And your husband перевод на испанский
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One day, when you are no longer young and sweet, when your skin slackens and your husband has lost his interest, you will realize that to be my mistress is better than being the wife of any other man.
Un día, cuando no seas más joven y dulce cuando tu piel se arrugue y tu esposo haya perdido el interés, te darás cuenta que ser mi señora... es mejor que ser la esposa de cualquier hombre.
His face was shot off by the bullets you and your husband brought into Chicago.
Su cara recibió un disparo con las balas que usted y su esposo trajeron a Chicago.
You and your husband had a nice run, right?
¿ Usted y su esposo tuvieron un buen viaje cierto?
I was told Cora and your husband were admitted. What is it?
Me dijeron que Cora y su esposo ingresaron, ¿ qué tienen?
Was everything okay between you and your husband?
- ¿ Iba todo bien entre usted y su marido?
And your husband, the police, and all the king's men will be here soon.
Y tu esposo, la policía y todos los hombres del rey pronto llegarán acá.
For the first five days, you and your husband had a wonderful time on the cruise?
En los primeros cinco días, ¿ usted y su marido pasaron unos días maravillosos en el crucero?
We wish you and your husband to be a very nice wedding.
Te deseamos a ti a y a tu madido una boda muy bonita.
Congratulations on you and your husband's new position as Chief of Staff... compliments of Commander Allenford.
Felicidades para usted y su esposo en su nuevo puesto como Jefe del Gabinete... con los respetos del Comandante Allenford.
I wish you and your husband my very best.
Le deseo a usted y a su marido lo mejor.
Well, first of all, we would be happy to have both you and your husband as participants in the study together, and I could see to it that you could experiment with different sexual positions, which is I think what you're trying to say.
Bueno, lo primero de todo, nos encantaría teneros a ambos, a ti y a tu marido, como participantes en el estudio, y podría hacerte ver que podrías experimentar con diferentes posturas sexuales, que es pienso lo que tratas de decir.
And your husband drove off the road and disappeared, right?
Y su marido cogió la carretera y desapareció, ¿ verdad?
Did you know that every time I mention your husband, you cross your arms or touch some part of your body, maybe to reassure yourself that it's yours and not his anymore?
¿ Sabía que cada vez que menciono a su esposo, Ud. cruza los brazos o toca su cuerpo, tal vez reafirmando que es suyo y de nadie más?
Oh, I will. And I'm gonna dredge the river and find your husband's body and make sure the coroner finds a clear cause of death, just in case there was foul play involved.
Y drenaré el río y encontraré el cuerpo de su marido y me aseguraré de que el juez encuentre la causa de su muerte en caso de que hayan jugado sucio.
But it didn't become a business until after your husband was murdered. And here I was, thinking you needed advice on curtains.
Y yo pensaba que Ud. necesitaba consejos sobre cortinas.
Your paper husband has discovered your identity and our principle player is being hunted by the police.
El inútil de tu marido ha descubierto tu identidad y nuestro jugador principal está siendo perseguido por la policía.
You will go to the overseer, Mr Duncan, and offer your notice, or I'll go to my husband and have you flogged off this property
Se presentará ante el director, Sr. Duncan y ofrecerá su renuncia. O se lo diré a mi marido y será desterrado de esta propiedad. - Me amas.
And what did your husband do?
¿ Y qué hizo tu marido?
And I'm so proud to be working for your husband.
Y que me enorgullece trabajar para su marido. Gracias.
First, we'd be forced to seize your bank account and all your assets until the government gets reimbursed for the insurance money you received from your not-deceased husband.
En primer lugar nos veríamos forzados para apoderarse de su cuenta de banco y de todos sus activos. hasta que el Gobierno consiga recuperar el dinero del seguro que usted recibió de su marido no fallecido.
And you started putting the towel out again after your husband's death'?
¿ Y volvió a poner la toalla luego de la muerte de su marido?
It's about your husband and your daughter.
Es por tu marido y tu hija.
Actually, I need to ask you a few questions, and then you can join your husband down at the station.
En realidad, necesito hacerle unas preguntas, y después podrá ir con su marido a la comisaría.
And one of them's your husband, if I read the leaves alright.
Y uno de ellos es su esposo, si es que leo las hebras correctamente.
Inna, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have, to hold, for richer, for poorer, sickness and health, till death due you part? - I do.
Inna, ¿ tomas a este hombre como tu legitimo esposo en la pobreza y la riqueza, hasta que la muerte los separe?
And what does your husband do?
- ¿ Y en que trabaja su marido?
And when I arrest you for trying to kill your husband, there ain't a jury in the great state of Kentucky that won't convict your ass.
Y cuando yo te arreste por intentar matar a tu marido no habrá un jurado en el gran estado de Kentucky que no quiera condenar tu culo.
