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Come home with me перевод на испанский

872 параллельный перевод
Come home with me!
¡ Ven conmigo a mi casa!
Come home with me, won't you?
Vuelve a casa conmigo, ¿ quieres? No, gracias.
The driver, go ahead! You must come home with me, Elizabeth.
Tienes que volver a casa.
You don't have to come home with me.
Nadie te obliga a volver conmigo.
Come home with me.
Vamos, Sadie, ¿ te vienes a casa conmigo?
But you must come home with me at once.
Oh, señor. Recibí instrucciones específicas del Sr. Floud
And ask him to come home with me.
Y pedirle que venga a casa conmigo.
You'll come home with me, right?
Vendrás a casa conmigo, ¿ verdad?
Why don " t you come home with me?
- ¿ Por qué no vienes a casa conmigo?
But, sugar, shouldn't you come home with me?
¿ Cielo, no crees?
Come home with me.
Ven conmigo a casa.
Father, dear Father Come home with me now
Padre, querido padre Ven a casa conmigo ahora...
Come home with me now. Let me take you to Tom Crail.
Antes me preocupaba por nosotros como individuos.
You come home with me.!
¡ Vendrás a casa conmigo!
How would you like to come home with me for a few days?
¿ Quiere usted venir a mi casa a reposar unos días?
And you can come home with me, meet Nick and Allida.
Y luego, podrá venir a conocer a Nick y Allida.
No, he didn't come home with me.
No, no vino conmigo.
Listen, could you come home with me?
Oye, ¿ me acompañas a casa?
If you won't let me stay here, please come home with me.
Si no dejas que me quede, vente a mi casa conmigo.
Sebastian, Sebastian, please come home with me.
Sebastian, Sebastian, por favor ven conmigo a casa.
Now, you would like to come home with me now, deary, wouldn't you?
¿ No te gustaría volver a casa conmigo?
But please, Carmencita. Please come home with me.
Por favor, Carmencita, vuelve a casa conmigo.
But I do wish you could come home with me.
Pero me hubiera gustado que regresaras conmigo.
- would you come home with me?
- ¿ Vendrías a casa conmigo?
My business trip finishes tomorrow. Will you come home with me?
Mi viaje de negocios termina mañana, ¿ quieres venirte a casa conmigo?
Come home with me now.
Ahora ven conmigo.
You should come on home with me, Molly.
Deberías venir a casa conmigo, Molly.
Come on home with me, will you? I'm lonesome.
Ven a casa conmigo, ¿ de acuerdo?
If you will come with me, the home secretary will see you immediately.
Si me acompaña, el Ministro del Interior lo recibirá de inmediato.
How would you like to come and live with me in my home, huh? How... And be my sons?
¿ Qué... qué os parecería venir a mi casa a vivir conmigo y ser mis hijos?
Well, the truth of the matter is, I just love your game. I'd adore it if the child in that picture could come into this home and actually live with us.
Bien, la verdad es que adoré suyo juego, me gustaría que el niño de aquel retrato Pudiese venir para esa casa vivir con nosotros.
With a bridal hairdo, I'll be too shy to come home.
Con un peinado nupcial me dará vergüenza venir a casa.
What would the fellows say in Red Gap, if they saw me come home with a cut moustache?
¿ Qué dirían en Red Gap si llego con el bigote recortado?
I struggle, I work... and then you come home with such a surprise.
Yo lucho, trabajo... y después me vienes con estas sorpresas.
Fue idea tuya.
Either you go to America with Mrs. Van Hopper, or you come home to Manderley with me.
O te vas a Estados Unidos con ella o vienes a Manderley conmigo.
Now please come home with me before it's too late.
Eres mi hermana.
You come and listen to the converted painter, and you'll hear how she was a pious woman... that taught me me prayers at her knee... and how I used to come home blind drunk... and drag her out of bed by her snow-white hair and lay into her with a poker.
Venga a escuchar al pintor convertido, y sabrá que era una mujer piadosa... que me enseñó a rezar de rodillas... y cómo yo volvía borracho perdido a casa... y la arrastraba fuera de la cama por sus blancos cabellos... y le zurraba con un atizador.
Well, come on home with me.
- Nada especial. - Ven a casa.
No ves qué embarazoso, qué desconcertante es para mí... volver a casa con una...
If you'll pardon me, ma'am I've watched you go in and out of town for years now and you've always had time to stop and have a word with me and I've always waited for you to come home and you remind me of the flower.
Si me disculpa, señora la he visto pasar durante años y siempre ha tenido un momento para parar y hablar conmigo siempre he esperado a que usted llegase a casa porque me recuerda a la flor.
I come home to find a man in the same boat with me... and my wife says, "What does it matter?"
Llego a casa, y hay un tipo en mi mismo barco... y mi esposa que dice, "¿ Qué importa?"
Kiss me goodbye and wait for me to come home with stories about what you and the girls did?
¿ Me despedirás con un beso y esperarás que vuelva a casa y me contarás todo lo que tú y las chicas hicisteis?
Come on home with me.
Ven conmigo a casa.
Why don't you come with me, meet my father and mother and go home with us tomorrow?
¿ Por qué no vas conmigo... conoces a mis padres y vamos a mi casa?
I've left my lighter at home. Will you come with me, Peter?
Olvidé el encendedor. ¿ Me acompañas, Peter?
I'm going home now, I want you to come with me.
Me voy a casa, quiero que vengas conmigo.
Either you come dragging home too tired to talk to me, or you're having fun with some dancer in San Francisco.
O llegas demasiado cansado como para hablar conmigo... o te diviertes con alguna bailarina en San Francisco.
I wish you'd get the whole thing over with and come home.
Me gustaría que lo resolvieras todo y volvieras pronto.
Either you go to America with Mrs. Van Hopper, or you come home to Manderley with me.
¿ Te vas a América, o vienes a Manderley conmigo?
Are you sure you won't change your mind, and come around home with me?
¿ Por qué no cambias de idea y te vienes a mi casa?

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