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Gordum tradutor Inglês

153 parallel translation
- Onu bugun en son siz gordum demistiniz?
So, you're the last one who see her sometimes this morning?
Saniyorum cok kotu bir kabus gordum.
I guess... I had a nightmare.
Birinin odaya girdigini gordum... cok korkunctu.
I dreamed a stranger, come into my room.
Oh, Kotu bir ruya gordum.
Oh, I had a dream.
Seni gordum.
I got ya.
Seni iyi gordum.
I got ya good.
militan oduncu... onlari gordum iste, bunlardan birini almani istiyorum.
Militant lumberjacks... I see them all the time. Here, I want you to take one of these.
birsey gordum.
I see something.
Onlari uc hafta sonra, yeraltinda gordum.
I saw them three weeks later, in the underground.
- Bugun babami gordum.
I saw my dad today.
S.T.A.R. laboratuvari patladiktan sonra Martin Stein'i gordum.
I saw Martin Stein the night S.T.A.R. Labs went boom.
otoparkta senin arabani gordum.
I spotted your car in the parking lot.
Lamar, az once Mitch'i Mud lsland Muzesinde gordum.
Lamar, I just saw Mitch at Mud Island Museum.
Seni televizyonda gordum profosyonel lige transfer olacakmissin.
- Daddy? I've seen you on the ESPN when they was talkin'about you being drafted by the NFL.
Gozlerimle gordum... hayvanat bahcesindeki zaferi.
My eyes have seen the glory... of the trampling at the zoo.
Aksam Seth'le cikarken evin... etrafinda dolanan bir araba gordum.
Listen. I saw a car cruising by the house last night... when I pulled out of there with Seth.
Onlari gordum, tipki kunduzlara benziyorlar.
I saw them. They looked like beavers.
I've seen them grow up in front of my eyes, almost like they were my own kids.
onu kulubelerde gordum.
So I was thinking mate, I saw him in the dunny...
Televizyonda Bojangles'te bir tipin olduruldugunu gordum.
I just saw on the TV a man was shot at Bojangles.
Adam olduruldugunde yuzunde bir yildirim gordum. sari bir isik.
What I seen when the man got shot was like... a flash from the side of his face like... yellow colours.
Uzun donunu cikarirken gordum seni.
I saw you were gettin'out your drawers.
Biliyorum, cunku ordaydim, gordum.
I know because I've been there.
su an serbest dolasan suphelileri gordum. Ve garanti ederim bu adamlarin yedek plani var.
I have come in contact with suspects still at large and I guarantee you they have a contingency plan.
Telefonu tutarken gordum.
I'm sure I saw him holding the phone.
Ilk kismi cevirirken cok korktum... ve bir hayalet bile gordum!
I got so scared when I translated the first one... and I even saw a ghost!
Cantayla konasan bi robot gordum ve dogal olarak sandimki...
I saw a robot running with the purse and naturally, I-I assumed...
Evet reklamlarinizda gordum.
Ya, I know, I've seen your commercials.
Hayir bu imkansiz senin programini gordum.
No, it's impossible. I've seen your programming.
Chewbacca'yi bahceden gecerken gordum.
I saw Chewbacca walking through the courtyard.
Alex uyuya kaldiginda, kocasinin bir kadini optugunu gordum.
Well, when she fell asleep, I saw him kissing another woman.
Bak, sanirim dun gece, gormemem gereken bir seyi gordum.
Okay, look, I saw something last night that I don't think I was supposed to see.
Dun gece bir kadini optugunu gordum.
I saw you kissing that woman last night.
Evet, gordum.
Ruyamda bile tasidigim kirisleri gordum.
I even dream about the girders I move.
Eger oyleyse daha once gorduklerime hiç benzemiyor ve ben bir çok sey gordum.
If it is, it's not like anything i ever saw, And i've seen plenty.
merhaba teyzeni gordum bugun anne nasira ile tanistirayim.bizim okulumuzda ogretmen.
Hello! I saw her aunt. Mom, I submit Nasira, who teaches at my school.
cok hos gozukuyordu ve sana baktigini gordum.
It seemed very kind, I saw him looking at you.
zaten onun bir arkadasi var sanirim gecen hafta kafede bir kizla gordum onu uzgunum
No, and furthermore, I that is dating. I saw him in a cafe with a woman last week. Sorry.
Gecen hafta Montreal'le ilgili bir ruya gordum.
You know, I had a dream about Montreal last week?
- Bugun Katherine'i gordum.
I saw Katherine today. - Where?
- Gordum.
I've seen it.
I Saw Jesus Die
Dondurulmus gidalarin oldugu yerde kanli ve tamamen parcalanmis bir halde gördum..
I saw him in frozen foods all cut and bloody.
Kiz arkadişini gördum.
I saw your girlfriend back there.
John'dan cok daha sert adamlarin dugunde agladigini gordum.
Az önce tuvalette Tony Curtis'i gördum.
I just saw Tony Curtis in the men's room.
- Evet, gördum. Ne garip, degil mi?
Strange, isn't it?
Ben ilk defa onda bu ifadeyi gördum.
I saw such an expression in her for the first time.

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