Go to the hospital перевод на испанский
2,488 параллельный перевод
Both of you go to the hospital.
- ¡ Las dos irán al hospital!
I have to go to the hospital, my grandfather just had a stroke.
Tengo que ir al hospital, mi abuelo acaba de tener un ACV
The most critical area is treated now, so it shouldn't get worse. But shouldn't you go to the hospital?
He hecho lo que pude, pero ya que está peor... puede que tenga que ir al hospital.
Go to the hospital.
Ve al hospital.
Let's go to the hospital.
Vayamos hospital.
She needs to go to the hospital!
¡ Tiene que ir al hospital!
You go to the hospital, you turn yourself into a third wheel.
Usted va al hospital y se convierte en un triángulo.
I need you to go to the hospital and check out a portable ultrasound machine for me.
Necesito que vayas al hospital y que saques un ecógrafo portátil por mí.
- Why take a whole bottle and go to the hospital when you can just take a couple, drink a Martini and feel fantastic?
- ¿ Por qué beber la botella entera e ir al hospital cuando puedes tomar un par de Martinis y sentirte estupendamente?
You step out to go to the hospital and such.
Saliste para ir al hospital.
Now is the time to go to the hospital.
Es tiempo de ir al hospital.
Go to the hospital for what?
Ir al hospital ¿ para qué?
I think she's in labor, but, uh, of course she disagrees with me and refuses to go to the hospital, I must tell you, my helicopter is on standby if needed.
Creo que está en labor de parto, pero... claro que no está de acuerdo conmigo... y no quiere ir al hospital... debo decirte que mi helicóptero está esperando por si acaso.
Stay here, go to the hospital.
Quedarme aquí, ir al hospital.
I gotta go to the hospital in a bit.
Voy a ir al hospital en un rato.
You didn't want to go to the hospital.
Tú no querías ir al hospital.
The car was riddled with bullets, and they had just chased them down and caught them at the apartment complex, and I was kind of trailing behind them, and they left to go to the hospital, and they told me - I was like, "Please tell me,"
El auto estaba lleno de balazos. Los habían perseguido y los habían agarrado en el complejo de apartamentos. Yo estaba detrás de ellos y ellos se habían ido al hospital.
They was asking me if I needed to go to the hospital or anything, but it just - some, like, puss and a little bit of blood come out, and, you know, I thought I was good.
Me preguntaban si necesitaba ir al hospital o algo pero salía pus y un poquito de sangre, y pensé que todo estaba bien.
Do you want to go to the hospital?
¿ Quiere ir al hospital?
You go to the hospital so late?
¿ Vas a ir al hospital tan tarde?
But we have to go to the hospital now, ok?
Pero ahora tenemos que ir al hospital.
I'll just let him go to the hospital. "
Voy a dejarlo ir en el hospital. "
I don't really want to go to the hospital, either, you know, because we're gonna be there when the hurricane hits, and it's gonna be packed to the gills with vagrants.
Realmente no quiero ir al hospital, o, ya sabes, porque vamos a estar allí cuando el huracán golpee, y que va estar lleno de vagabundos
All right, Cricket, all right, fine, we'll go, we'll go to the hospital.
Bueno Cricket, está bien, iremos al hospital.
Ask her when you go to the hospital.
Pregúntale cuando vayas al hospital.
Ah! Okay, I have to go to the hospital now.
Vale, tengo que ir al hospital ahora.
Can't go to the hospital right now Very feverish
No puede ir al hospital. Y tiene la fiebre muy alta.
Now, do you want to fight for Mark and Jackie, or do you want to go to the hospital?
¿ Quieres luchar por Mark y Jackie, o quieres ir a un hospital?
I wanna go to the hospital with him.
Quiero ir al hospital con él.
I thought he'd go to the hospital.
Pensé que iría al hospital.
Danny, look, your sister is out there alone, and I know you wanna protect her, but she's in a lot of trouble, and she needs to go to the hospital.
Danny, mira, tu hermana está ahí fuera sola y sé que quieres protegerla, pero tiene muchos problemas, ella necesita ir al hospital.
I think I have to go to the hospital.
Creo que tengo que ir al hospital.
I got to go to the hospital.
- Tengo que ir al hospital.
They go to the hospital and they get an MRI.
Van al hospital y le hacen una resonancia magnética.
But it's too dangerous to go to the hospital.
Pero es demasiado peligroso ir al hospital.
I can't- - I can't go to the hospital.
No puedo.. No puedo ir al hospital.
Uh, I'm supposed to go to a peds meeting at the hospital.
Se supone que tengo que ir a una reunión de pediatría en el hospital.
I've got to go to the EMS if you need me call me.
tengo que ir al hospital, si me necesitas llamame
Shall we go to the hospital?
¡ Por favor, déjame morir! ¿ No quieres vivir conmigo?
I don't want you to be sick when we go back to the hospice tomorrow.
No te quiero enfermo cuando volvamos mañana al hospital.
The hospital wants this to go away quietly.
El hospital quiere que esto sea silencioso.
The hospital wants this to go away quietly.
El hospital quiere que esto se solucione sin escándalos.
First chance I get, I'll go to my brother's computer at the station, and I'll look for hospital records, police reports-
En cuanto tenga la oportunidad, iré al ordenador de mi hermano en la comisaría y miraré los informes de los hospitales, los informes policiales...
You sure I shouldn't go down to the hospital and check on Amy?
¿ Estás segura de que no debería ir al hospital a comprobar como está Amy?
I used to go on my nights off from the hospital.
Solía ir en mis noches libres del hospital.
No, it's a gash on your head, and it's bleeding profusely, so you're gonna go to the doctor and get stitches and an MRI and whatever else he wants to do.
No, tienes una herida seria, y sangra mucho, así que vas a ir al hospital y que te pongan puntos y te hagan una resonancia o lo que sea que tengan que hacerte.
Greg fakes a seizure outside the hospital, uses the emergency to escape, then they both go and pick up the hidden money, and...
Greg finge un ataque fuera del hospital, utiliza la emergencia para huir, entonces ambos van a recoger el dinero escondido, y...
You're allowed to be at the hospital, and to go home.
Tienes permitido estar en el hospital. Tienes permitido ir a casa.
No, she had to go deal with some patient crisis at the hospital
No, ha tenido que ir a ocuparse de unos pacientes con crisis en el hospital.
So we had to go to the next closest hospital.
Así que tuvimos que ir al siguiente hospital más cercano.
Go to the Hangang Hospital.
Ve al Hospital Hangang.
go to sleep 664
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to him 110
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136