And then i did перевод на испанский
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And then I did a double on this nine-footer, and was, like, totally in challenge mode.
y entonces hice una doble en este nueve pies y quedó totalmente derrotada.
And then I did the right thing.
Y luego hice lo correcto.
Y entonces hice una investigación más exhaustiva.
I asked a question and then I did my job
Le hice una pregunta y luego hice mi trabajo.
And then I did what I always do when I'm in trouble.
Luego hice lo que siempre hago cuando tengo problemas.
And then I'll do to her what she did to you.
Haré con ella lo que ella ha hecho contigo
Zooey went to the Pasadena flea market with her friends last weekend and I did it then.
Zooey fue al mercadito de Pasadena con sus amigas el fin de semana, y entonces lo hice.
Maybe he did something to Ally. And then, I suppose, got Madge to tell this story about an angel.
Tal vez le hizo algo a Ally, y entonces, supongo, le dijo a Madge que contara esa historia del ángel.
And then I met Matt, and we did stuff.
Después, me reuní con Matt, y jugueteamos un rato.
But then the Seeker came after you and, unfortunately, he found you before I did.
Pero luego el Buscador te siguió. Y, desafortunadamente, te encontró antes que yo.
Nevertheless, you did want us to celebrate, you asked if I would stick with you if you were pregnant and then you imagined how we might run away and get married.
Sin embargo, querías que celebráramos preguntaste si seguiría contigo si estuvieras embarazada y luego imaginaste cómo podríamos escapar y casarnos.
When she came out of it, somehow she did, she said she had this rush of feeling... and that she wanted to be close to me, but by then my dad and I were just inseparable...
Cuando ella superó todo aquello... de alguna forma lo consiguió... dijo que tuvo una ráfaga de sentimientos, y que quería estar cerca de mi, pero para entonces, mi papá y yo ya éramos... inseparables.
I fought against it, and then finally I did, and it was too late.
La combatí como pude y cuando finalmente logré vencerla era demasiado tarde.
I did it anyway and... Then I told him.
Lo hice de todos modos y luego se lo dije.
It was sick. She falls for somebody that I like, And then makes it seem like I did something wrong.
Era una enferma, se enamoró de alguien que me gustaba, y luego hizo parecer que yo estaba haciendo algo malo.
- You made me betray her... and then you killed her. - I know you did.
- Sé que lo hiciste.
And then when he did... I've never been so scared.
Y cuando paró... nunca he estado tan asustada.
And then yesterday, she did it to me while I was sitting on my couch.
Y ayer lo hizo conmigo cuando estaba sentada en mi sillón.
And then when it did, I decided to leave it between you and Sock to remain neutral.
Y cuando lo hizo, decidí dejarlo entre tú y Sock para permanecer neutral.
My parents did whatever they did long ago, And then had sex and had me, and now people care what i wear And where i go.
Mis padres hicieron lo que hicieron hace mucho tiempo, se acostaron y me tuvieron a mi, y ahora a la gente le importa lo llevo y adonde voy.
So I thought I wanted to be the account guys because they were important, if wanted to be an advertiser, you had to be accountable and wear a suit, tie, one of those funny hats, things like That is what people did then
Así que pensé que quería ser el de cuentas porque eran los tíos importantes, si querías ser un publicista, tenías que ser de cuentas y llevar traje, corbata, uno de esos divertidos sombreros, cosas así que es lo que la gente hacía entonces
And in the beginning I did, but then it stopped feeling good!
Y al principio me gusto, pero entonces dejo de gustarme!
And all I have to do is figure out how he did it, and then I can get out of my deal, too.
Todo lo que tengo que hacer es averiguar como lo hizo, y así podré librarme de mi trato también.
Then you wrote my name down last night and you didn't save me like I asked you to and they did.
Entonces escribiste mi nombre anoche y no me salvaste... como te lo pedí y ellos sí.
And then she fell asleep on my boob and I was dozing off, and I was finally, finally sleeping. And then the refrigerator did that :
Ella se durmió en mi pecho, yo empezaba a dormitar y finalmente estaba durmiendo.
Oh, and I, uh, didn't know whether you wanted your copies single-sided or double, so I did both, and then I thought,
Y no sabía si querías tus copias en una cara o en dos, así que hice ambas, y luego pensé,
Then I did a little research and I learned that my concerns were, yeah, unfounded if you get my meaning.
Entonces hice un poco de investigacion y descubri que mis preocupaciones eran, si, infundadas si sabes a lo que me refiero.
I mean I think as someone in your profession, you could probably understand that if we did this interview and no one saw it, then, poof, it doesn't matter.
Digo, creo que alguien solo en su profesion podria entenderlo es como si hicieramos esta entrevista y nadie la viera, entonces, poof, no importaria.
And then... Oh, my God... What if I did it again?
Y después-- - Oh, Dios mío... ¿ Y si lo hiciera de nuevo?
I thought you did before, you know, and then...
Pero creí que habías terminado, y...
