Get in the front перевод на испанский
954 параллельный перевод
Move on. Get in there. Get in the front.
Suba delante.
Ryley, you get in the front.
Ryley, tú, ve adelante.
Around the car. Get in the front seat.
Dé la vuelta, suba delante.
¿ Quieren sentarse en la parte delantera, por favor?
You get in the front.
Tú ve adelante.
I can't get in the front door.
Ni usar la puerta de entrada.
It's the people in front that get jarred.
Los que me miran son los que quedan aturdidos.
Get over in front of the welfare building.
Es frente al edificio de asistencia.
Come on in the front room. I got a couple who want to get married.
En el salón hay una pareja para casarse.
They get upstage the minute they get in the studio. The front office is already using them in the new Barrymore picture.
Fueron llamados tan pronto como llegaron, para ser figurantes en el nuevo film de Barrymore.
¿ Por qué demonios tiene tantas canciones viejas en un exhibidor como este?
You better get out in front, Dad, if you wanna catch the rest of it.
Mejor vuelve a tu asiento, papá, para ver el resto.
As I don't want to get you in trouble, please tell her that you found it in front of the entrance hall. Please.
No quiero comprometerla, diga, por favor, que se lo ha encontrado delante de la entrada.
Why don't we climb on the shed, get on the balcony and go in there to save us going in the front?
¿ Por qué no escalamos el cobertizo, subimos al balcón y nos metemos por ahí para no tener que ir por el frente?
Suppose war is declared and I gotta go to the front and get killed in action?
Supón que declaren la guerra y me maten en combate.
Don't get in front of the mirror.
¡ No te pares frente al espejo!
Just the other day I was saying to uncle Simão, as long as you don't get in front of the carts it won't work.
Mira, el otro día le dije al tío Simão que mientras tú no te pongas al frente de las carretas, eso no anda.
And they haven't been able to get a line on Shake Edwards, that man that was in front of the building that night?
¿ No pudieron averiguar nada de Shake Edwards el que estaba frente al edificio?
Now, if we take Route 16 right out the front door... that's the route that's out there... we could get in somebody's car and sort of zzip.
Si tomamos la carretera 16, que está frente a la puerta principal... la carretera que está allá afuera... podríamos subirnos a un auto que pasara... y como que...
Get on with your work. I'll come in the front door like a proper gentleman.
Entraré por la puerta principal.
When Eddie hears that, he'll have Dixie in front of a preacher before you can get the ring back.
Cuando Eddie se entere, llevará a Dixie ante un cura antes de que te devuelva el anillo.
Get in the front cockpit.
Sube, irás delante
At 9 : 35, you get your license. At 10 : 15, you're standing in front of the minister. At 10 : 30, you're married and, at 12 : 00, hot or cold, lunch.
A las 9h35'consiguen la licencia, a las 10h15'están delante del cura, a las 10h35'están casados y a las 12h, haga frío o calor, almorzando.
Yeah. You get the mirror from the girls and go over and hold it in front of you — Yeah, yeah. Please, Angela.
Cuando caminas hacia las chicas y coges el espejo y lo levantas ante ti, por favor, Angela, bájalo un poco.
I start to figure maybe they won't take me... and some cold sweat runs down the middle of my back, and my head begins to buzz... and everything in the middle of the room begins to swim... and I get black spots in front of my eyes... and they say I've got high blood pressure again.
Empiezo a imaginarme que, a lo mejor, no me cogen... y un sudor frío me corre por la espalda, y la cabeza me empieza a zumbar... y en la habitación todo empieza a balancearse... y tengo manchas negras delante de los ojos... y dicen que otra vez tengo la tensión alta.
What an idiot the man was to get in front of the gun.
Qué hombre tan idiota poniéndose delante del arma.
Well, he wouldn't let us in the front door So we'll go around the back door and get him.
No nos deja pasar por delante, pues iremos por detrás.
