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Charges were dropped перевод на испанский

233 параллельный перевод
Charges were dropped when the church didn't turn over the bibles.
Sin cargos porque la iglesia no devolvió las biblias.
All charges were dropped.
Se han retirado todos los cargos.
Lucas is free. Charges were dropped down.
Lucas es libre, no se han formulado cargos en su contra.
The charges were dropped yesterday.
Los cargos fueron retirados ayer.
If the charges were dropped, it's a technicality.
Entonces fue un tecnicismo.
Charges were dropped.
Se retiraron los cargos.
Charges were dropped today for lack of evidence against Lukas Hart III in the investigation of the West Pennsylvania Savings and Loan scandal.
Hoy se han retirado los cargos contra Lukas Hart llI por falta de pruebas en la investigación del escándalo de la caja de ahorros West Pennsylvania.
Charges were dropped both times.
En ambos casos los cargos fueron retirados.
In both incidents all the charges were dropped.
En ambos incidentes todos los cargos fueron retirados.
Anyway, charges were dropped.
Bueno, desestimaron los cargos.
First of all, those charges were dropped.
Antes que nada, retiraron todas las acusaciones.
Murder charges were dropped for lack of evidence.
Se retiraron los cargos por homicidio por falta de pruebas.
The Jason kid disappeared, so the charges were dropped. But Bill resigned anyway.
Los cargos fueron retirados, pero Bill renunció de todas formas.
Charges were dropped when vital evidence went missing.
Pero, los cargos fueron retirados... cuando desaparecieron las pruebas vitales.
No, the charges were dropped, because they are juveniles and there was no prior arrest.
No, los cargos fueron retirados, porque son jóvenes y no hubo detención previa.
Charges were dropped.
Los cargos fueron retirados.
- The drug charges were dropped!
- ¡ Se retiraron los cargos de drogas!
I was glad to hear that the charges were dropped.
Me alegró que retiraran los cargos.
If she still has her job she'll tell you those charges were dropped.
Si aún tiene su empleo, te dirá que se levantaron los cargos.
Dad called Megan after the charges were dropped.
Papá llamó a Megan cuando se desestimaron los cargos.
Those charges were dropped.
Retiraron esos cargos.
- Yes, and the charges were dropped.
- Sí, y retiraron los cargos.
It hadn't processed, and the charges were dropped.
No fui procesado, y retiraron los cargos.
The case got in the local media, but the charges were dropped.
El caso salió en los medios locales, pero los cargos fueron retirados.
But the feds didn't have the goods on James, so the charges were dropped.
Pero no hubo pruebas contra James, y fue liberado.
Those charges were dropped.
Retiraron esas acusaciones.
- The charges were dropped.
- Los cargos fueron retirados.
The charges were dropped.
La causa se ha archivado
Charges were dropped.
Retiró su denuncia. Lo juro.
Those charges were dropped.
Esos cargos se retiraron.
It was all a big fat lie and the charges were dropped.
Fue todo una gran mentira y desestimaron los cargos.
The charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.
Los cargos fueron omitidos debido a la falta de pruebas concluyentes
- All charges were dropped.
- Retiraron todos los cargos.
Charges were dropped mid-trial, four months ago.
Retiraron los cargos a la mitad del juicio.
Charges were dropped when the girl recanted.
Retiraron los cargos cuando la niña se retractó.
Those charges were dropped.
Los cargos fueron retirados.
He's been arrested twice since the accident, although the charges were dropped both times.
Ha sido arrestado 2 veces desde el accidente aunque los cargos fueron desechados ambas veces.
A week later, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the charges were dropped.
Una semana después, los japoneses atacaron Pearl Harbor y los cargos fueron abandonados.
Why the charges were made, and why they were dropped.
Porque fueron hechos los cargos y porque se retiraron.
- The charges against you were dropped.
Retiraron las acusaciones en tu contra.
Isn't it the case that you were told to resign in return for formal charges being dropped against you?
¿ No es ese el caso en que se le dijo que renunciase a cambio de retirar los cargos contra usted?
The charges against you were dropped.
Los cargos contra tí fueron suspendidos.
Why were those charges dropped?
¿ Por qué esos cargos fueron retirados antes del juicio?
Well, it must have stuck in your craw when the charges against your son-in-law were dropped. Yes.
Bueno, debe haberle molestado mucho que se desestimara el caso.
The charges against you both were dropped this morning.
¿ Nos van a transferir a un Hospital Mental?
All charges against them were quietly dropped when it was revealed that a key part of the evidence a map that showed the targets they were going to attack, turned out to have been left in their flat by an Australian backpacker
Todos los cargos les fueron retirados silenciosamente cuando se reveló que una parte clave de las evidencias, un mapa que indicaba los objetivos que iban a atacar, resultó ser que lo había dejado en su piso un mochilero australiano
We were wrong, and those charges are being dropped.
Estabamos en un error, y esos cargos han sido retirados.
All the charges against Wong Po were dropped, and he was released
Todos los cargos en su contra fueron retirados, y ha sido liberado.
Then last year the charges were suddenly dropped.
De repente, el año pasado las acusaciones fueron sobreseídas.
Were charges dropped? .
¿ Fueron cargados los gastos?
The charges against me were dropped.
Los cargos contra mí fueron descartados.

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