And then once I did that,
Y una vez que lo hice,
Look, the reason why did that is because I knew that Katie Atkins was gonna be there and I was insecure and I didn't want her to think that I was this big loser and then you just got caught up in the middle of it.
Escucha, hice eso porque sabía que Katie Atkins estaría, estaba vulnerable, no quería que me tomara por una perdedora, y tú te has visto en medio de todo esto.
Why did you take off without telling me and then not answer your cellphone when i called?
¿ Por que saliste sin decirme y despues no contestas tu celular cuando te llamo?
wrote my initials with the crowbar and then i drove off into the dark i bust the windows out your car hey, you should feel lucky that that's all i did after five whole years of this bull- - shh!
* Destrocé la ventanilla de tu coche * * sabes que lo hice para dejar mi marca * * escribi mis iniciales con un rotulador * * y después conduje hacia la oscuridad * * Destrocé la ventanilla de tu coche * * hey, deberías sentirte afortunado de que eso sea todo lo que hiciese *
I mean, we were in the living room, I was consoling him, I went to give him a little hug, and then he... kind of did this thing with his head...
Estubamos en el cuarto de estar, estaba consolándolo, le he dado un abrazo amigable, y luego...
But it was just those two times I smoked, and I only did it then cos I would have got a kicking if I didn't.
Muy bien. Pero fue sólo dos veces que fumé, y despues lo hice, porque me dabas una patada si no lo hacía.
An honest man has to be consistent with his actions. I did not raise you to kill that man, and then run away like a coward. I am ashamed of you!
Un hombre honrado tiene que ser consecuente con sus actos, yo no te críe para que mataras a ese señor, y luego huyeras como un cobarde, me avergüenzo de ti!
And then when it actually did blow, the thought of them thinking that I thought what they were doing was okay was more than I could bear and I told'em what I thought.
Y cuando de verdad fue un asco, no podía soportar la idea... de que pensaran que yo creía que lo que hacían era bueno, y les dije lo que creía.
then try to find even if some tracks and that's what I did in these last 45 years
entonces intente encontrar aunque sea algunas pistas y es lo que hice en estos últimos 45 años
But then Hank had a little premature mid-life crisis, and... You know. I guess I did what any good brother would do.
Pero después Hank han tenido una prematura crisis de mediana edad, y, ya sabes, he hecho lo que un buen hermano debe hacer, me he sacrificado por mi familia
* We took the test * * and we came out clean * * and you got drunk * * and I got mean * * Then I gave up * * and you did, too *
Es bueno saber que el estereotipo no es cierto. * hemos tomado la prueba * * y salimos limpios * * y tu te emborrachaste * * and i got mean * * entonces me di por vencido * * y tu también lo hiciste *
I mean, I would send customers to him, then he did the deals and made the sales.
Quiero decir que yo le mandaba los clientes y él les vendía.
And I don't think the company did anything wrong, so if that makes me gay, then I'm gay.
No creo que la empresa hiciera mal. Si eso me hace ser gay, pues eso soy.
You didn't want him to start either and then I had to nag and nag you and then you did.
Nunca quería ponerlo como titular y tuve que fastidiarlo hasta que lo hizo.
But... You're the one who fought as hard as you did to get where you are now and you're the one who never gave up on yourself so if you wanna make this whole thing go away, then you do that and I won't speak of it again.
Pero eres tú el que siempre ha luchado para estar donde estás y eres tú el que nunca se da por vencido así que si deseas que esto termine ya, entonces hazlo y no volveré a hablar de ello.
And if I did this with women, then I was a sexist.
Y si lo hice con las mujeres, entonces yo era un machista.
At first I didn't have the time, and then by the time I did... I was in another relationship.
Al principio no tenía tiempo... y luego, para cuando tuve tiempo... estaba en otra relación.
Did I ever tell you that before Christmas, I used to unwrap all my presents and then re-wrap them while my parents were still sleeping?
¿ Te conté que antes de Navidad, acostumbraba abrir todos los regalos y entonces los volvía a envolver mientras mis padres aún dormían?
I thought maybe if I came up with a solution to nemesis, then Henry would write me a recommendation letter like he did for you, and then we could go together.
Pense que si encontraba una solucion para nemesis entonces Henry podria escribirme una carta de recomendacion igual que hizo para ti, y asi podriamos ir juntos
You know, when I was your eta'I had a friend, e... We did many things together... a lot of things, we were always together, and then... our paths are separate.
Saben, cuando tenia tu edad tuve un amigo, y... hemos hecho juntos muchas cosas... un montón de cosas, siempre fuimos juntos, y luego... nuestras vidas se han separado.
And so, I did, I went to see her the next day to give her money, and then she started screaming at me, and...
Y al día siguiente fui a verla para darle dinero y ella empezó a gritarme y...
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i said 46
and then there's me 17
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then later 35
and then this morning 31
and then it hit me 47
and then one day 206
and then there's me 17
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then later 35
and then this morning 31
and then it hit me 47
and then one day 206