And your hair перевод на испанский
2,439 параллельный перевод
And your hair dye.
Y tu tinte para el cabello.
Your eyes and your hair- -
Tus ojos y tu pelo...
- Because your face will melt off and your hair will fall out.
- Porque tu cara se derretirá y tu cabello se caerá.
The D.N.A. In your sample Matches the hair strands Kenzi got from Blake's locker And also the sample you got from the gardener's cousin.
El ADN de tu muestra coincide con el pelo de Kenzi extraido del armario de Blake y también la muestra que cogiste del primo del jardinero.
Ooh, honey, you know, you need to order that in amethyst. With your eyes and that hair?
Con tus ojos y ese cabello?
And can we please talk about your hair?
¿ Y podemos por favor hablar sobre tu pelo?
And if you do this a hundred times every night, your hair will never tangle, and it will always shine.
Y si haces esto cien veces cada noche, tu pelo nunca se enredará y siempre estará brillante. ¿ Cien veces?
It's h-a-r-e, and it means "angry, wild bunny in your butt."
Es h-a-r-e ( liebre, no hair-pelo ), y significa "conejo silvestre enojado en tu trasero"
So wet your hair and wait for me.
Así que mojaos el pelo y esperadme.
One at a time and wet your hair, not have a bath, for fuck's sake!
- ¡ De uno en uno, mojaros el pelo, nada de baños, joder!
When you've wet your hair and put conditioner in it, then I will!
Cuando tengas el pelo mojado y el acondicionador puesto, entonces iré.
This morning, you barely had any hair on your balls, and now you got a full-grown beard, huh?
Esta mañana, apenas tenía pelo en las bolas, y ahora tienes una barba crecida, ¿ eh?
"How would you like her to leisurely bathe you, " lovingly blow dry / style your hair, " and then give you a delicious nude massage
"¿ Te gustaría que te bañara" te peinara cariñosamente el cabello "y luego te diera un delicioso masaje desnudo" en su cama de agua cubierta de pieles?
Your shoulders are hunched ; you have been pulling at your hair and biting your nails.
Tus hombros están encorvados ; te estás tironeando del cabello y comiéndote las uñas.
You used to wear your hair down and curly.
Solías tener el pelo caído y rizado.
Cut your hair, and you might be able to see the clock.
Córtate el pelo y tal vez puedas ver el reloj.
Mr. All-American, with your perfect hair and your winning smile.
- ¡ Tú! Sr. Americano. Con tu pelo perfecto, y tu sonrisa ganadora...
I'm jealous of your, er... neat hair, and your... the strange staring that the ladies seem to loνe so much.
Estoy celoso de tu... cabello prolijo y tu... extraña mirada que las damas parecen amar tanto.
And why do you have icing in your hair?
¿ y por qué tienes azúcar en tu cabello?
First, we're gonna need fingerprints and hair samples from all your employees.
En primer lugar, vamos a necesitar huellas dactilares y muestras de cabello de todos sus empleados.
Currently on blood thinners to make sure you don't develop DVT, and if you'd just talk to me about your knee, I could adjust your pain meds and be out of your hair.
Toma anticoagulantes contra trombosis venosa profunda y si me habla de su rodilla, ajustaré sus analgésicos y la dejaré en paz.
What if the moon was your car And Jupiter was your hair brush?
¿ Y si la luna fuera tu coche, y Júpiter fuera tu cepillo de pelo?
Yeah, well, at least he didn't get hair plugs and ralph on my babysitter like your dad.
Si, bueno, al menos él no se injertó cabello y se revolcó con mi niñera como tu papá.
Look, i really should be going, you know. Get out of your hair and things, you know.
Mejor me voy y los dejo solos.
Lyndsey and the boys and I will be out of your hair for good.
Lyndsey, los muchachos y yo nos iremos de tu casa por siempre.
Yesterday Jayshree gave it to you and you applied it on your hair.
Ayer Jay Shree le la dio y tú te la pusiste en el pelo.