Your husband and daughter took ill at the same time or staggered-like?
Su marido y su hija se enfermaron al mismo tiempo o escalonada - como?
Right now, the only thing that matters is the immediate threat- - your husband- - finding out who he is and who he works for.
En este momento, lo único que importa es la amenaza inminente : tu esposo. Descubrir quién es y para quién trabaja.
This case relates directly to your husband and why he was here.
Este caso se relaciona directamente con su marido y por qué está aquí.
And where will we find your husband?
¿ Y dónde encontraremos a su esposo?
So, your husband gives you a sweet government job and you walk right on over to the dark side.
Y estas andando directamente al lado oscuro
And out of deference to your husband and his tragic heart attack, I'm not sure that would be in the best of taste right now.
Y con respeto a su marido y a su trágico ataque al corazón, no creo que sea lo mejor en este momento.
And why should she give a hoot about your husband?
¿ Y por qué debería importarle un pimiento tu marido?
It's a celebration of your life, and you're my husband and I want to celebrate your life in a fun, young, hip, fun way.
Es la celebración de tu vida, y eres mi esposo y quiero celebrar tu vida de una manera divertida, joven y genial.
Do you, Kate, take this man, Pete, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish as long as you both... as long as Pete shall live?
Tú, Kate, ¿ tomas a este hombre, Pete, para ser tu legítimo esposo, para amarlo y respetarlo en tanto ambos... en tanto Pete viva?
Your husband works for Blackberry, and you're worried about me?
¿ Tu esposo trabaja en Blackberry, y tú estás preocupada por mi?
Vikram was there for me at a really intense time of my life and... so you picked him... over me... your husband.
Vikram estuvo allí para mí en un momento duro de mi vida y... Así que lo escogiste, por encima mío tu esposo.
I don't believe your mother would enjoy the transformation of Isobel into Lady Merton, complete with a living husband, a proper house and a solid position in the county.
No creo que tu madre disfrute de la transformación de Isobel en Lady Merton, incluyendo un esposo vivo, una buena casa y una sólida posición.
Just walk into the bank like you're a normal customer, get my money from your husband's safety-deposit box, and bring it back to me.
Solamente entra al banco como un cliente normal, saca mi dinero de la caja de seguridad de tu marido, y tráemelo de vuelta.
If there's a penny less than the $ 2 million your husband stole from me, I will call my friends and your son dies, you understand?
Si hay un solo penique menos de los dos millones de dólares que tu marido me robó, llamaré a mis amigos y tu hijo morirá, ¿ entiendes?
FBI and Illinois State Police, and they're all gonna be looking for your husband.
FBI y policía del estado de Illinois, y todos van a querer encontrar a tu marido.
Now it's up to your husband, and we will see.
Ahora depende de tu esposo, y veremos.
Woman, I find it unlawful and disagreeable that your husband should make false claims against you.
Mujer, me parece contra la ley y desagradable que tu esposo haga falsas acusaciones en tu contra.
There's enough there for your return flight and one back for your husband.
Hay suficiente para tu vuelo de regreso y uno más para tu marido.
What my husband did to you and to your family.
Lo que mi esposo les hizo a ti y a tu familia.
An officer in His Majesty's Army is dead following an altercation with your husband and with Mr. Woodhull.
Un oficial del ejército de Su Majestad ha muerto justo después de un altercado con su marido y con el señor Woodhull.
Now, your husband has been shipped off to prison and Mr. Woodhull is nowhere to be found.
Su marido ha sido enviado a prisión y no podemos encontrar al Sr. Woodhull por ningún lado.
Okay, my husband and I would just like to thank Roman and Margaux for all of your generosity Including this lavish and magnificent baby shower.
Vale, mi marido y yo solo queremos agradecerles a Roman y a Margaux tanta generosidad incluyendo esta lujosa y magnifica fiesta de bebé.
One for your kidnapping, one for Mrs. Mayer's rape and the murder of her husband, and one for the murder of the Suffolk county police officer.
Uno por tu secuestro, uno por violación a la Señora Mayer y por el asesinato de su marido, y otro por el asesinato del oficial de policía del condado de Suffolk.
Nor am I still the first lady. Well, maybe not technically, since your husband divorced you and then was immediately deposed, by me.
Técnicamente, no, desde que tu esposo se divorció de ti y yo lo destituí.
and your daughter 42
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and yours 281
and your brother 50
and your friends 28
and yourself 86
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and yours 281
and your brother 50
and your friends 28
and yourself 86
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your children 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your parents 48
and your family 44
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your hair 20
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your parents 48
and your family 44
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your hair 20
and your baby 18
and your son 52
and yours is 17
and your mom 46
your husband 448
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and your son 52
and yours is 17
and your mom 46
your husband 448
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36