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Get in the boat перевод на испанский

347 параллельный перевод
Let's get in the boat.
Subamos al bote.
Get in the boat.
Súbete al barco.
Now come on, let go of it and get in here. I won't get in the boat and I won't let go.
Simplemente no la cambias o rentas, por el último modelo.
So.. he has to get in the boat? ─ That's right.
¿ Así que tiene que subir al bote?
Tell Sparks to sign off and get in the boat.
- Que Sparks corte y suba al bote.
Get in the boat. Get away!
Al bote. ¡ Salgan todos!
Come on. Get in the boat.
Vamos, suba al bote.
I guess that's all, except to get in the boat and not waste any more of this good wind.
Creo que es todo... salvo subirse al bote y no perder más viento a favor.
When we got to the middle of the lake I thought it was time for him to get in the boat.
Cuando llegamos al centro del lago pense que él tenia que subir a la embarcación.
- You get in the boat.
Sube al barco.
Please sit down when you get in the boat. Please keep still.
Cuando suban, siéntense y no se muevan.
Please sit down the moment you get in the boat. Please sit down when you get in the boat.
Siéntense en cuanto suban a bordo.
- Please, Rachael, get in the boat.
Raquel, te lo ruego, sube al bote.
Get in the boat!
¡ Sube al bote!
In the meantime, get him off the boat and have his baggage examined.
Mientras tanto échenle del barco y que analicen su equipaje.
Sure. You'll get us all in trouble putting that boat over the side like that.
Nos meterá a todos en lios si se lleva un bote.
The boat will get here in the morning, see? You two pack your tennis rackets and go back where you belong.
El barco estará aquí por la mañana, iros a empaquetar las raquetas de tenis y volved a vuestro mundo.
When the boat stopped off... this village to load copra tonight... we decided to get down in one of these copra boats... and make the boatman put us ashore.
Cuando nos detuvimos a cargar copra en esta aldea... decidimos abordar uno de los botes... y obligar al barquero a dejarnos en tierra.
You stay here with the boat, we may need it to get away in.
Espera aquí con el bote, puede que lo necesitemos para escapar.
You men get that boat in the water and get it loaded up.
Ustedes pongan ese bote en el agua y cárguenlo.
Throw him in the boat and let's get out of here. From now on, I'm in charge.
Subidlo y larguémonos, ahora mando yo.
What they really wanted was to get the dope on our little run-in... we had with that mine-laying Q-boat.
Lo que realmente querían... era toda la información sobre ese buque señuelo que enfrentamos.
Once you're in the boat, we'll submerge and proceed north to Tokyo to get the necessary information.
Una vez en el bote, nos iremos a Tokio a buscar la informaciôn.
One of you will meet us in the boat to get the Tokyo and Yokohama data.
Uno de Uds. nos buscará para tomar los datos de Tokio y Yokohama.
Get her in the boat!
¡ Llévala al bote!
When the boat docks in Memphis, you should get yourself a job in one of them Beale Street cafes.
Cuando anclemos en Memphis, deberías pedir trabajo en uno de los cafés.
Get back in the boat. "
"Es suficiente. regresa al bote"
Get me a boat. You cannot go on the water except in the royal barge.
No puedes navegar, a no ser que sea en el barco real.
The others will come by boat. Get in! Hurry!
¡ Vosotros, conmigo!
Get the motor started in the boat. Hurry up.
Enciende el motor del bote.
As soon as it's dark, I'm going to take the boat around the Cape to that fishing village. I'm going to write a letter to a man I know who lives down in the Florida Keys. As far away from any other human beings as he can get.
Cuando anochezca, voy a llevar el barco por el cabo, a ese pueblo de pescadores... y voy a escribir una carta a un amigo que vive en los cayos de Florida... lo mas lejos posible de la gente.
- I can get you off the boat in a while.
- Puedo salir del barco dentro de un rato.
I shall be very glad to advise you where to get a boat, gentlemen, if, in exchange, you will do me and the cause of Filipino freedom a great service.
Les diré con gusto dónde pueden conseguir un barco, caballeros, si, a cambio, me hacen a mí y a la causa por la libertad de Filipinas un favor.
When I get down in the boat, hand her to me.
Cuando baje al bote me la pasas.
You'll be coming on the boat and in Africa we'll get together and...
Tu zarparás en el barco y nos volveremos a ver en África.
In the future, when a message comes in to this boat, I get it... no matter who says it's unnecessary, you understand?
Desde ahora, cuando llegue un mensaje yo lo recibiré, Aunque alguien diga lo contrario, ¿ entendido?
Let's get him in the boat.
Metámoslo en el bote.
Get in on the blue boat!
¡ Súbase al bote azul!
I will get in the back seat of that boat when you get out and walk around and open the door for me like a gentleman.
Me subiré al asiento trasero de ese bote cuando tú te bajes, des la vuelta y me abras la puerta como un caballero.
We'll get you off in the next boat.
La pondremos en el próximo bote.
The fishing boat didn't get in.
El pesquero no llegó aún.
Joe, if we get outta this hotel alive, we'll sell this bracelet, take the money, grab a boat to South America and hide out in a banana republic.
Joe, si salimos de este hotel con vida, venderemos la pulsera, y con el dinero embarcaremos hacia Sudamérica, a escondernos en una república bananera.
- Get this in the boat.
- Lleva esto al bote.
In 20 minutes you'll get a boat, if the schedule's right... that'll take you right back to lousy Capri.
En 20 minutos llegará un barco, si el horario es correcto, que te llevará de vuelta a la asquerosa Capri.
The both of you had better get in this boat.
Será mejor que suban al bote.
I'll get the ship's boat in the water so you can take it.
Dejaré el bote en el agua para que pueda cogerlo.
The Danish underground will try to get you to Sweden in a fishing boat.
El contacto danés intentará llevarlo a Suecia en un pesquero.
Get the boat in the water.
Pongan el bote en el agua.
Well, the men worked hard to get the boat in shape, sir, I thought the word of encouragement would be in order.
Los hombres trabajaron duro, una palabra de ánimo seria bueno.
I'm to get you away in the boat.
Vengo a llevarlo al bote.
Get in the bottom of the boat.
Vayan al fondo del bote.

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