We disclosed your disease, and the universe has rewarded us, by getting Meghan out of our hair. Whoopee! Yes!
Hemos revelado su enfermedad, y el universo nos ha recompensado, consiguiendo que Meghan salga de aqui. ¡ Sí!
And I'll get out of your hair.
Y yo saldre de tus cabellos.
And he wipes himself off in your hair.
Y se seca el sudor en tu pelo,
Come down, fair mistress, and let down your hair.
Venid, justa amante, y soltad vuestro pelo.
Don't bother lying to us, Mars.We found Keeley's blood and hair in your car.
No te molestes en mentirnos, Mars. Encontramos sangre y pelos de Keeley en tu coche.
- What about the color of your hair, And the fact that your forehead never wrinkles?
¿ Qué hay de tu colo rde pelo, y del hecho que tu frente nunca se arrugue?
I'm just here to check on the decorations and then I'll be out of your hair.
Sólo vine a ver los preparativos y me iré.
Cover up your hair and stop wearing tight clothes.
Pues tápate el pelo y no te pongas ropa tan ajustada.
Yeah, surveil, and then we'll be out of your hair.
Sí, vigilar, y entonces dejaremos de molestarte.
You usually only come to see me when your hair's on fire and someone's chasing you with gasoline.
Usualmente vienes a verme cuando tu cabello está prendido fuego y alguien persiguiéndote con gasolina.
After I get this thing up and running, I am back on the road... and out of your hair for the next few years.
Después de que arregle este auto, volveré a viajar... y te dejaré en paz algunos años.
Well, pajamas under your clothes and eggs in your hair.
Vaya, la piyama debajo de la ropa y huevos en el pelo.
OK? I will rip out your hair, I'll bite your chin off, and I will stab you in the eyes with confiscated scissors.
Te arrancaré el pelo, te morderé la barbilla y te clavaré tijeras confiscadas en los ojos.
By the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out, and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.
Para cuando te haces REAL, la mayor parte de tu amado pelo lo habrás perdido, y sus ojos se caeran, y sus articulaciones estaran sueltas y en mal estado.
They got ideas of their own. And the good ones get in your hair the most.
Tienen sus propias ideas y las buenas son las que más te molestan.
Shall I call someone, see if anyone can come and do your hair?
¿ Llamo a alguien a ver si consigo alguien que venga a peinarte?
And I think you had a butterfly clip in your hair.
Y creo que había un broche de mariposa en tu cabello.
Now get dressed and comb your hair.
Ahora vístete y péinate.
You know, it's like the freedom and the wind in your hair, and the... Obviously, the image that I wanna...
La libertad, el viento en el pelo y el obviamente, la imagen que quiero...
Why don't I just fix it up for you and I will get out of your hair.
Sólo lo arreglaré un poco.
When you get to the set, you go to hair and makeup, and you learn your lines.
Al llegar al set, ve a maquillaje, y estudia tus líneas.
And get your hair back.
Y échate el cabello para atrás.
As you know, with your permission, we searched your truck, and we found a strand of hair that belonged to Christie Dillon.
Como usted sabe, con su permiso, registramos su camioneta, y encontramos una hebra de cabello que pertenecía a Christie Dillon.
With your unique hair cut... and the red skirt you always wear when you're trying to get some.
Con tu corte único de cabello... y la falda roja que siempre usas cuando quieres algo.
Give me a ACOG and I take pubic hair to your friend Brent to 500 meters.
Dame una ACOG y le quito el vello púbico a tu amigo Brent a 500 metros.
and your daughter 42
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and your friends 28
and yourself 86
and your mother 135
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and your friends 28
and yourself 86
and your mother 135
and your husband 51
and your children 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your parents 48
and your family 44
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your children 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your parents 48
and your family 44
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your baby 18
and your son 52
and your mom 46
and yours is 17
your hair looks nice 16
your hair 198
hair 308
haircut 83
hairy 66
hairs 21
and your son 52
and your mom 46
and yours is 17
your hair looks nice 16
your hair 198
hair 308
haircut 83
hairy 66
hairs 21