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He won't die перевод на испанский

236 параллельный перевод
- Maybe he won't die.
- Quizás no muera.
Let's hope he won't die before Spring!
Ojalá que no muera antes de la primavera.
He'll die. I won't let him go.
No dejaré que se vaya.
He'll die and just because he wants to be a big, brave, loyal chief. He won't leave his men.
Va a morir y todo porque quiere ser un gran jefe leal y no va a dejar a sus hombres.
But he won't die. All right.
Pero no morirá.
because you may die or I may die no papuchka, I'll pray to God everyday that he'll keep you in good health and promise me, papuchka and promise me that you won't drink not for any reason whatsoever
Puedes morirte... puedo morirme... No, no, no, no papuchka, cada día voy a rezarle a Dios para que te de salud. Y prométeme, papuchka, prométeme, que no vas a beber.
Why should he die believing a lie? Maybe he won't.
- Ahora morirá creyéndose una mentira.
He won't die.
No se morirá.
- I won't die?
- ¿ No he muerto?
He won't die of heart failure As long as he remembers he has a rich brother.
Descuida, no le va a dar un ataque al corazón... mientras recuerde que tiene un hermano rico.
He said, Mummy, you won't ever die, will you, Mummy?
¡ Qué ternura!
He should have died a long time ago, but he's still all right and won't die any time soon.
Debió haber muerto hace mucho tiempo, pero sigue estando bien y no morirá pronto.
I know, but I'm going to die, and I've never had Mass, God won't help me.
- ¡ Padre, no he terminado! ¡ Padre, yo me emborrachaba y nunca iba a Misa!
Of course he won't die.
Claro que no va a morir.
He won't die. If that's what you want to know.
No morirá, si eso es lo que quieres saber.
I can assure you he won't die.
No se preocupen, su vida no corre peligro.
The godless wretch won't lend us his farmhouse, Father,... he'd die before lending us the farmhouse for so holy a goal.
El sin Dios no cederá la cuadra, señor cura, antes moriría que dejarnos la cuadra para un fin tan santo.
He won't let your son die.
El no va dejar su hijo morir.
Hey, Juan, won't he die?
Oye, Juan, ¿ no se morirá?
It's almost dawn. Yes, he won't die if he lasts till dawn.
¡ o morirá si aguanta hasta el amanecer!
If he won't allow me to marry Shinsuke... I will choose to die.
Si no nos permite casarnos,... me suicidaré.
- He won't die.
- No morirá.
He won't die!
¡ No morirá!
I've tried to kill him, but he won't die!
¡ Lo he intentado, pero no se muere!
He won't die if he goes a few more days without them.
No morirá si espera unos días.
Anything that happens to us won't affect him there... but if he's on that ship when it goes down... he'll die along with the others.
Lo que nos suceda no le afectará allá pero si está en el barco cuando se hunda morirá junto con los demás.
He knows I won't as long as he lives... so he keeps saying he wants to die.
Sabe que no lo haré mientras viva por eso dice que quiere morir.
- You must, or he won't die.
- Debe hacerlo, o no morirá.
Since Tyree won't fight, he will be one of the first to die.
Como Tyree no luchará, será uno de los primeros en morir.
I have sinned so often in my life that one more sin before I die won't matter.
He pecado tanto en mi vida que un último pecado antes de morir no importará.
He won't die.
No morira.
Shino says she won't let father die till he's seen you.
Shino dice que no permitirá que papá muera hasta que le vea.
He won't die, will he?
Él no va a morir, ¿ verdad?
- He won't let us die. - Who won't let you die?
Nunca la había visto antes en mi vida.
- He won't even let us die.
( Rayos )
He won't die, he's thinking.
No morirá, está pensando.
- Don't worry, he won't die.
- No morirá. - Sí...
Until the day I die, I won't know why I knew he needed me
Hasta el día que muera, no sabré por que supe que él me necesitaba
Why won't he die?
¿ Por qué no muere?
You'll never be your own boss. He won't die for another 200 years!
¿ Sabes cuándo morirá?
No, he won't die so easily. I just know he won't.
No, no va a morir tan fácilmente.
Well, he's not. And he won't die.
- ¡ No está muerto!
Tell me he won't die.
Y no morirá. - Dígame que no morirá.
He won't die and won't be eaten, but he'll never find his way back home.
No morirá y no se lo comerán, pero nunca encontrará el camino de regreso a casa.
He won't die so easily.
No se dejara derrotar facilmente.
But he won't die a man.
Pero no va a morir como un hombre.
You won't die unless He wants you to.
No es nada. Tal vez no morirás.
I have this idea if I'm sitting there and I'm talking, he won't die.
Estando sentado aquí, tengo la idea... de que no morirá.
He won't let the little girl die.
Él no dejará que la pequeña muera.
He's going to die. Won't take him to trial.
Lo llevaremos para juzgarlo.
He won't compose any more music and will die in 3 years.
Él no compondrá más música... y morirá dentro de 3 años.

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