Yüzbasï tradutor Inglês
82 parallel translation
Yüzbasï Komutan Rogers, arastïrmanïn basï Tegmen Lee, ögrenci uçus hekimi.
Oh. Lieutenant Commander Rogers, in charge of research Lieutenant Lee, student flight surgeon.
Yüzbasï Komutan Blake'e ulasmaya çalïsïyorum. 6FOX4'da.
I want to contact Lieutenant Commander Blake. He's in 6FOX4.
San Diego, Yüzbasï Tegmen Blake'i arïyoruz, 6FOX4'da.
San Diego, calling Lieutenant Commander Blake in 6FOX4.
San Diego, Yüzbasï Komutan Blake'i arïyor, 6FOX4'da.
San Diego, calling Lieutenant Commander Blake in 6FOX4.
Ve iki ucus hekimini ödüllendiriyoruz. Yüzbasï Komutan Rogers ve Tegmen Lee profesyonel marifetleri en verimli çalïsmayï pilotlarïmïzdan ve uçaklarïmïzdan almayï basardï.
And so we honor two flight surgeons Lieutenant Commander Rogers and Lieutenant Lee whose professional skill has made possible the effective work of our finest pilots and best planes.
Ayrïca Yüzbasï Komutan Joseph Blake'i de anïyoruz. O basïnç elbisesi deneyinde kahramanca hayatïnï kaybetti.
We also honor the memory of Lieutenant Commander Joseph Blake who heroically sacrificed his life in first testing the pressure suit.
Dostum ve is arkadasïm Yüzbasï Komutan Blake adïna kabul ediyorum.
I accept this, sir, on behalf of my friend and coworker Lieutenant Commander Blake.
Ben Yüzbasï Knauer'ïm.
But I'm Captain Knauer.
Reis, Yüzbasï Knauer ile mahkum Crewe buradalar.
Warden, Captain Knauer's here with inmate Crewe.
Yüzbasï, Bay Crewe'ün duruma bakïp, bize çok kïymetli bilgisinden yararlanma fïrsatï vermesine ne dersin?
Captain, what do you say to Mister Crewe here looking in, giving us the benefit of his invaluable knowledge?
Pekala, seni Yüzbasï Knauer'ïn eline bïrakïyorum.
All right, I'll turn you over to the good hands of Captain Knauer.
- Yüzbasï.
- Captain.
Yüzbasï Knauer'a vurmadan önceydi.
That was before you struck Captain Knauer.
Yüzbasï, sadece takïmïmïzïn tecrübe kazanmasïnï saglamakla kalmayacaksïn, hayat hakkïnda birçok sey ögrenme fïrsatïn da olacak.
Captain, not only will you have the chance to hone our team to a fine edge, you'll also have the opportunity to learn a great deal about life.
Unger, Yüzbasï Knauer'a direkt ulasabiliyor.
Unger has a direct pipeline to Captain Knauer.
Yüzbasï Knauer ile görüsecek misiniz?
And you will talk to Captain Knauer? .
- Yüzbasï Knauer'ïn hediyesi mi?
- Compliments of Captain Knauer?
- Tesekkür ederim, yüzbasï.
- Thank you, Captain.
Yüzbasï, beni onlarïn arasïna koyarsan, o adamlardan biri beni öldürür.
Captain, if you put me back in the general population, one of those guys'll kill me.
Ama sen Yüzbasï Knauer'a bildirmedin.
But you didn't notify Captain Knauer.
- Yüzbasi Komutan Blake.
- Lieutenant Commander Blake, sir.
Geçen savaşta yüzbaşï Boy-Ed...
During the last war, I worked with Captain Boy-Ed...
Yüzbasi Loomis çok acil sizi görmek istiyor.
Captain Loomis wants to see you on the double.
Bir general, bir binbasi, bir yüzbasi, iki tegmen ve ben vardik.
There was a general, a major, two captains, two lieutenants and me.
Yüzbasi Terrill, buradaki tek yetkili federal güç.
Captain Terrill is the regular federal authority now.
Yüzbasi Terrill kana susamis piçin biridir!
Captain Terrill is a bloodthirsty son of a bitch!
Yüzbasi Terrill, bölgeyi iyice aramanizi istiyorum.
Captain Terrill, I want you to currycomb the countryside.
Yüzbasi Redlegs Terrill ve bes adam Josey Wales'e karsi mi?
Captain Redlegs Terrill and 5 men against Josey Wales?
Yüzbasi Terrill ile gideceksiniz.
You go with Captain Terrill.
Yüzbasi "Kirmizi Çizmeli" geri dönmenizi öneririm.
Captain Redlegs I advise you to turn back.
Geri dönmenizi öneriyorum, Yüzbasi.
I advise you to turn back, Captain.
Fannin Bölgesinde Baker ve Yüzbasi Lee savasti.
Cullen Baker and Captain Bob Lee been fighting over in Fannin County.
- Yüzbasi Spota.
- Captain Spota.
Tesekkürler Yüzbasi Vinh.
Thank you, Captain Vinh.
Bu Bay, Yüzbaşi Koons.
Well, this here is Captain Koons.
Öyle olmaz, yüzbasi!
BETHLEHEM : I don't think so, Captain!
Buna önem vermenizi istiyorum yüzbasi.
I want you leaning forward on this, Captain.
Belki Yüzbasi Adama'nin yaninda oturmak istersin?
Maybe you'd like to sit next to Capt. Adama?
Himm, Hayir yüzbasi.
Mm. No, Captain.
Belki Yüzbasi Russo bu görevde sizi sasirtabilir.
Maybe Captain Russo's gonna surprise some of you guys this trip.
Yüzbasi Mitsuo Fuchida, imparator onuruna geleneksel sake kadeh kaldirma için onlari bir araya toplar.
Captain Mitsuo Fucida gathers them together for the traditional sake toast to the emperor.
ben yüzbasi Kyle Fierson, Birlesik Devletler Deniz Kuvvetleri.
This is Oaptain Kyle Fierson, United States Marine Oorps.
tekrar ediyorum. Ben yüzbasi Kyle Fierson.
[sighs ] [ radio static] I repeat, this is Oaptain Kyle Fierson.
yüzbasi Fierson.
Oaptain Fierson.
- tesekkürler, yüzbasi Fierson.
- Thank you, Oaptain Fierson.
- evet, yüzbasi.
- Yes, Oaptain.
- ekibinizin kapasitesi yetersiz mi yüzbasi?
- ls your team not capable, Oaptain?
yüzbasi Kyle Fierson.
Oaptain Kyle Fierson.
- evet, senin sansina yüzbasi Fierson'i bulmayi kolaylastirabilirim.
- Yeah, lucky for you, I can make finding Oaptain Fierson easier.