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As of last night перевод на испанский

279 параллельный перевод
As of last night, I'm in charge here, and if I have to prove it, I will.
Desde anoche mando yo. Lo demostraré, si es necesario.
"reported missing as of last night. " We would appreciate your cooperation regarding his whereabouts. "
Agradeceríamos su colaboración para descubrir su paradero.
As of last night, none.
Hasta anoche, ninguno.
But of all the women you've ever known, none was so glad to see you in a bedroom as I was last night.
Pero no imaginas lo feliz... que me sentí al verte allí.
Mr. President, this bank robbery business has got to stop. Last night $ 50.000 was taken from a Madison Bank. As examiner of the national banks
Como inspector de los bancos nacionales, les doy mi solemne palabra de que los hombres de negocios, incluidos los banqueros,... están perdiendo la fe en una administración que permite que tales delitos sigan impunes.
It has been brought to my attention that last night a special meeting of the Council took place, in which, as my advisor Mister Oppenheimer informs me, it was suggested that I'd be arrested.
Ha sido traído a mi atención que anoche tomó lugar una reunión especial del Concejo, en la cual, como me informa mi consejero el Señor Oppenheimer, se sugirió que yo fuera arrestado.
As a matter of fact, I never saw him before last night.
En realidad, nunca lo vi antes de anoche.
the agreement Was signed last night..... and theAnglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic..... of the desire of our two peoples never to go to War With one another again.
Nosotros respetamos el acuerdo asignado la noche pasada... y el Acuerdo Naval Anglo Germánico como un símbolo del deseo... de nuestros pueblos de no ir a la guerra uno contra el otro nuevamente.
You spoke of other girls who had the same experience as I had last night.
Habló de otras mujeres que pasaron lo que pasé yo anoche.
As a matter of fact, sir, i'm afraid They didn't exactly sleep so well last night. Really?
Por así decirlo, me temo que no durmieron bien anoche.
Speaking as kind of a partner now... I'd like to know a little more about what happened at my place last night.
Como ya somos algo así como socios, quisiera saber qué pasó en mi bar.
As a matter of fact you were with him last night.
- ¿ No vio al Sr. Courtland ayer?
If the nicer people of this town could see you as the children did last night. I know they'd be impressed.
Si la buena gente del pueblo pudiese verla como la vieron los chicos, sé que se quedarían impresionados.
You don't mind going over some of the same ground of your story... as you did last night, do you?
No le molesta contar lo que nos dijo anoche, ¿ verdad?
Last night he made me feel as I was some marvellous kind of nymph... miles away from anywhere in the middle of the forest
Anoche me hizo sentir como si fuera una maravillosa ninfa a kilómetros de la civilización en medio del bosque.
I saw it last night as an explosion of those evil spirits.
Lo vi anoche como una explosión de esos espíritus del mal.
Last night, I seen him stand up at that there bar and drink a lot of cowpokes under the table and walk out of here as sober as a judge.
Anoche lo vi de pie en la barra... ... bebiendo y tumbando a todos los vaqueros... ... y él tan fresco como una lechuga.
And as for that poor fellow who got shot last night, we were the best of friends drinking together and all that sort of thing.
Y en cuanto al pobre que murió anoche, éramos muy buenos amigos... ... y bebimos juntos y todas esas cosas.
You're legally dead as of 10 : 53 p. m. Last night.
Usted esta legalmente muerto a partir de las 22 : 53 de anoche.
We got plenty of time. Maybe so, but as slow as it went last night,
No se preocupe, tenemos mucho tempo.
As you know, for all last night and today the legion of the unwashed and holy have been rivering out of the rustic backways to listen to their plump messiah coo and bellow.
Como saben, durante toda la noche y el día de hoy una legión de granjeros sucios y santurrones ha peregrinado desde las áreas rurales para oír piar y mugir a su mesías gordinflón.
Moreover, the inkeeper's daughter swore that the man in the portrait at the castle is the same as the driver of the coach who came last night to fetch the Professor.
Además, la hija de la dueña jura que un retrato del castillo... es la imagen del cochero que vino a buscar al profesor.
Last night, I had a dream, and now... as I came out of the hardware, who went by?
Anoche, tuve un sueño, y ahora cuando salgo de la boutique, ¿ a quién me encuentro?
I can't let him think of me as I was last night.
- No puedo dejarle mi imagen de anoche.
As of 8 : 00 last night, you were on the guest list.
A eso de las 8 : 00 de anoche, la incluyeron en la lista de invitados.
"Last night, the police department received several reports... " of what was described by eyewitnesses... "as a fiendish monster roaming in Midcity Park... at approximately 12 : 30 a.m."
" "Anoche, la policía recibió varios reportes... de lo que los testigos describieron... como un monstruo diabólico vagando por el parque... alrededor de las 1 2 : 30 a.m.".
If Bond had died last night as a result of your hastiness... his government would have known for certain that the bombs are here.
Si Bond hubiera muerto ayer como resultado de tu prisa... su gobierno habría sabido que las bombas están aquí.
On the local scene,..... the chances ofthe Cleveland Browns to repeat as National League champions..... suffered a blow last night when one of their star performers ran afoul ofthe law.
Y ahora más noticias. Las posibilidades de que los Browns vuelvan a proclamarse campeones de la Liga Nacional sufrió un revés por el arresto de una de sus estrellas.
