And then it's over перевод на испанский
593 параллельный перевод
You'll have time to think things over, and then you will probably avoid an escapade that's not worth it.
Tendrá tiempo para pensar las cosas con tranquilidad, y entonces es probable que rehuya una aventura que no vale la pena.
Let's go take a drink... and then we can talk it over.
Bebamos un trago... y podemos discutirlo.
All it needs is a minute of courage, and then it's all over.
Te haría falta ser valiente durante un minuto y después se acabaría todo.
Everything seems fine, and then suddenly, it's like a chill comes over me and I've had enough.
A veces la vida es bella, todo va bien y de repente... Me invade una tristeza y... Entonces me aburro.
You persuade me to stay in this deserted mill until dark. And then you return and ride me over to Tom's Hat before it closes.
Quiere que me quede aquí hasta que oscurezca... y volverá para llevarme allí antes de que cierren.
First it's $ 5, now it's $ 190. Next it will be the food we eat and then the roof over our heads.
¡ Primero 5 dólares, ahora 190, acabará por quitarnos el pan de la boca!
Let's have some tea and then talk it over.
Tomemos el té y hablemos.
It spread all over the sports pages, and then he's playing professional baseball.
Salió en toda la prensa deportiva, y ahora está jugando al béisbol como profesional.
And then, sometimes, after it's all over, he seems almost sorry.
A veces, cuando ha terminado, parece que casi se arrepiente.
Then for pity's sake, why don't you and get it over with?
Por el amor de Dios, ¿ por qué no la ves de una vez?
I was to meet Miles at BJ Folkenson's and get half of it tonight and then after I set the fire I was to get the rest of it and head over the pass and get outta here.
Estaba por encontrarme con Miles en BJ Folkenson y obtener la mitad esta noche y luego después de prender el fuego iba a conseguir el resto, dirigirme al paso y salir de aquí.
The pros will make their move and then it's over.
Los aficionados se irán enseguida, y luego revienta.
I saw him once with Barbara, and he gets up on his toes like a rooster... and he pushes you over sideways... and then he shoves your head back till you think it's gonna drop off.
Se tiene que poner de puntillas te empuja de costado y la cabeza se dobla hacia un lado.
It's very clever the way he lets those few hairs at the back grow long... and then combs it forward over the top of his head... coming down over his ears.
Él es muy listo al dejar crecer el cabello de atrás... y peinarlo hacia adelante... - cubriendo hasta las orejas.
It's like some nightmare where you're waiting and hoping for it to be over... and then all of a sudden you realize that it's just- -
Es como una pesadilla que ansías que termine... y de repente te das cuenta de que sólo es...
But I suppose it's okay for a wife to slave away all day washing plates, cooking, ironing, sweeping up.. ... scrubbing the floor, only for her tired husband to come home, eat and then roll over and fall asleep snoring all night long.
Es moral, sin embargo, estar aquí todo el día, lavar los platos, cocinar barrer, limpiar, fregar el suelo arrodillada, y por la noche ver llegar a casa al marido, muerto de cansancio,
And when it's finally over, what will you do then?
Cuando todo acabe,... ¿ qué vas a hacer?
I might find out how a guy could get over on the women's side, and then, on the day she leaves here, I'd show you how it could be done.
y entonces, y en el día que ella salga, le enseñaré cómo puede hacerse.
Let's get the war over first... and then I'll think about it.
Pongamos fin a esta guerra y luego lo pensaré.
And then one day you realize it's all over.
Hasta el día en que te das cuenta que todo acabó.
Then they cling on and it's over.
Luego se cuelgan de una, y ya está.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Y luego, lo haremos más tarde, pero casarse así parece algo rutinario, así que vamos a... ir al norte del estado, o a Jersey, o a donde... se haga eso, y lo haremos.
Tranquilízate, y entremos allí... y quizá cuando termine la exposición, podemos seguir hablando de eso.
And then I'll drop the bomb and it's over.
Y luego haré estallar una bomba que destruirá todo.
And then it's over.
Y entonces se acabó.
Then let's go there first and get it over with. Are you going with us?
Vayamos allí primero y acabemos cuanto antes.
Then a suggestion or two that will rip out all of the wiring... and then, dear girl, it's over.
Después, una o dos sugerencias que destrozarán el cableado. Y después, cariño, se habrá acabado. Todo.
Been living with killing and violence all your life, and then suddenly it's kind of like... it's kind of like the sun coming over a dark cloud and shining on you with its warm rays of beneficence.
He vivido con asesinatos y violencia toda la vida, y entonces, de repente, es algo así como es algo así como el sol pasando a través de una nube oscura y brillando en ti con sus cálidos rayos de beneficencia.
) Well, let's see... We'll start third from the left, then I'll follow it from the right, and straight over.
Bueno, pues ahora, vamos a ver, vamos a empezar por el tercero desde la izquierda y luego lo seguimos por la derecha y todo recto.