Come on, let's try to get in front of the band.
Ven, intentaremos colocarnos delante de la orquesta.
Let's get in front of the light.
Vayamos a la luz.
If you don't get close to the girl I tell you to, you'll get a swelling in the front of your nose.
Si no acercarse a la chica le digo a usted, obtendrá una inflamación en la parte frontal de la nariz.
Sometimes I'd like to get away from life for a couple of years,..... immerse myself in nature with the sea always in front of me.
También yo, a veces, quiero estar uno, dos o tres años lejos de la vida,... en medio de la naturaleza, con el mar siempre delante.
I might be old-fashioned, but the fact that Adriana....... has to get undressed in front of a painter every morning I don't like it.
Pero... seré estúpido, seré poco moderno, seré todo lo que quieran, pero el hecho de que Adriana tenga que desnudarse todas las mañanas delante del pintor... - Eso no va conmigo.
Alright, get the tripod up there, drill a hole in each leg, bolt it to the table put it centre in front of the window...
Bien, haz un agujero en cada pata y atornilla el trípode a la mesa. Céntralo en la ventana...
The thrill is in front of you, but you can't get it.
La emoción en tus manos y sin poderla alcanzar.
The people sit and get fat and fall asleep in front of their TV.
La gente se sienta, come y se queda dormida delante de la TV.
It's crawl in front of the big dogs if you want to eat, get a job.
Hay que arrastrarse delante de los lobos para poder comer, conseguir un trabajo.
We've got to get it to walk in front of the sensor again.
Tiene que pasar por el sensor.
We had to move the sets around to get it in front of the screen.
Tuvimos que girar los decorados para ponerlos delante de la pantalla.
Just popping in to the front office to get some money!
Subo un momento a ver al director, cobro y pago. ¡ Espérenme!
Now, get in front of me. Toward the building with the steps.
Caminen delante de mí, hacia el edificio con escaleras.
You might as well stop in front of the saloon... When we get there and get out.
Será mejor que te bajes en el bar, cuando lleguemos allí.
Why, we'll get it blown up real big and we'll put it in front of the chl-chi when you open there.
Vamos a hacer una ampliación bien grande... y la vamos a poner en la puerta del Chi-Chi cuando lo abras. ¿ Dónde estuviste, Barney?
"'Get a feathered hat for the baby Photographs in front of the theater
" Un sombrero de plumas para la nena. Fotografías en la fachada del teatro
I run around the house tryin'to get in... but he done run through the front doorjust ahead of me!
Corrí alrededor de la casa tratando de entrar... ¡ pero salió corriendo por la puerta del frente adelante de mí!
When it came to the part where you have to get up in front of everybody... and talk for three minutes about yourself...
Pero cuando llegó el momento de pararme frente a todo el mundo... y hablar de mí misma durante tres minutos...
They boil the lobster alive in front of you! You get used to it.
Mete la langosta viva en agua hirviendo delante de ti.
I'm gonna get you a brand-new sink, paint the walls... screen in the front porch so you can sit and watch the kids play.
Te pondré un fregadero nuevo. Pintaré las paredes. ¿ No íbamos a hacer todo eso en la casa nueva?
When I get married I want a little white house with a tree in the front yard.
Cuando me case quiero tener una casita blanca con un árbol detrás.
When he comes to town it's to get drunk or make a scene in front of the hotel.
Si baja al pueblo es para emborracharse o montar números delante del hotel.
Get that grease gun up here in front on the double.
Trae la pistola de engrase de inmediato.
Follow me, I'll get you a seat in the front.
Sígueme, te busco un asiento delante.
get in 2804
get in line 172
get inside 386
get into it 40
get in the car 1242
get in the water 30
get in here 819
get in the game 25
get involved 31
get in there 887
get in line 172
get inside 386
get into it 40
get in the car 1242
get in the water 30
get in here 819
get in the game 25
get involved 31
get in there 887