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And quite frankly перевод на испанский

458 параллельный перевод
And quite frankly, it's disturbing.
Y, francamente, es perturbador.
I don't know what you're talking about, Evans, and quite frankly I don't care.
No sé lo que estás hablando, Evans, y francamente no me importa.
I've had two nervous breakdowns, three cases of the pox, an attack of German measles and quite frankly, I'm flaked.
He tenido dos crisis nerviosas, tres casos de sífilis, uno de rubéola y la verdad es que estoy exhausto.
And quite frankly, I wish I was back there now.
Y, francamente, me gustaría estar allí ahora.
And quite frankly, even if I had, I wouldn't give it to you!
Y, francamente, incluso si lo hubiera hecho, no le daría a usted!
And quite frankly the last..
Y muy francamente, los últimos...
I represent Mrs. Doyle's English lawyers. And quite frankly, we're not at all happy about the way you and your partner have been handling her affairs.
Los abogados ingleses de la Sra. Doyle y no estamos satisfechos con cómo usted y su socio manejan sus asuntos.
And quite frankly, I don't see any reason why you should live any longer!
Y para serle franco, no veo ninguna razón para que usted deba vivir más tiempo!
My whole life has changed and quite frankly, I like the way it is.
Toda mi vida ha cambiado y la verdad, me gusta como es.
Pοsitively gοssiping and quite frankly, flinging his mοney abοut Mr percival was wοrried.
Hablaba mal de todo el mundo y derrochaba su dinero. El Sr. Percival estaba muy preocupado.
And quite frankly, they weren't having a very good time at the party.
Y, la verdad, no la estaban pasando bien en la fiesta.
And quite frankly, Lieutenant, I don't honestly think that you believe that I did.
Y no creo que piense que lo hice.
I was hired to coach the team, and quite frankly
Me contrataron para entrenar al equipo.
She weighed abοut... 80 pοunds. She was yellοw with it. And quite frankly, I cοuldn't stand her pain, sο I dοn't knοw what she was dοing with it.
Pesaba cerca de 40 kilos, ya no tenía fuerzas y, para ser franca, yo no soportaba su sufrimiento, ni entendía por qué quería seguir así.
And quite frankly, I usually ducked out a little early.
Y, con franqueza, me escabullía para no verlos.
For years I have taught my course from this well-respected textbook... and quite frankly, I don't know a lick more than what's in this book.
Durante años he basado mi curso en este muy respetable libro de texto... y, siendo sincero, no conozco nada que no esté en este libro.
No, I got a girl coming over and quite frankly, you embarrass me.
No, tengo una cita con a una chica y francamente, tú me avergüenzas.
You know, I would love to make this easy for you, but unfortunately, my Uncle Fred never left me a list of his enemies. And quite frankly, right now I'm so busy trying to get my poor aunt through this whole damn thing...
Me encantaría hacer esto más fácil para usted, pero el tío Fred nunca me dio una lista de enemigos, y con franqueza ahora estoy muy ocupado tratando de que mí tía supere todo esto.
And quite frankly, I can see where he gets it from.
- Y se vé de donde la aprendió.
Exactly, and quite frankly it's beginning to get a little bit... uncomfortable.
Si le soy sincero, está empezando a resultarme un poco incómodo.
And quite frankly, for my first time out, I think I'm doing a hell of a job.
Y francamente, para ser mi primera vez, creo que lo estoy haciendo muy bien.
You told me, Madame, that we could assume the author of this little literary masterpiece was Monsieur de Limon, former servant of my brother in Provence and currently in exile. Quite frankly, I don't like his style.
Había creído, señora que podríamos atribuir la redacción de esta obra al señor De Limón, servidor de mi hermano y en la actualidad emigrado.
I developed quite a yen for those fast, open boats... and frankly, this is gonna be quite a letdown.
Desarrollé un gran cariño por esos botes abiertos, veloces... y francamente, esto será una desilusión.
So, you admit quite frankly that the explosion of the bomb was solely due to this thoughtless action of yours and yours alone?
¿ Están dispuestos a jurar que la explosión fue por vuestra culpa y solo por vuestra culpa?
And those who want to be quite frankly cannot afford it.
Y los que pretenden serlo, francamente no pueden permitírselo.
Frankly, I'll feel relieved when they come and take it off my hands.
Estaré aliviado cuando me la quite de las manos.
