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Differently перевод на испанский

5,279 параллельный перевод
I heard you pronounce it differently.
Te oí pronuncia de manera diferente.
Did she act differently?
¿ Actuaba diferente?
You have to conduct yourself differently as a sergeant.
- Tienes que comportarte diferente como sargento.
And the bullet would behave rather differently, mind.
Y el proyectil se comportaría de otra manera, claro.
I see you differently, these last few months.
Estos últimos meses, te ves de otra manera.
A life that would have been ours had luck broken just a little differently.
Una vida que habría sido nuestra si la suerte hubiera sido un poco diferentemente.
Was he acting differently at all?
¿ Actuó de forma diferente?
Can Blunt explain it differently?
¿ Puede Blunt darle a eso otra explicación?
de un modo distinto.
First of all, the enemy is the enemy but after you've had a drink or two, a meal, chat with the enemy and pretended to love the enemy, you are beginning to feel differently towards the enemy.
Ante todo, el enemigo es el enemigo, pero después de una o dos copas, una comida, charlar con el enemigo, y fingiendo amar al enemigo, empiezas a sentir de manera diferente hacia el enemigo.
She is bending tenderly over him with perhaps a look of dismay, I'm not going to tell you what you think she's feeling, we'll all read it differently, but her body is leaning away.
Se inclina con ternura sobre él, quizá con una mirada de consternación, no voy a decirles lo que ustedes creen que ella siente, todos lo leeremos de manera diferente, pero su cuerpo se inclina hacia atrás.
HE COUGHS They were probably hung opposite each other, so we've tried to suggest that by putting them a little bit differently.
Probablemente han sido colgados uno frente al otro, intentando sugerir sus diferencias.
Have you learned from your mistakes and how you'll do things differently next time?
¿ Has aprendido de tus errores y harás las cosas de forma diferente la próxima vez?
People look at you differently when they know.
La gente te mira diferente cuando te conoce.
She started behaving differently.
Empezó a comportarse de un modo distinto.
Children behave differently from one minute to the next.
Los niños pequeños se comportan de un modo distinto de un minuto a otro.
I guess people grieve differently.
Supongo que todos lloramos las pérdidas de forma diferente.
I'm not acting any differently.
No actúo diferente.
Well, yesterday you said you treat her differently because her life's a mess.
Bueno, ayer tú dijiste que la tratabas distinto porque su vida es un caos.
Bow and I always saw my mom's visits a bit differently.
Bow y yo siempre veremos a mi mamá de forma diferente.
Maybe the talisman works differently in this universe.
Quizás el talismán funciona de forma distinta en este universo.
You and Andy share the same Element, but your power manifests differently.
Tú y Andy comparten el mismo elemento, pero tu poder se manifiesta diferente.
And your ultimate outcome card, if you can learn to use your words differently.
Tu máxima cana de resultados, si aprendes a usar las palabras de otra manera.
Wish it would've played out a bit differently.
De acuerdo. Desearía que hubiera salido diferente.
Well, downstairs, we have an m.E. Who looks at things a little differently.
Bueno, abajo, tenemos un forense que ve las cosas un poco diferentes.
I take it you would've done things differently.
Supongo que hubieras hecho cosas de manera diferente.
[But I see it differently ; ] [ I think it's a great sign.]
Pero yo veo en esto, diferente de todos, una buena señal.
- I see it differently.
- Yo lo veo de otra forma.
I don't know, but being away with her made me see things differently.
No lo sé, pero estar alejada con ella me hizo ver las cosas de modo diferente.
Would it bother any of you or... W-would any of you think differently about me if I... if I said...
¿ Les habría molestado o... me habrían tratado diferente si... si...
You understand things work a little differently in Riyadh?
¿ Ustedes entienden que las cosas funcionan un poco diferente en Riyadh?
In my head I saw that playing out very differently.
En mi cabeza me lo había imaginado todo de una forma diferente.
Did you resolve such matters differently when your family held power...
¿ Resolvías estas cuestiones de otro modo cuando tu familia estaba en el poder,
But some physicists think all the particles of force and matter may have hidden counterparts that spin differently.
Pero algunos físicos piensan que todas las partículas de materia y de fuerza podrían tener contrapartidas ocultas que diferencian a sus spins.
These differently spinning versions of force particles would, in fact, be matter.
Esas diferentes versiones de giro de las partículas de fuerza, podrían, de hecho, ser materia.
Differently how?
¿ Diferente cómo?
Maybe that sort do it differently.
- Quizá esa clase lo hace de otro modo.
Go to the square and show the people that you respect their rights, that you'll rule differently...
Ve a la plaza y muestra a la gente que respetas sus derechos, que gobernarás de manera diferente...
Would you do it differently?
¿ Lo harías diferente?
But... I mean, I don't want to be treated any differently now.
Pero... digo, no quiero ser tratada de manera diferente.
Ladies behave differently sometimes.
A veces las señoras se comportan de manera diferente.
"There are a lot of things I would have done differently " in my life if I had the chance.
Hay muchas cosas que podría hacerlas diferente en mi vida si tengo la oportunidad.
What happened to doing it all differently this time?
¿ Qué ha pasado con lo de hacer las cosas de forma distinta esta vez?
I'm gonna do it all differently this time, Linden.
Va a ser todo diferente esta vez, Linden.
I think it's affecting you differently, neurologically.
Creo que te está afectando de otro modo, neurológicamente.
Each one does it differently.
Cada una lo hace de un modo diferente.
I do this a little differently, as you will see, Harry.
Hago esto un poco diferente, como verás, Harry.
And he's always seen things differently than his father, so I'm not entirely surprised that he's turning everything on its head.
Y siempre vio las cosas de un modo distinto a como las veía su padre, así que no me sorprende del todo que esté cambiándolo todo.
Everyone responses differently
Cada uno responde de manera diferente.
Because if someone had done the same thing for myself and my siblings, I'm quite certain history would have unfolded differently.
Porque si alguien ha hecho lo mismo
In the cosmic microwave background fluctuations, we see that the structure of the hot and cold spots is different, that they line up in one direction in the sky differently than they do in all the other directions,
Dragan piensa que lo mismo pasa con el universo.

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