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Zamanïnda tradutor Inglês

117 parallel translation
Zamanïnda çok ögrenciye baktïm, sen en kötülerdensin.
I've checked a lot of students in my time, but you're about the worst.
Senin zamanïnda cok dublörlük yaptïgïnï düsünürdüm.
I always thought you did quite a bit of stunting yourself once.
Tam zamanïnda.
All in good time.
Zamanïnda kadïnlarïn gözdesiydi.
He was quite a ladies'man in his day.
Yerinde ve zamanïnda dogru adamï elde edebilirsek, onlarï sasïrtabiliriz.
We get the right person, right place, right time, we can surprise them.
Truvalilar, zamaninda atalarinin sehirlerini yakip yikan Sparta egemenligi altindaki Yunanlilarla kötü anilar yasamislardi.
The Trojans had long memories of the time when the Greeks, led by Sparta had pillaged and burned the city of their fathers.
O zamana dek biz Contention'da oluruz. Oraya zamaninda varamazlar.
By then we'll be in Contention, and they can't get there in time anyway.
Zamaninda doenemez herhalde.
He might not be back in time.
Tam zamaninda.
Well, right on time.
Tam zamaninda.
Right on cue.
Zamaninda gitmesini bilmek gerek.
Sometimes trouble just follows a man.
Gezegeninin geçmisinde mutsuzlugun bulunmasi... onun için, onlarin simdiki zamaninda fakirligin bulunmasi kadar katlanilmaz.
The idea that unhappiness had existed in his planet's past is as unbearable to him as to them the existence of poverty in their present.
Tam zamaninda geldiniz.
A good thing you came when you did.
Elbette zamaninda ben de incindim.
Sure I've been hurt before.
Eskiden bu tenekeleri simdikinin yari zamaninda altederdim.
Used to take those tin cans out in half the time.
Tam zamaninda.
Right on time.
Solon'un zamaninda manyetikligi... -... bilen yoktu.
People of Solon's time had no concept of the physics of magnetism.
Hayir, hayir, elektrik ve tesisat isleri Mary zamaninda yerel yemekleri pisirme de Simon zamanina denk geldi
No, no, electrical and plumbing was Mar Simon was ethnic cooking
Zamaninda aya insan yolladik.
We walked on the moon once, Abby.
Annecim sence zamaninda yetisirmiyiz?
Mama, you think we'll make it on time?
Büyük Kriz zamaninda, babam, Vincenzo Cortino... yasalara uyan, Manhattanda zeytin yagi isinde yer almaya calisan bir vatandasti.
By the time of the Great Depression, my father, Vincenzo Cortino... was a law-abiding citizen struggling through the ranks of the Manhattan olive oil business.
Organ asla zamaninda gelmez.
We'd never get the organ in time.
- Zamaninda dönmezsem bensiz gidin.
- lf l'm not back in time, go without me.
Üç yıl sonra çıkmış, tam da toplanti zamaninda Ben'i görünce dayanamayip kaçirmiş.
She got out about three years after that, just in time to make it to the reunion, where she saw Ben and snatched him.
Tam zamaninda.
Come. Sit here.
Tam zamaninda geldin.
You came back just in time.
Uzgunum, durbunu zamaninda cikartamadim.
Sorry, I didn't get the binoculars out in time.
Amcam Harold, sessiz hologramlar zamaninda büyük bir yildizdi.
My Uncle Harold was a big star back in the era of silent holograms.
Yilin bu zamaninda deniz, larval hayvanlarla doludur. Bu, bir günlük bir istakoz.
At this time of year the sea is full of larval animals this one is a 1 day old lobster.
Baris zamaninda, Almanya ham madde isal ediyordu ama müttefiklerin abluka koyacaklarini biliyorlardi.
In peacetime, Germany imported raw materials but she knew that the Allies would impose a blockade.
Zamaninda orada olamamis.
He didn't get there in time.
- Gunaydin bayim.Baska bir zamaninda siparis..
- Yet another on-time delivery from...
Biraz geç yakaladim çünkü tuvalette ellerimi yikamakla mesguldum ama tam zamaninda yakaladim.
I was late because I was in the bathroom washing my hands, but I got the gist.
Bana Burrows davasi ile ne topladigini söyleyeceksin, ve bunu baska kimlere söyledigini ve ben de Bay Savrinn'i zamaninda doktora götürmen için sana izin verebilirim.
You tell me everything that you have discovered about the Burrows case, and who else you've told about it, and there's a chance that I might let you go in time to get Mr. Savrinn to a doctor.
Sanki, tanri zamaninda buraya tas yagdirmis gibi gorunuyordu.
" It seems as though at some time God had showered stones.
Evi boyama işi zamaninda yapılmalı.
The job of painting the house should be done in time
Tam zamaninda aradin ahbap.
You called just in the nick of time, buddy.
Zamaninda güç kullanarak uyguladigimiz taktigin aynisini, simdi o uyguluyor.
He uses exactly the same tactic we used against him. We weaken our allies poaching.
Onlar zamaninda gelene kadar bitmis olur.
It'll be over by the time they get here.
- Bir dahaki sefere zamaninda gelin.
- Next time, be on time. - Yes, sir.
Deneme zamaninda, Bombayde kimseye ikinci sans verilmez
In Bombay no one gets a second chance or a training period.
Ona dogru yürüdü bir tehdit sekilde. Bu korkutucu olmali, beni vurmak ve büyük bir çarsi idi. Ben zamaninda bir tiran olarak var.
The first ended in biting Holyfield - - and it almost ran out of Lewis'I just went there, I was trying to intimidate - - and he hit me and the ruckus began.
iyi bir müsterimiz var. Bize güveniyor, isimizi begeniyor. Faturalarini zamaninda ödüyor.
We have a good client who trusts us, who likes our work, who pays their bills on time.
- Tam zamaninda geldin Hammett.
Relax. - It's about time, Hammett.
Zamaninda gelemezler.
They won't be here in time.
Zamaninda ne kadar aci çektigimi bilmek bana nasil iyi gelebilir?
What good does it do me today to know how much I suffered then?
Geçen hafta gitmeden önce modeller hakkinda bir sey söyledin. Zamaninda çekilmemis bir fotografla ilgili birsey.
Before you passed out last week, you said something about models, something about a photo shoot not beginning on time.
Savas zamaninda yiyecek calmak ciddi bir suctur!
Yeah, sure! Stealing food's a serious crime in wartime!
Biz zamaninda onlara söyledik.
'We said it more than once.
Ganesh ´ in seni tam zamaninda gönderecigini biliyordum.
I knew Lord Ganesh would send you in good time.
Taliban zamaninda gizli isyeri olarak kullandigim yere.
... that in the Taliban times. ... is where I used to have a secret workshop.

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