You wouldn't be interested tradutor Russo
64 parallel translation
You wouldn't be interested.
¬ р € д ли тебе будет интересно.
- You wouldn't be interested in one of them, would ya?
- Да. - Тебя это совсем не интересует?
Oh, but I guess you wouldn't be interested.
Но тебе, похоже, не интересно. Пока, Дамбо.
You wouldn't be interested.
Давайте, давайте.
I wouldn't have thought you'd be so interested in pigeons.
Неужели тебя интересуют голуби?
You wouldn't maybe be interested in some onion soup?
Как смотришь на то, что бы прогуляться с одним и попробовать луковый суп?
which way you end up, we're interested, and now tell me something else you wouldn't by any chance be a dirty government agent would you?
Понятно. И куда направляешься? Хорошо, хорошо, а потом?
You wouldn't be interested in drawing lots?
То есть спички тянуть не будем?
Phyllis, look, about the job, you wouldn't be interested in it.
Интересно, вы что-нибудь спрятали в коричневых мокасинах? Это была шутка.
I wouldn't imagine you'd be interested in heads.
Никогда бы не подумал, что ты заинтересуешься головами.
And if I were you, I wouldn't be interested in boots during the hours.
А на Вашем месте интересовалась бы сапогами не во время работы, а после нее.
You wouldn't be interested in permanent employment, would you, Doctor?
Вам не нужна постоянная работа, Доктор?
Wouldn't be interested in a business proposition, would you?
Вас не заинтересовало бы деловое предложение?
Are you saying that you - - you just wouldn't be interested in being a movie star?
Хотите сказать, что вас не интересует карьера кинозвезды?
You wouldn't be interested. Try me.
- Тебе будет неинтересно.
You wouldn't be interested in a vicarage, would you?
Вас, наверное, интересует место викария?
- Ah, you wouldn't be interested.
Тебе вряд ли будет интересно.
Then you wouldn't be interested in going home?
Значит, тебя не заинтересует возвращение домой?
I assumed that since those at risk were members of the Corps you wouldn't be interested in helping.
Я предполагал, что если опасности будут подвергнуты члены Пси-Корпуса.. ... вы не будете заинтересованы в помощи.
Wouldn't you be interested in being a model?
Может Вам интересно будет стать моделью?
If you weren't Jewish, you wouldn't be interested.
Если бы вы не были евреем, то и не посмотрели бы в мою сторону.
I don't mean to push it, but I was wondering... If you're not doing anything, I kind of have these tickets, but they're for a Warriors game. You probably wouldn't be interested.
Не хочу навязываться, но.... если у тебя нет других планов, у меня есть пара билетов на футбол, играют "Warriors".
Come on. Wouldn't you rather be with a guy who'd kind and giving... and not that interested in sex... than an unstable, oversexed prick who only wants to get laid?
Неужели тебе хуже с нежным, добрым мужчиной, которому не нужен секс... чем с сексуальным маньяком, который только о нем и думает?
You wouldn't be interested.
Вряд ли вас это заинтересует.
You wouldn't be interested in gettin'together later, would ya? I thought you were meeting with Black Sheep.
Не хочешь побыть со мной?
I wouldn't be interested in you if you were the last man on Earth.
Я не заинтересовалась тобой, даже если бы ты был последним мужчиной на Земле.
You wouldn't be interested, would you?
Вы заинтересованы?
We thought you wouldn't be interested.
Но подумали, тебе будет не интересно.
I heard you were having a party tonight. You wouldn't be interested, Wendy.
Я слышала, ты устраиваешь вечеринку сегодня вечером!
Oh, you wouldn't be interested in that.
Это вам вряд ли интересно.
I bet. Hey, you wouldn't be interested in taking his job, would ya?
Эй, а может ты заинтересован в этой работе, а?
Hey, with two buns in the oven, you wouldn't happen to be interested in a dinette set, would you?
По-хемингуэйски кратко и просто. С двумя булочками в духовке, ты бы не заинтересовался столовым гарнитуром, а?
You wouldn't be interested, would you?
Вы бы не хотели такого?
So, you wouldn't be interested in managing the gym, then?
Вас заинтересовала бы работа в спортзале?
No, no, no. Because you know you could have me, which makes you not interested, and that means I wouldn't be interested in you even if I were.
Потому что ты знаешь, что можешь получить меня, и поэтому я тебе неинтересна, а значит, ты не был бы мне интересен, даже если бы ты был интересен.
Look, I was afraid after he saw your picture and thought I looked liked you - he wouldn't be interested in me.
После того, как он увидел твоё фото и считает я похож на тебя, он не станет интересоваться мной.
Or you wouldn't be interested.
- иначе тебе не было бы интересно.
You wouldn't really be interested.
Тебе не понравится.
- You wouldn't be interested.
- Тебя не заинтересует.
He wouldn't be interested in any of you.
Он вряд ли бы кем-то из вас заинтересовался.
No, no, you wouldn't be interested.
Нет, нет, тебе не будет интересно.
Well, you wouldn't be interested.
Ну, тебе вряд ли будет интересно.
I mean, I thought if I brought you, then I wouldn't have to hear about the perfect guy that they have in mind for me and how terrible it is that I'm alone and that they'd be so interested in talking to you,
Я имею в виду, я думала, что если приведу тебя, тогда мне не придётся слушать об очередном идеальном парне, которого они мне присмотрели, и как это ужасно, что я одинока, и они будут так заняты беседой с тобой,
You wouldn't be interested.
Тебе это вряд ли интересно.
I know that you're not Ricky's wife but I take it that you're interested in him, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here drinking coffee all night and trying to get chummy with me.
Я знаю, что ты не жена Рикки, но я думаю, что ты заинтересована в нем, иначе ты бы не сидела тут всю ночь попивая кофе пытаясь разговорить меня.
What, you wouldn't be interested in it, would you?
Ты же все равно не собираешься его покупать.
We just assumed you wouldn't be interested.
Мы просто предположили, что тебе будет неинтересно.
Yeah, and lots of other chick stuff you guys wouldn't be interested in.
Да, и помимо этого цыпленка вам не будет ничего интересно.
You wouldn't know anybody who'd be interested in that position, would you?
Никого не знаешь, кого может это заинтересовать?
You wouldn't know anybody who'd be interested in that position, would you?
Часом не знаешь того, кого может это заинтересовать?
You wouldn't be interested in anything I'm a part of.
Ты не заинтересуешься ничем из того, в чем я занят.
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't have 36
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
you will be 199
you well 16
you want some tea 39
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
you will be 199
you well 16
you want some tea 39
you will be dead 18
you want me to come 17
you won't be alone 42
you will regret it 32
you want to see me 30
you were right 3267
you will see 125
you want to talk to me 36
you will die 193
you want something 175
you want me to come 17
you won't be alone 42
you will regret it 32
you want to see me 30
you were right 3267
you will see 125
you want to talk to me 36
you will die 193
you want something 175