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Arrest him перевод на испанский

3,009 параллельный перевод
Yeah, well, if it was self-defense, why'd they arrest him?
Está bien, si fue en defensa propia, ¿ por qué tendrían que detenerle?
We can arrest him for what he did to you, but you have to testify.
Podemos arrestarle por lo que te hizo, pero tienes que testificar.
[lnspector Singh :] I'm on my way to arrest him.
Voy a arrestarlo.
[lnspector Singh :] Could you arrange it while I arrest him?
¿ Puede arreglarlo mientras le arresto?
You should arrest him.
Deberían arrestarlo a él.
You need to take him into custody. Arrest him, question him, please.
Detenlo e interrógalo, por favor.
When you arrest him, can I slap the cuffs on him?
Cuándo lo arreste, ¿ puedo golpearlo con los puños?
Arrest him!
¡ Arréstalo!
If you delivered him tied up in brown paper and string, I still couldn't arrest him.
Si me lo entregase atado con papel de embalar y una cuerda, aun así no podría arrestarle.
Please, just talk with him Please don't arrest him Not today I won't arrest him... today
, sólo quiero hablar con él por favor no lo arrestes, no hoy no lo arrestes... hoy
If he doesn't call me I will arrest him
Karen es graves si él no llama lo Arrestaremos
And then Lassie and Jules will arrest him without ever knowing that Deacon did anything illegal.
Así Lassie y Jules podrán arrestarlo sin enterarse de que Deacon hizo algo ilegal.
Budgie wanted us to arrest him.
Periquito quería que lo arrestáramos.
To preserve his street cred, you want us to arrest him if we catch him?
Por su credibilidad callejera, ¿ quieres que lo arrestemos?
We called you because we didn't want to arrest him.
Te hemos llamado porque no queríamos que le arrestaran.
Don't arrest him.
No le arrestes.
Pardon the Εmperor, or depose and arrest him, but make a decision.
Perdonar al emperador, o deponer y arrestarlo pero tome una decisión.
Next time you see him, don't arrest him
La proxima vez que lo veas, no lo arrestes.
They would supposedly arrest him, but then he'd be out again, and he would just show up at my house.
Supuestamente podrían arrestarle, pero entonces tendrían que soltarle de nuevo, y aparecería de nuevo en mi casa.
.. then arrest him.
.. que lo arresten.
Did you arrest him like a good FBI Agent?
¿ Lo arrestaste como un buen agente del FBI?
You can't arrest him for something I did it.
No puedes arrestarlo por algo que yo hice.
My... did you arrest him?
Mi... Lo arrestaron?
Can't arrest him for going to school.
No puedo detenerlo para ir a la escuela.
After you arrest him,
Después de que detuvierais a Wilson.
Are you going to arrest him? !
¡ ¿ Vais a arrestarlo?
Arrest him for what?
¿ Arrestarlo por qué?
If you do not take General O'Hara away, I will order you to arrest him for drunkenness.
Si no se lleva al General O'Hara... le ordenaré que lo arreste por embriaguez.
Should arrest him for that.
Deberíamos arrestarlo por eso.
And I say we wait for Cruz to show up, let him kill this douche bag, then we arrest him.
Y yo digo que esperemos a que aparezca Cruz, dejamos que mate a este idiota y después lo arrestamos.
Arrest him.
Lisbon, arrest him.
¡ Lisbon, arréstalo!
Speltzer would have to murder somebody again for you to arrest him.
Speltzer tendría que matar a alguien de nuevo para que tu puedas arrestarlo.
Once we get evidence from him, we should arrest him.
Cuando tengamos las pruebas, debemos arrestarlo.
You should arrest him.
Deberían arrestarlo.
We don't have enough to arrest him, you know.
No tenemos suficiente como para arrestarle, lo sabes.
Walt, look, arrest him, or at least have his license revoked.
Walt, mira, arréstale, o por lo menos quítale la licencia.
[As alien] Take me to your leader so we can arrest him.
Llévame a tu líder, para que podamos arrestarlo.
Arrest him!
¡ Arréstenlo!
Hey, arrest him, he's squatting.
Oigan, arréstenlo, intenta entrar.
And according to the law you'll have to arrest him alive.
Y de acuerdo con la ley tienes que detenerlo con vida.
To arrest him.
Que lo detenga.
I don't have any arrest records for him.
No tengo ningún registro de la detención de él.
Diane, you arrest a criminal defense attorney, then tried to leverage him for privileged information by putting him in jail.
Diane, tú arrestaste a un abogado criminal defensor, luego intentaste usar informacion privilegiada en su contra poniéndolo en prisión.
We have the best arrest record in the division, can't you cut him some slack?
Tenemos el mejor registro de arrestos de la división, ¿ No puedes darle un respiro?
Ms. Lupo, would you please place him under arrest?
Señorita Lupo, ¿ podría arrestarlo?
We know that protect him, or have him placed under house arrest.
Sabemos que para protegerlo o le han puesto bajo arresto domiciliario.
Ma'am, I understand you want to protect your grandson, but we have a warrant for his arrest, so if you want him to be safe, I need you to open this door now.
Señora, entiendo que quiera proteger a su nieto, pero tenemos una orden de arresto, así que si quiere que él esté a salvo, necesito que abra esta puerta ahora.
You crossed General O'Hara in some row over his redcaps, never mind threatening him with arrest, so now you've a black spot against your name as regards access to intelligence.
Te cruzaste con el General O'Hara por alguna disputa sobre sus policías... la que sea, amenazándolo con detenerlo... así que ahora tienes un punto negro en tu contra... en materia de acceso a Inteligencia.
Arrest and prosecute him for the crimes he has committed... in the name of the German people.
Detenerlo y juzgarlo por los crímenes que ha cometido en nombre del pueblo alemán.
But the emotional trauma he suffered sent him into cardiac arrest. - He died!
Pero el trauma emocional que sufrió lo envió a un ataque al corazón.

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