Go to the back перевод на испанский
15,917 параллельный перевод
They always go to the back door.
Siempre van a la puerta trasera.
Let's go back to the normal people.
Volvamos a ver gente normal.
We can go back to the office. Can't we?
Podemos volver al despacho. ¿ No?
Actually, I tried to go back but even the Army wouldn't take me.
De hecho, intenté regresar. Ni siquiera el ejército me acepta.
And addicts who stop the methadone and go back to heroin...
Los adictos que dejan la metadona y retoman la heroína...
Go on, go back to the grass.
Vamos, vuelve al césped.
If you go to his garage, go around the back.
Si vas a su taller, entra por atrás.
They stayed out all day, in the evening they came back in, they were scared to go out at night they only went during the day.
Salían por todo el día, y a la noche... volvían, porque de noche... tenían miedo de salir al mar. Sólo salían durante el día.
- Gonna go back to the bridge.
Vamos a ir de nuevo al puente.
I'll just go to the gas station on the way back and I'll just stop and pick it up for ya.
Iré a la gasolinera cuando regrese y me detendré a buscártelo.
You know, back in the day, you used to go to a party, take an E, a bit of whizz and smoke some dope to take the edge off the comedown.
Ya sabes, antes se solía ir a fiestas, tomar una pastilla, un poco de anfeta y fumar algo de droga para disminuir los efectos del bajón.
And if he takes the blue pill, he'll just go back to sleep and live in his sort of unaware, semi-comatose state forever, and probably be a lot happier.
Y si toma la píldora azul, volverá a dormirse y vivir en una especia de estado inconsciente, semi-comatoso para siempre, y probablemente sea mucho más feliz.
And as much as the mras would like things to go back to the way they were and use the argument that women have an advantage now...
Y por mucho que a los MDH les gustaría que las cosas volviera a ser como eran antes y usen el argumento de que las mujeres llevan la ventaja ahora...
And we just have to go back to the house.
- Leda, no podemos regresar allá.
We're gonna go downstairs and out back to the patio, fire up the barbecue.
Iremos abajo, saldremos al patio y encenderemos la parrilla.
Just go on back up to the party and enjoy yourself.
Sólo tiene que ir en la parte posterior a la fiesta y disfrutar.
Go back to the ship.
Vuelve a la nave.
And you turned out to be right and the coins dropped in value to $ 500. You go back into the market, you buy them back for $ 500.
vuelves al mercado, las compras denuevo $ 500.
I have to go to a Five Eyes conference in Sydney in a couple of weeks. I'll stop off in Hawaii on the way back.
Voy a una conferencia en Sidney, me detengo en el camino de regreso en Hawái.
When we go back in the house, everything has to appear normal.
Cuando volvamos a la casa, todo debe parecer normal.
You know, if you're, uh... If you're really not feeling well, dude, maybe you should, uh, go back to the States and see your doctor.
Sabes, si realmente no te sientes bien, tal vez deberías... de regresar a los EE.UU. Para ver a tu doctora.
I'm always looking for excuses to go back to the city.
Siempre estoy buscando excusas para volver a la ciudad.
You'll go back to Reykjavik at the end of the season.
Regresarás a Reykjavik al final de la temporada.
The rocket will go up, we'll send our footage with them, and the astronauts will just beam it back to earth.
El cohete despegará, enviaremos nuestro filme con ellos, y los astronautas lo transmitirán a la Tierra.
You know, we tour so we can make the records... so we can go back to tour the record.
Hacemos una gira para grabar un disco, para poder volver a salir de gira.
No, the old woman. Go back to bed.
- No, niña, regresa a la cama.
I'm gonna go back home to my ranch and the people who love me.
Volveré a casa, a mi rancho y con las personas que me aman.
If you're stuck, go back to the heart.
Si estás atorado, vuelve a tu corazón.
Go back to what inspired you in the first place, you know, what really got you...
Vuelve a lo que te inspiró en primer lugar, tú sabes, lo que realmente...
So it's all right to fool around in the back seat with a country boy, but as soon as summer camp's over, rich girls go home to their rich boyfriends, is that it?
¿ Entonces está bien andar en el asiento trasero con un campesino pero ni bien acaban las vacaciones las chicas ricas vuelven a casa con sus novios ricos?
Now he'll go to the kitchen and flick the blender, then a switch in the corridor, then he'll flick a hairdryer and come back here. To finish building this.
Ahora apretará los botones la licuadora, después el de la luz del pasillo, después el del secador de pelo y volverá para terminar de construir eso.
Daddy needs to go to work, but I'll tell you what, okay, the second that I get back,
Papá necesita ir a trabajar, pero te diré que, de acuerdo, cuando regrese,
Let's go back to the mountain where everything isn't so dark and complicated.
Volvamos a la montaña donde no todo es tan oscuro y complicado.
- Oh is that why you told the court that I was a danger to him'cause you and Jenna go back, you both come from money?
Oh es por eso que le dijo al tribunal que yo era un peligro para él para que tu y Jenna vuelvan, porque ambos vienen de dinero!
But if we don't find any, we kind of have to go back to the island that we actually got all the food from originally.
Pero si no encontramos más comida... tendremos que regresar a la isla... en la que conseguimos la comida originalmente.
- Hard to go back to the game after that news flash, which, in duty bound, we have to take. Frank?
Es difícil de volver al juego después de las noticias de última hora, obligación que nosotros teníamos que asumir. ¿ Frank?
Whenever we go out, you always sit in the corner, with your back to the wall, like you are afraid of your own shadow.
Cuando salimos, te sientas en una esquina... de espaldas a la pared, como si le temieras a tu sombra.
I think you should go back to the house, Shelly.
Creo que tienes que regresar a la casa Shelly.
Gotta go back to the diner.
Tengo que volver al comedor.
Where's the safest place to cross? Go back and forth across Main Street?
¿ Cuál es el lugar más seguro para cruzar... ir y volver cruzando por Main Street?
Let's go back to the chorus, dude Okay
♪ - Volvamos al estribillo, viejo - Está bien ♪
You... you promised me that if it came to this, ye'd go back through the stones, back home.
Tú... tú prometiste que si llegábamos a esto, volverías a través de las piedras, a tu hogar.
Let's go back to the car.
Volvamos al auto.
I'm afraid you can't go back to the ship.
Me temo que no pueden regresar a la nave.
But the admissions go back to infancy.
Pero las visitas al hospital se remontan a su infancia.
Why don't you go back to the room, take a moment?
Regresa a la habitación. Tómate un momento.
The day Uncle left, Count also made a ruse, pretending to go back to Japan.
El día que el tío partió, el Conde también jugó una carta, pretendiendo volver a Japón.
You're asking me to go behind the CEO's back. He built this firm.
Tengo que ir tras la espalda de nuestro Director, quién construyó la empresa.
and scientists after us can go back and look at these rats so they can compare their rats in the future to the past.
para que futuros científicos puedan volver a analizar estas ratas y puedan compararlas con las suyas el día de mañana.
I can take the same bus to my same school and keep all my friends and the boat, and you can go back to Boston and still check in on me or whatever, if you want to.
Puedo tomar el mismo autobús a mi misma escuela mantener todos mis amigos, el barco tú puedes regresar a Boston y seguir vigilándome si quieres.
And I don't mean go back a hundred years ago to the way it was before the Russians came.
Y no me refiero a regresar 100 años al modo en que era antes de que los rusos vinieran.
go to sleep 664
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to him 110
go to the right 20
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136
go to him 110
go to the right 20
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136