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Him or me перевод на испанский

3,061 параллельный перевод
You want to fuck him or me?
¿ Se lo quiere coger a él o a mí?
Choose, is it him or me?
# Choose, is it him or me?
- It was him or me.
- Era él o yo.
- It's a long story, but it's him or me.
- Es una larga historia, pero es él o yo.
What, him or me?
¿ Quién, él o yo?
You give him to me now or I'm gonna take him.
Si no me lo entregas ahora me lo voy a llevar.
He said if I wanted him to go with me, it would have to be on the bus or a train.
Dijo que si quería que me acompañara, tendría que ser en autobús o en tren.
Or one for me and one for him and two for his girlfriend.
Uno para mí, uno para él y dos para su novia.
I can't go back to the city with Abe, my boss, his men have been searching for me 24 / 7 so they find me, or find him.
No puedo regresar a la ciudad, Abe mi jefe,... me buscara todo el tiempo hasta encontrarme,... o a él.
So whether he loves me back, or not, as long as I'm there to raise him..
Si me quiere o no,... mientras este aquí para criarlo,
Find him quickly, and you have to call me as soon as you find him or I will get on the phone with the judge.
Búsquelo rápido y llámeme en cuanto lo encuentre o lo haré hablar con el juez.
Many people find that'never give up Him or Her romantic mentality. But I would prefer your head rams against the wall.
Todos conocen mi fama de arriesgado, pero esto solo me provoca... cojer tu cabeza y estrellarla en una maldita muralla...
You can call him or join me in the Navy.
O lo llamas, o te vienes conmigo a la Marina.
You want me to take him out or take him down? Talk to me, Goose.
¿ Quieres que lo mate o que lo tumbe?
I find it hard to express the depth of betrayal from you, my own sister, at your refusal to let me visit my son or even give him my birthday cards.
Me cuesta trabajo expresar la traición de tu parte, mi propia hermana, al no dejar que visite a mi hijo o ni entregarle mis tarjetas de cumpleaños.
I don't care whether this pup here or not, I would beat him with the stick, I won't never forgive you.
No me importa si este cachorro de aquí o no, me golpearon él con el palo, yo no nunca le perdonaría.
He might have said or done something that could lead me to him.
Él podria haber dicho : o hecho algo que me podria llevar a el.
Is it for me or for him?
¿ Era por mi o por él?
It was me or him.
Era yo o él.
To kill him or get paid.
Para matarlo o que me paguen.
Get his contact, take him off the street, or feed him to me.
Encuentra a su contacto y sácalo de las calles o dámelo a mí.
Him, me or her?
¿ Él, yo, o ella?
Or else he'll expect me to organize a posse to come after him.
Entonces esperará que organice una patrulla para ir detrás de él.
Now, which one of us do you want to talk to, me or him?
Ahora, ¿ quién de nosotros quieres que hable, él o yo?
Which one of us shot you, me or him?
¿ Quién de nosotros te ha disparado, él o yo?
Or you to join him, leaving me woefully unattended.
O tú te unirás a él, dejándome tristemente sola.
I'm giving you the chance to save him, or you can point the gun at me, but you'll only get one chance, and if there's no bullet... well... it's all over for you.
Te estoy dando la oportunidad de salvarlo, o puedes apuntar el arma hacia mí, pero usted sólo tiene una oportunidad, y si no hay ninguna bala... bueno... que todo ha terminado para ti.
Kill your dad, or I could die with him.
Me dio una opción : matar a tu papá o podía morir con él.
I don't care how long it takes or how much it costs, I want him found.
No me importa cuanto se tome o cuanto cueste, quiero que lo encuentren.
Whether you killed him or not, has nothing to do with me!
Que lo mataras o no, no tiene nada que ver conmigo.
I never thought about killing General Xin or I would not have kept him prisoner for six years.
Nunca pensé en matar general Xin o no me lo han mantenido prisionero durante seis años.
When I meet young people, I calculate if they'd be younger or older than him.
Cuando conozco gente joven, me pongo a calcular... si serían myores o menores que él.
Yes, just like that, or when you stole my husband and decided to have a baby with him behind my back.
Sí, como eso, o cuando me robaste a mi marido y decidiste tener un bebé con él a mis espaldas.
She was allergic and asked me to get rid of him, it up for adoption Io, Io or sold to a Chinese restaurant.
Ella era alérgica y me pidió que me deshiciera de él, que Io diera en adopción, o Io vendiera a un restaurante chino.
, Let him imagined the same thing that you would do with me, or separate yourself.
, hazle Io mismo que imaginabas que ibas a hacer conmigo, o sepárate.
Let me just say this, any student caught bullying him or causing him any emotional or physical distress will be severely disciplined by the school and possibly outside law enforcement.
Déjenme decirles esto, cualquier alumno que lo acose o que le cause alguna angustia emocional o psicológica, será severamente disciplinado por la escuela y posiblemente fuera de la ley.
I will not have some reckless teacher or insinuating social worker take him from me.
No dejaré que una profesora paleta un trabajador social insinuante lo aparten de mí.
Me or him?
¿ A mi o a él?
I took two or three other agents with me to go pick him up.
Llevé dos o tres agentes conmigo para recogerlo.
If anyone besides me or my son show up here, shoot him dead.
Si alguien además de mí o mi hijo se presenta aquí, mátenlo.
Do you want me to go check on him or am I fired?
¿ Quieres que vaya a verlo o estoy despedida?
But that doesn't make it okay... For me or for him.
Pero eso no lo hace mejor... para mi o para él.
But you haven't found him, or you wouldn't have called me.
Aunque claro que no lo ha encontrado. Es por eso que me llamó.
Evil me, or whatever you want to call him, he's not going to make an appearance.
El mal en mí, o como quieras llamarlo, no va a hacer acto de presencia.
Let him go or I'll kill myself.
Déjalo ir o me mataré.
Who's the dad, me or him?
¿ Quién es el padre, él o yo?
No, all I'm saying is that I-I just... I haven't connected with him the way that I have with the likes of Barbra or either of the Stephens.
No, todo lo que digo es que no - no me pude conectar con él de la misma manera que lo hago con Barbra o cualquiera de los Stephens.
And every time I've insulted Will or tried to stop him in his crusade to ruin pop culture by wiping his woolly behind with the American songbook, he's always risen up and met me with kindness.
Y cada vez que he insultado a Will o he intentado pararlo en su cruzada de arruinar la cultura pop limpiando su lanoso con el Libro de canciones de América detrás, se levanta y me trata con amabilidad.
Is this about me or him?
¿ Haces esto por mí o por él?
Because when I bring him in, or bring in what's left of him, that'll settle all my debts, give me a little money to...
Porque cuando lo traiga o traiga lo que quede de él, quedarán selladas todas mis deudas.
You talking to me or to him?
¿ Estás hablando conmigo? ¿ o a él?

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