Absolutely positive перевод на испанский
175 параллельный перевод
Taylor, are you positive, absolutely positive that you're telling me the truth?
Taylor, ¿ está totalmente seguro de que es la verdad?
And I want you to be absolutely positive
Quiero que estén totalmente seguros.
Are you absolutely positive he's the same man?
¿ Está completamente seguro de que es el mismo hombre?
- You think so? - I'm absolutely positive.
- No tengo la menor duda, pequeña.
Absolutely positive.
Absolutamente seguro.
I'm absolutely positive.
Completamente seguro.
You're absolutely positive?
¿ Está completamente segura?
Are you absolutely positive that Don Medina's dread is unwarranted?
¿ Está totalmente seguro de que el temor de Don Medina es infundado?
I'm positive, absolutely positive.
Seguro, segurísimo.
That's sad. I was absolutely positive, that when Tilling shot at me, you called out my name in a loud voice.
Es lamentable, Creía estar seguro de que cuando Tilling me disparó, Ud, dijo en voz alta mi nombre,
- Tegana, are you absolutely positive?
- Tegana, ¿ estás totalmente seguro?
You're absolutely positive? Hey!
¿ Está completamente seguro?
- I'm absolutely positive.
- Completamente.
- I'm absolutely positive.
- Estoy absolutamente seguro.
Absolutely positive.
- Segurísimo.
- You're absolutely positive?
¿ Está segura?
Are you absolutely positive?
¿ Estás decidida?
- I'm absolutely positive!
- Totalmente.
Positive, General. Absolutely positive.
Totalmente seguro.
I'm absolutely positive it's bugged.
Estoy seguro de que tiene un micrófono.
Absolutely positive.
Absolutamente positivo.
You absolutely positive you weren't... running after somebody else's automobile?
¿ Seguro que no estabas... corriendo detrás del auto de otro?
- Absolutely positive.
- No me importa en absoluto. No me importa.
Are you absolutely positive?
¿ Estás absolutamente segura?
You're absolutely positive?
¿ Estás totalmente convencido?
- Absolutely positive?
- ¿ Absolutamente positivo?
Absolutely positive with negative effect.
Absolutamente positivo, con efectos negativos.
Michael, are you absolutely positive that this Goliath was equipped with the Molecular Bonded Shell?
Michael, ¿ estás totalmente seguro... de que Goliath está equipado con el Blindaje Molecular?
All the internal tests I've taken checked out absolutely positive.
Usted dice qeu todas los chequeos le han salido positivo.
I am absolutely positive that they are both absolutely positive that they are trying to help.
Estoy convencida de que ellos están convencidos de que lo hacen por mi bien.
- You have to be absolutely positive, sir.
- Tiene que estar seguro, señor.
I am absolutely positive. Who could forget that face?
Lo estoy. ¿ Quién podría olvidar esa cara?
I'm absolutely positive.
Totalmente seguro.
Are you absolutely positive?
¿ Estás completamente seguro?
- Absolutely positive.
- Absolutamente seguro.
At the base, I seen people go into an ordinary room with an ordinary bunch of doctors, and come out absolutely positive they were probed by aliens.
En la base, he visto a gente entrar en un cuarto normal con médicos normales, y salir totalmente convencidos de haber estado con extraterrestres.
I'm absolutely positive me, my copilot and those two kids were abducted.
Estoy convencido de que mi copiloto y yo, y esos dos chicos, fuimos abducidos.
Absolutely positive you can avoid it?
¿ Estás segurísimo de que puedes evitarlo?
" The reactions were absolutely positive, even the communist ministers in the government, in the Czechoslovak government, agreed with our participation in Paris :
" Las reacciones fueron absolutamente positivas, hasta los ministros comunistas en el gobierno en el gobierno checoslovaco, estuvieron de acuerdo con nuestra participación en París :
Gloria, are you absolutely positive about the diagnosis?
¿ Estás segura del diagnóstico, Gloria?
Are you absolutely positive nothing is missing?
¿ Están completamente seguros de que no les robaron nada?
Then, when he'd finished, the Attorney General asked her again whether she was absolutely positive that the same boy that bought the fifteen and six postal order also cashed the five-shilling one.
Cuando terminó, el fiscal le preguntó otra vez si estaba segura... de que el mismo niño que compró la orden postal de 15 con 6... también cobró la de 5 chelines.
I am absolutely positive it's Mr. Klein.
- Absolutamente seguro.
I was never anything but absolutely positive about Robbie's joining our program.
Yo estaba más que de acuerdo con que Robbie se uniera a nuestro programa.
Absolutely positive.
- Completamente.
But I warn you, be absolutely sure of your suspicions, because if you accuse me without positive proof,
Pero te advierto, estar absolutamente seguro de sus sospechas, porque si me acusan, sin una prueba positiva,
If I was certain, if I was absolutely dead positive that you couldn't miss and incidentally, turn a flop into a success...
Si estuviera segura, totalmente convencida de que no podrías fallar y, al mismo tiempo, transformarías un fracaso en un éxito...
'Yes, absolutely...'positive.
Sí, totalmente... positiva.
I'm positive. Absolutely.
Absolutamente seguro.
- Absolutely positive.
Desde luego, convencido.
And you keep on doing it, until you're absolutely sure, - you're positive you're gonna get in...
Y lo sigues haciendo,... hasta estar absolutamente seguro,... seguro de que la vas a meter...
positive 629
positively 34
absolutely 7225
absolute 31
absolument 16
absolutely amazing 16
absolutely not 1984
absolutely perfect 28
absolutely anything 17
absolutely right 135
positively 34
absolutely 7225
absolute 31
absolument 16
absolutely amazing 16
absolutely not 1984
absolutely perfect 28
absolutely anything 17
absolutely right 135