You know, I could feel a lot of sympathy for someone as tenderhearted as you, Betty, except I keep remembering that you killed your brother last night.
Podría sentir compasión... por alguien tan sensible como usted, Betty, pero no dejo de recordar que ayer mató a su hermano.
No, as a matter of fact, after I read your book last night I couldn't sleep.
No, de hecho, cuando anoche terminé de leer su libro no pude dormir.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Griffin mentioned it last night.
La verdad es que el Sr. Griffin lo mencionó anoche.
Last night, after you'd gone, I did a little bit of asking around seeing as you weren't very forthcoming.
Anoche, después de que te fueras, estuve haciendo unas cuantas preguntas... al ver que no estabas muy comunicativo.
- As a matter of fact, I couldn't sleep last night.
- No pude dormir anoche. - ¿ De veras?
And now, as we begin the Creative Talent Division on this... the Final Preliminary night before the Final Big Show, tomorrow night... when, at last, our new California Young American Miss... will finally be chosen right here on this stage... in a burst of tears and laughter and glory.
Y ahora, comenzaremos la División de Talento Creativo de... la noche final preliminar antes del gran show mañana a la noche... cuando, al fin, nuestra nueva Miss Joven Estadounidense de California... será elegida aquí en este mismo escenario... al borde de las lágrimas, riendo y disfrutando de la gloria.
Yet, one night, sleepless as usual with grief at the fate of my dear mother and my dear brothers... I decided, come what might... that I would be avenged, at last, upon their murderer.
Sin embargo, una noche, insomne como de costumbre por el pesar del destino de mi querida madre y mis amados hermanos... decidí, con todo derecho... que me vengaría, por fin, de su asesino.
Last night, one of'em had a Jacob's ladder as long as my arm!
No como anoche, que una tenía una carrera tan larga como mi brazo, mírala.
You're described as one of the architects of the President's speech last night.
Te describen como uno de los arquitectos del discurso del presidente de ayer.
Last night, kind of late, I had to get something from the supply room... and I found Captain Whitfield in there all alone in the dark and drunk as a skunk.
Anoche, ya tarde, tuve que ir a buscar algo al almacén... y encontré a la capitán Whitfield sola, a oscuras y ebria.
As crazy as last night was... even though I hated your guts through most of it... I really had... a good time.
Aunque la noche pasada fuera de locos y durante la mayor parte de ella te odiara realmente me lo pasé bien.
Donald Andrews, 17, of Foxhaven, died late last night as a result of a gunshot wound...
El joven de 17 años Donald Andrews, de Foxhaven, falleció anoche a consecuencia de una herida de bala...
Well, as you know, last night, the Queen of the Leak drew a spell on my thigh.
Como sabes, anoche, la Reina Leák sometió mi cuerpo a un hechizo.
Last night, the medical officer of health for Coniston reported that farmers near Glenridding were attacked by two dogs thought to be as escapes from the Lawson park animal research laboratories.
Anoche el Oficial Médico de salud de Coniston informó que los granjeros cerca de Glan Ridding fueron atacados por dos perros, y se cree que se trate de los mismos que escaparon del laboratorio de investigación animal de Lawson Park.
I've been with her most of last night and today, as usual.
He estado con ella casi toda la noche y hoy, como siempre.
As a matter of fact, last night Lieutenant Bergkamp said I was free to go.
El teniente Bergkamp me dijo anoche que puedo irme.
As a matter of fact, I had a bad dream last night myself.
Por si fuera poco, tuve una pesadilla yo mismo anoche.
As I said, last night I thought of it, because Saverio loves you and maybe I've got an idea to get Vitellozzo out of prison.
Esta noche he reflexionado, porque lo quiero. Creo que he tenido una idea para hacer huir de la cárcel a Vitellozzo.
It is known that Mr. Oldacre received a visitor last night, and the stick has been identified as belonging to that person, a young London solicitor, by the name of John Hector McFarland. "
Se sabe que el señor Oldacre... tuvo visitas anoche, y el bastón ha sido identificado... como perteneciente a esa persona, un joven procurador londinense, llamado John Hector McFarland. "
Of course, I knew Nick Fulton only slightly, but, as you saw last night, he had a crude temper, as well as an unsavory reputation - at least around here.
Claro que yo conocía muy poco a Nick Fulton pero... como vio anoche, tenía muy mal carácter. Al igual que una terrible reputación. Por lo menos, aquí.
as the disarmament talks here continue through closed sessions last night and on into this afternoon, a feeling of positive anticipation is shared by everyone in the press corps.
Conforme las platicas de desarmamento continuan a puerta cerrada anoche y en está tarde, una sensación anticipada se siente positiva y es compartida por todos en la sala de prensa.
Sharp knife wounded steady in the groin, of your guts..... when gulp the air tearing your last breath from the stars..... as the sea run into the patch sheet and you fall into the night.
La afilada navaja te abre una herida en la ingle,... luchas por tragar aire, ... exhalas tu último suspiro a las estrellas, mientras el semen corre por las sábanas abrasadas, y te derrumbas en la noche.
Her last night, and my first as supreme ruler of all mousedom!
¡ Su última noche! ¡ Y la primera para mí como supremo gobernante de todo el reino de los ratones!

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