We'll bed down here at the Kern River for a day... and then up over these mountains, and it's home free to San Diego.
Vamos a acostarse aquí en el río Kern por un día... y luego a lo largo de estas montañas, y es el hogar libre de San Diego.
It's as if some ethereal wave skimming over surfaces soaked up their visible emanations to shape them and give them form and then spread them like a perfume, like an echo of themselves, like some imperceptible dust, over every surrounding surface.
Una onda aérea resbala sobre las superficies las define y moldea propagándolas como un perfume sobre los alrededores de polvo imponderable.
The listener think s it'll soon be over, but one story creates another, and then another.
El oyente cree que todo acabará en pronto, pero una historia crea otra, y después otra.
You do it once, and then it's over little by little, it's all the way down
Se hace una vez, y ya se ha acabado. Poco a poco, todo va cuesta abajo.
And when it's over tomorrow, after the Mexican is dead then I begin to think about you.
Por que él te ha visto. Pero mañana... Mañana el mexicano ya no existirá y podré ocuparme de ti.
Maybe a date or two and then it's over.
Puede que todavía un par de entrevistas y todo habrá terminado.
And then I say : "Stop it, I have fists too" and then I hit him and it's over.
Y yo : "Para, que yo también tengo puños", y le pego y se acabó.
Being over 50, with only elementary school, and doing manual labor. Preferably a woman, in a rural area. Then it's tough.
Tener más de cincuenta años, estudios primarios, realizar un trabajo manual, vivir en el campo y ser mujer, eso es tenerlo crudo.
He's only dead if it stops It's all over then and we take him down, but...
Sólo muere si se para... todo termina y le descolgamos, pero...
- ( REGISTER DINGS ) - Okay, when it's all over, we just move a resolution making all the lads come here and all of the booze will be done here, then.
Muy bien entonces, cuando todo termine... resolveremos que todos los muchachos vengan aquí... y que toda la cerveza sea disfrutada aquí.
Very simple moment, and then it's over.
Será sólo un momento y luego acabará todo.
And then you know it's over, and then you begin to watch other athletes and you begin to see when they're gonna give out. - Do you ever feel that way? - I felt that.
Y sabemos que eso terminó y empezamos a ver a los otros atletas, y empezamos a notar cuándo es que ellos se rendirán. ¿ ya sentiste eso?
L "II write poems. We run on with our loquacity... then there" s a sharp "halt!" And it " s all over with.
Tantas palabras grandilocuentes... para después escuchar un "halt" y caer con la bala en la cabeza.
We'll go check on Nurse Allen, and then we'll get over there. - How's he taking it?
Veremos como está la Srta. Allen, luego vamos allá.
If that one's there, and this one's here, then it's over there.
Si ése está allí, y éste está aquí, entonces está allí.
And then suddenly- - suddenly, for no reason at all, it's over.
Y entonces de repente... de repente, sin ninguna razón, se acabó.
The big guys yell "cease-fire", there's dancing in the streets, then they pull the switch and it starts all over again.
Los jefazos se ponen a gritar "alto el fuego", la gente se echa a la calle, luego se echan atrás y todo vuelve a empezar.
And when a man is afraid, it's time for him to bow out... and then the Ardizzones of the world can take over.
Y cuando un hombre como yo tiene miedo, es hora de que se retire.... y luego los Ardizzones del mundo tendran razón.
Now, suppose I were to borrow 1000 kroner today... and you were to fritter it away over Christmas... and then, suppose, on New Year's Eve... a tile were to fall off the roof, land on my head and kill me- -
Ahora, supongamos que yo tuviera que pedir prestado 1.000 coronas hoy... y se va a desperdiciar lejos en Navidad... y entonces, supongo, en la víspera de Año Nuevo... una baldosa se cayera de la azotea, la tierra sobre mi cabeza y me mate -
Now, suppose I were to borrow 1000 kroner today... and you were to fritter it away over Christmas... and then, suppose, on New Year's Eve... a tile were to fall off the roof, Iand on my head and kill me- -
Podemos configurar. Tengo que hablar contigo.
That's terrific. We take the risk, and then you turn it over to the insurance company.
Nos arriesgamos y usted se lo entrega a la compañía de seguros.
Then it's down that ramp, like hell into that first big loop, up this ramp, zoom over the truck, down this ramp and straight into that big figure eight.
Bajamos por esa rampa, damos toda la vuelta, subimos esta rampa, pasamos por encima del camión, bajamos la rampa, pasamos por el ocho.
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then what happened 169
and then finally 32
and then we 52
and then there's me 17
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then what happened 169
and then finally 32
and then we 52
and then there's me 17
and then you 113
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then all of a sudden 77
and then we'll talk 37
and then one day 206
and then this morning 31
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then all of a sudden 77
and then we'll talk 37
and then one day 206
and then this morning 31