Quite frankly перевод на испанский
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But quite frankly, even if....
Pero, para ser sincero, incluso...
I tell you quite frankly, Ms. Damien, if you won't testify we haven't got a chance.
Si no declara, estamos perdidos.
But speak to me quite frankly.
Hábleme con sinceridad.
- Quite frankly?
- ¿ Con sinceridad?
I think it is only right that I should tell you quite frankly, Mrs. Cheveley, that, had I known who you really were, I would not have invited you to my house last night.
Creo justo decirle, con entera franqueza que si yo hubiera sabido quién es usted, ayer no la habría invitado.
So, you admit quite frankly that the explosion of the bomb was solely due to this thoughtless action of yours and yours alone?
¿ Están dispuestos a jurar que la explosión fue por vuestra culpa y solo por vuestra culpa?
And those who want to be quite frankly cannot afford it.
Y los que pretenden serlo, francamente no pueden permitírselo.
It's not, quite frankly, a wholesome situation.
No es, con toda franqueza, una situación saludable.
Quite frankly, the situation is desperate.
Francamente, la situación es desesperada.
- Quite frankly, because I enjoy it.
- Francamente, porque disfruto haciéndolo.
I don't mind admitting quite frankly that I'm again'em.
Se lo diré francamente, no me gusta.
It's not disappointment, sir, but quite frankly I'm... alarmed.
No se trata de una decepción... Es que me siento profundamente alarmado.
Quite frankly- -
Quite frankly, because no one would suspect you of carrying a payroll.
Sinceramente, porque nadie sospecharía de ti.
I've already requested support, But quite frankly, my naval friends tell me there isn't much chance for it.
Ya he pedido soporte, pero mis amigos navales dicen que no es posible.
I must say, quite frankly, Miss Cooper, I've never understood how you could tolerate such boorishness, and have done all this time.
Francamente, Srta. Cooper... nunca he entendido cómo tolera un comportamiento tan burdo... y por tanto tiempo.
Quite frankly, the thought of being alone just now is intolerable, miss rogers.
No he podido dormir en cuatro noches y tan solo pensar en quedarme solo me resulta insoportable, Srta. Rogers.
I was interviewed in San Francisco and, I said, quite frankly...
Me entrevistaron en San Francisco... y dije, francamente...
- but quite frankly, I wouldn't know.
- pero francamente, no lo sabría.
His methods, quite frankly, are most severe.
Sus métodos son mucho más severos.
Miss Marple, I think it only fair to explain to you that my father himself is... Well, quite frankly, he's a bit difficult at times.
Señorita Marple, creo que es justo que le explique que mi padre es... bueno, para ser franca, es un poco difícil a veces.
And quite frankly, it's disturbing.
Y, francamente, es perturbador.
Quite frankly, my government is still waiting to see... some evidence of democratic reforms in Sarkhan.
Francamente, mi gobierno sigue esperando ver... alguna señal de reformas democráticas en Sarkhan.
Well quite frankly, she's almost a tart.
Bueno, francamente, es un poco puta.
Well, what I was worried about, quite frankly, was Robin living next door to Hogan.
La verdad, lo que me preocupaba era que Robin viviera al lado de Hogan.
Quite frankly, yes.
Francamente, sí.
Cos quite frankly, I thought she would make a much better queen than he would.
Porque con franqueza, pensé ella quedaría mucho mejor de reina que él.
And I can state, quite frankly, that this day will not come.
Yo afirmo que ese día no llegará.
Quite frankly, no.
Francamente, no.
And, quite frankly, it's time that you settled down.
Francamente, ya va siendo hora de que sientes la cabeza.
Mr Spalding, may I speak quite frankly?
¿ Puedo hablarle con franqueza?
Why don't you tell me to go quite frankly?
¿ Por qué no me dice claramente que me vaya?
- Quite frankly, I would suggest that she needs professional guidance, although I have very little to go on.
- Francamente, creo que necesita la ayuda de un profesional, aunque yo no soy quién para decirlo.
I can't tell you now, because, quite frankly, I don't know how it's going to end.
No puedo contársela ahora, porque, honestamente no sé cómo va a terminar.
Well quite frankly no, Jamie.
Bueno, francamente no, Jamie.
Clara may I ask quite frankly how you would feel about going out to dinner with me?
Clara puedo pedirle francamente ¿ quisiera Ud. salir a cenar conmigo?
I don't know what you're talking about, Evans, and quite frankly I don't care.
No sé lo que estás hablando, Evans, y francamente no me importa.
Yeah. All right, fine. I tell you, quite frankly, I look forward to the trip.
Yo lo estoy deseando.
Quite frankly, I'm rather nervous about it, too.
Si le digo la verdad, estoy algo nervioso.
Frankly sir, I think there is nobody quite like my wife.
La verdad, coronel, creo que no hay nadie como mi esposa.
I understand most pictures, my dear, but frankly these quite baffle me.
Entiendo la mayoría de pinturas, pero éstas me desconciertan.
Frankly, I'll feel relieved when they come and take it off my hands.
Estaré aliviado cuando me la quite de las manos.
Frankly, you were quite unfortunate in that trial, young men.
Francamente, en aquel juicio tuvieron muy mala suerte.
Frankly, I don't understand it, but the orders were quite specific.
No lo comprendo, pero las órdenes eran muy claras.
We do need a pilot on this project and frankly, I considered your chances of survival quite remote.
Necesitamos un piloto... ... y pensé que sus posibilidades de sobrevivir eran remotas.
Frankly, I'm quite surprised.
Estoy muy sorprendido.
No, I can't see, quite frankly!
No, no lo veo, francamente!
Frankly, we have had some very reliable intelligence reports that quite a serious epidemic has broken out at Clavius.
Contamos con informes de inteligencia muy fiables que afirman que en Clavius ha estallado una epidemia muy seria.
Frankly, his frankness impressed us quite a lot. "
Francamente, su sinceridad nos ha impresionado bastante.
Frankly, sir, you look quite off colour.
Francamente, señor, se le ve pálido, falto de color.
Frankly, I'm quite looking forward to the new year.
Estoy deseando que llegue el nuevo año.
frankly 1804
franklyn 24
frankly speaking 30
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
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quite a few 36
franklyn 24
frankly speaking 30
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
quite a bit 64
quite nice 19
quite good 34
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite a while 18
quite a bit 64
quite nice 19
quite good 34
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite a while 18