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Explanatory перевод на испанский

171 параллельный перевод
- An explanatory explanation?
¿ Una explicación?
- Good copy comes out of people, Johnny... not out of a lot of explanatory medical terms.
Es la gente la que hace buenos artículos, no los términos médicos.
The third furnishes an explanatory language which provides reasons, excuses, allbis for the unconscious workings of the first two.
El tercero conlleva un lenguaje explicativo, el cuál proporciona siempre una excusa para el funcionamiento inconsciente de los dos primeros.
Why should I have to explain that? Its self-explanatory.
No tengo para que explicarlo, es obvio.
It's self-explanatory.
Se explica por sí misma.
There is an explanatory note.
Hay una nota explicativa.
Explanatory note, regulation 3 of the local government allowances amendment 1971, the 1971 regulations, substituted a new regulation for regulation 3 of the 1954 regulations.
Nota explicativa. Disposición 3, el reglamento de enmienda de subvenciones al gobierno local de 1971, sustituyó a la disposición 3 del reglamento de 1954.
That's an explanatory note?
¿ Y eso es una nota explicativa?
Explanatory note follows The Vedas constitute the oldest... sacred literature of lndo-Aryans.
Los escritos explicativos que siguen a Los Vedas constituyen la más antigua... literatura sagrada de los Indo-Arios.
They wait for explanatory dialogue and there isn't any.
Esperan un diálogo explicativo que no está ahí.
Isn't it elf-explanatory? How's that?
- ¿ No se da cuenta?
Well, it's elf-explanatory. I mean, it would make them fly. Yeah, fly.
Imagino que volarías.
As for pebbles and sand, I enclosed them with my explanatory note and handed to Raya in the dean's office, for her to send it to UNESCO.
El guijarro y la arena los añadí a la nota aclaratoria y los entregué en el decanato a Raisa, para que los envíe a la UNESCO.
It will be self-Explanatory.
Se explicará solo.
These documents are self-explanatory, they'll make your life a lot easier.
Estos documentos son obvios y harán su vida más fácil.
It's self-contained and fairly explanatory.
Son de una pieza y auto adhesivos.
And very... self-Explanatory.
Y muy... auto explicativo.
cycle after cycle of interconnecting tales of gods and men from all the known world, from the icy North to the deserts of Africa, with explanatory readings and symbolic interpretations.
ciclos y ciclos de historias relacionadas sobre dioses y hombres del mundo conocido, desde el helado Norte hasta los desiertos de África, con lecturas explicativas e interpretaciones simbólicas.
The method's self-explanatory.
El método da la explicacion apropiada.
- My will is self-explanatory.
- Mi testamento está en orden.
I thought it was pretty self-explanatory.
Me parece que está bien claro.
You asked him to write an explanatory note?
¿ Le pediste que escribiera una nota aclaratoria?
Ah, it's pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?
Se explica por sí solo, ¿ no crees?
It's all explanatory how I gets wicked But it's mandatory that I just kick it
Y además, sabes muy bien... que no saldré de esta.
I'd say the pathology involved is self-explanatory.
Diría que la patología presente es autoexplanatoria.
This is the nurses'station, which is self-explanatory. And this is the TV room where everyone hangs out.
Este es el puesto de enfermeras, lo cual no necesita explicación y el cuarto de la tele, donde todas se reúnen.
I guess that one's kind of self-explanatory.
Supongo que no hacen falta explicaciones.
Everything's self-explanatory.
Todo se explica por si sólo.
It's fairly self-explanatory.
Está bastante clara.
- Self-explanatory.
- Sobran las palabras.
Oh, I think it's pretty self-explanatory.
¿ Qué estás haciendo? Oh, Creo que se explica solo
One is compliance, the other is self-explanatory.
Una es obedecer, y la otra se explica por sí misma.
No, it's pretty self-explanatory.
No, creo que se explica por sí misma.
It... sounds... pretty self-explanatory.
El nombre lo dice todo.
It's self-explanatory.
Se explica sólo.
Kitchen's self-explanatory.
La cocina está a la vista.
Interpretive or explanatory.
- Interpretar o explicar.
This, it should be painfully self-explanatory, is where the women and more than a few men, I must say, discuss what they'd do with you if...
En esta sección, que no necesita explicación, hay mujeres y unos cuantos hombres que dicen lo que harían contigo si...
- The irony isn't self-explanatory?
- ¿ La ironía no es evidente?
The manual's pretty self-explanatory.
El manual se explica solo.
No, I think it's self-Explanatory.
No, no hace falta.
I swear, they told me it would be self-explanatory.
Te lo juro, me dijeron que se explicaba solo.
They didn't tell me that I needed a key or that if I didn't have a key, that I would be mildly electrocuted, and then, after all that, when I got in the box, there's nothing self-explanatory about it.
No me dijeron que necesitaba una llave o que si no la tenía, me electrocutaría y luego, después de todo, cuando llego a la caja, nada se explica solo.
Three hundred. I'll leave them with you, they're pretty self explanatory.
Te las dejo, se explican por si mismas.
Now, I'm not one for explanations, explanatory things explained.
No soy amigo de las explicaciones.
You know, most of the clues are pretty self-explanatory.
La mayoría de las pistas se explican por sí solas.
Couldn't draw the face but it's self-explanatory.
No pude dibujar la cara pero está bien definido.
The bathroom's pretty self-explanatory.
El baño no necesita mucha explicación.
- It was far from explanatory
... no hubo nada que decir. Me dejó.
- I thought "no" is self-explanatory.
Creía que un "no" se explica por sí solo.
I think it's self-explanatory.
Muy bien.

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