perhaps you should listen to it more often.
Возможно тебе стоит чаще к ней прислушиваться.
Perhaps you should join him and be done with it, then.
Возможно, вам стоит присоединиться к нему.
Perhaps you should have. No.
- Хотя может быть прийдётся.
Perhaps you should have another shot, see how far it's got.
Наверное стоит проверить еще раз, насколько он продвинулся.
Mostyn, perhaps you should take these things out into the kitchen.
Мостин, а ты убери все это на кухню.
- Perhaps you should...
Возможно, надо...
Well, yes, perhaps you should...
Ну что ж, похоже ты...
Perhaps some will say... that you should not be allowed to go yet... that you are too young, that you have homes, mothers, fathers... that you should not be torn away.
Вероятно, некоторые скажут... что вам пока нельзя позволять идти... что вы слишком молоды, что у вас есть семьи, матери, отцы... что вас нельзя у них отнимать.
Perhaps then I should have learned some tricks to hold you with when you begin to get tired of me.
Тогда бы разучила некоторые уловочки, чтоб удерживать тебя, Когда начнешь уставать от меня.
- Why should I be? I thought perhaps you'd help me decide what to do.
Вы могли бы помочь мне принять решение.
- Therese. Perhaps I should tell you.
Тереза, мне стоит рассказать тебе...
- Still building your pyramid? Perhaps I should acquaint you with the fact that those pyramids became their builders'tombs.
Тебе будет полезно узнать, что пирамиды стали могилами для их строителей.
Perhaps I should remind you why we were sent to Berlin, since our chairman, Mr Pennecot of New Hampshire, has been indisposed ever since we took off from Washington.
Позвольте напомнить, зачем нас послали в Берлин, раз уж наш председатель, достопочтенный мистер Пенникот из Нью-Гемпшира, не в себе с тех пор, как мы покинули Вашингтон.
Perhaps we should have told you before.
Надо было раньше вам сказать.
You have a little quarrel with your dad? Perhaps I should introduce myself. - I'm Miss Linnekar's attorney.
Так Вы поссорились с отцом и переехали сюда.
In that case, Master Tsugumo... perhaps I should recount for you a little more of Motome Chijiiwa's story.
В таком случае, господин Цугумо... возможно, мне стоит рассказать вам продолжение истории о Мотоме Чиджива.
Perhaps I should call you.
- Может, мне вам позвонить?
- You're all good I'm thinking of... and I really have that at heart, perhaps more than I should. - Yes, by all means.
И принимаю это близко к сердцу, может быть больше, чем надо.
- You don't think perhaps we should...?
- Ты не думаешь, что пора...
Perhaps I should tell you about myself.
Наверное, я должна рассказать вам немного о себе.
Perhaps tomorrow. You should go home and try to rest.
Вам лучше вернуться домой, мадам Серизи, и отдохнуть.
Captain, since it is too late for you to escape, perhaps we should do something about protecting you.
Капитан, поскольку пути отхода для вас отрезаны, возможно, нам следует предпринять меры для вашей защиты.
But perhaps we should go back and get you straightened out.
Вероятно, нам стоит вернуться, чтобы привести вас в порядок.
- Jamie! ... gas and stuff. I think perhaps it is we who should be apologising to you, Mr...
Я думаю, это мы должны извинятся перед вами мистер...
Perhaps I should vaccinate myself? Do you think that Fox was rabid?
- Вы думаете, что Фокс бешеный?
I think perhaps, uh, you should see this letter.
Тогда, наверное, вам стоит прочитать это письмо.
Perhaps I should have told you about your mother.
Наверное, мне следовало рассказать тебе о твоей матери.
27 pulleys, 600 of exportation power the electronics lights the fire device top-grade chariot material the mix of high speed machine of accelerate 100 of time is 10 second perhaps this is good material that you need should can the game for you bring the motive
94-й смеситель? Она, наверное, разгоняется до 100 в секунду. Возможно, она не так хороша, как ваша.
- Perhaps I should slap you.
- Может быть я ударю тебя?
Perhaps, for your own sake, you should face him now.
Возможно, тебе лучше встретиться с ним сейчас же.
However, should you prefer German marks, or perhaps Swiss francs, that, of course, can be arranged.
Наличными. Долларами. Или вы предпочитаете немецкие марки.
My dear boy, the news that you have finally lost your virginity, or perhaps I should say, mislaid it.
- Дорогой, говорят, что вы наконец-то потеряли девственность. Или, вероятно я должен сказать, заложили.
Perhaps we should wait for you here... to guard the escape.
Может, нам стоит подождать тебя здесь? Хорошо.
perhaps you 18
perhaps you're right 90
you shouldn't smoke 23
you shouldn't have done that 152
you shouldn't 299
you should come 233
you should see a doctor 24
you should know better 74
you shouldn't have 355
you shouldn't have bothered 22
perhaps you're right 90
you shouldn't smoke 23
you shouldn't have done that 152
you shouldn't 299
you should come 233
you should see a doctor 24
you should know better 74
you shouldn't have 355
you shouldn't have bothered 22
you shouldn't have said that 26
you shouldn't say that 24
you should be ashamed of yourself 149
you should know 399
you shouldn't be in here 36
you should try it 151
you shouldn't be here 384
you shouldn't have come here 76
you should 1132
you should have told me 157
you shouldn't say that 24
you should be ashamed of yourself 149
you should know 399
you shouldn't be in here 36
you should try it 151
you shouldn't be here 384
you shouldn't have come here 76
you should 1132
you should have told me 157