I must say, quite frankly, Miss Cooper, I've never understood how you could tolerate such boorishness, and have done all this time.
Francamente, Srta. Cooper... nunca he entendido cómo tolera un comportamiento tan burdo... y por tanto tiempo.
I was interviewed in San Francisco and, I said, quite frankly...
Me entrevistaron en San Francisco... y dije, francamente...
And I can state, quite frankly, that this day will not come.
Yo afirmo que ese día no llegará.
And, quite frankly, it's time that you settled down.
Francamente, ya va siendo hora de que sientes la cabeza.
We do need a pilot on this project and frankly, I considered your chances of survival quite remote.
Necesitamos un piloto... ... y pensé que sus posibilidades de sobrevivir eran remotas.
I've come to tell you everything and to deal quite frankly with you.
Vine para decírselo todo y realizar las investigaciones abiertamente.
By avoiding wood and timber derivatives and all other flammables, we have almost totally removed the risk of... Quite frankly, I think the central pillar system may need strengthening a bit.
No hemos utilizado madera, ni derivados... ni ningún material inflamable, para evitar riesgos de... SÁTIRA El sistema de columna central se tendría que reforzar un poco.
- And, quite frankly, I've adopted most of the ways...
Yfrancamente, he adoptado muchos...
Chief, you know I work at night and sleep during the day. Frankly, I find it quite depressing to spend my mornings with you.
Comisario, sabe que trabajo de noche y duermo de día, y francamente, pasar la mañana con usted es una de las cosas más deprimentes que puedan pasarme.
Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired Of people accusing us of being ratings conscious.
Estoy harto de que se nos acuse de estar pendientes del "share".
And, sir, quite frankly, some of the things that you said about... Oh! Would indicate to me that...
Y, señor, sinceramente ciertos comentarios suyos me hicieron pensar que...
Quite frankly, we really don't know much about it at all, except that it starts with a conflict or a guilt and it leads to the patient's delusions that his body has been invaded by some alien intelligence : A spirit, if you will.
Con franqueza, todo lo que sabemos es que nace de un conflicto o culpa y crea en el paciente la ilusión de que su cuerpo ha sido invadido por una inteligencia ajena a él por un espíritu.
And, quite frankly you and your friends have complicated things for us.
Y, francamente usted y sus amigos han complicado las cosas para nosotros.
With you here, there are enough surgeons to handle the load... and, frankly, I'm quite indisposed. Colonel, that is not fair.
Coronel, eso no es justo.
The way you simply answered all the questions... and said quite frankly and honestly what it's like here.
De cómo respondió a las preguntas con franqueza... y de cómo... explicó la situación actual de Alemania.
Hey, look, Warden, I done a little research on Strikersville Prison... and, uh, quite frankly the incidence of violent deaths that abound here about... suggest to me that you have severe shortcomings in your rehabilitation programme.
Hey, mira, Warden, me hace un poco la investigación sobre la prisión Strikersville... y, uh, francamente la incidencia de muertes violentas que abundan aquí sobre... sugerir a mí que usted tienen graves deficiencias en su programa de rehabilitación.
A small hotel on the Left Bank, and, quite frankly, I can't wait till we get there.
Un hotel en la orilla izquierda. Me muero de ganas de estar allí.
And, quite frankly,
Y, francamente,
I once played King Lear, and, quite frankly, that room would revive memories of rotten fruit.
...... una vez representé el Rey Lear, y francamente esa habitación me hace revivir recuerdos de fruta podrida.
And I'll tell you quite frankly, Audry, I'm worried
- Y francamente estoy preocupado. - ¿ Por qué?
Quite frankly, he needs a bath, and he won't listen to a word I say.
A continuación Mundo de Mujeres, Hombres :
They transcend party affiliations and, quite frankly, politics.
Quiero parar este juego. - Oye, puedes pararlo.
You know, I understand that, and quite frankly, I admire it,
¿ Sabe qué?
You see, we've become a society of peace-loving and understanding and we are, quite frankly, not equipped to deal with this situation.
Verá, nos hemos convertido en una sociedad de paz, amor... y comprensión y, francamente, no estamos preparados... para hacer frente a esta situación.
And here it is. Marge's husband doesn't earn much, and the family's a mess. And, quite frankly, I think she, um- -
El marido de Marge no gana mucho, su familia es un desastre y francamente, creo que ella...

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