His family перевод на испанский
11,553 параллельный перевод
His family hosted us.
Su familia nos ha alojado.
His family will swear otherwise.
Considera todos los asuntos resueltos.
His family won't receive a penny.
Su familia no recibirá un centavo.
He didn't cherish his family enough to stay faithful.
Él no quiso a su familia lo bastante como para ser fiel.
Threatened his family.
Amenazaron a su familia.
Akhenaten's reign also marked a radical change in art, transitioning from idealistic portrayals of people to much more realistic renditions... a fact which has only added to the speculation about the ancient pharaoh and his family's origins.
El reinado de Akenatón también marcó un cambio radical en el arte, cambiando de representaciones idealistas de la gente a interpretaciones mucho más realistas... un hecho que solo ha incrementado la especulación acerca del origen del antiguo faraón y de su familia.
He gave his life to make his country and his family better.
Él dio su vida para hacer de su país y su familia mejor.
Oh, do you think it's odd that... you haven't met his family yet?
¿ No te parece raro... no haber conocido a su familia aún?
But above all we ought to find out something about his family.
Pero primero, necesitamos conocer a su familia.
He took his family and decided to go to Siberia because the condition was either you go to Siberia or you join us.
Agarró a su familia y decidió irse a Siberia Ya que la condición era : o te unes a nosotros, o vas a Siberia.
What are we supposed to tell him about the rest of his family?
¿ Qué se supone que voy a contarle del resto de su familia?
At least he'd have some time with his family.
Al menos tendrá algo de tiempo con su familia.
I have encountered many dark beings in my time, Dipper. What matters is, his powers are growing stronger, and if he pulls off his plans, - no one in this family will be safe.
He encontrado muchos seres oscuros en mi vida, lo importante es que se vuelve más fuerte, y si completa sus planes, nadie en esta familia estará a salvo.
And his family was penniless.
Y su familia era pobre.
His family reported him missing two weeks ago.
Su familia informó hace dos semanas de su desaparición.
In his room, he's got pictures of his family all over the wall.
En su habitación tiene un montón de fotos de su familia.
His family told the school long time ago that they wanted to take him to the U.S..
Su familia avisó hace mucho a la escuela... que querían llevarlo a Estados Unidos.
♪ He's gonna fit at home with his family ♪
♪ Él va en forma en casa con su familia ♪
His family still lives in Punjab.
Es de nacionalidad india.
We need to find out how Belridge figures into this, talk to his family and friends, gather some Intel.
Tenemos que averiguar cómo Belridge cifras en esto, hablar con su familia y amigos, se reúnen algunos de Intel.
Please don't tell his family about this.
Por favor, no le hablen de esto a su familia.
- Commissioner, his family is here.
- Comisario, su familia está aquí. - Muchas gracias.
Can't a man stop home on his way to Atlanta, share a meal with his family?
¿ Un hombre no puede pasar por su casa camino a Atlanta, y compartir una comida con su familia?
He paid them back, but these people, they- - they found out about his family.
Les devolvió el dinero, pero esa gente, ellos... averiguaron que su familia es rica.
Harper contracted a private security firm to seek protection for himself and his family.
Harper contrató a una empresa de seguridad privada para protegerle a él y a su familia.
He'd spend a week or two with his family on Maui and then say he had business out of town.
Pasaba una semana o dos con su familia en Maui y luego decía que tenía algún negocio fuera de la ciudad.
He remains at his family home in Norfolk and ignores our every summons.
Permanece en su casa familiar de Norfolk e ignora todas nuestras citaciones.
This boy's caseworker visited every week even though his family had moved back to El Salvador a year ago.
El asistente social de este chico lo visitó todas las semanas incluso cuando su familia se mudó de vuelta a El Salvador hace un año.
Ruined his marriage, his family and even now, he knows it's the problem at the centre of your life.
Arruinó su matrimonio, su famlia... e incluso ahora, él sabe que ese problema es el que está en el centro de tu vida.
Americans betraying a source, bombing a compound with his family inside.
Estadounidenses traicionando una fuente, bombardeando un recinto con su familia que estaba dentro.
He answers, and there on camera, he sees his wife, his family, his dog, whoever, with guns to their head.
Él contesta, y en la cámara, ve a su mujer, a su familia, a su perro, quien sea, con pistolas apuntándoles a la cabeza.
Does his family know?
¿ Sabe su familia?
Without God's will the patient wouldn't be with his family.
Sin la voluntad de Dios... el paciente no estaría con su familia.
And when I went to check up on the patient his family gave me a few pennies to show their gratitude. That's true.
Y cuando regresé a revisar al paciente... su familia me dio unos cuantos centavos para mostrar su gratitud.
I swear I saw him and his family leave.
Le juro que lo vi partir con su familia.
It's not his fault, but... blew apart his family.
No es culpa de él, pero... destrozó a su familia.
He was on his way to Big Bear for a family vacation.
Iba de camino a Big Bear de vacaciones con la familia.
He had no problem turning his back on me... And on this whole family.
No tuvo ningún problema en darme la espalda... y a toda su familia.
Your family has hell of a lot on his conscience.
Tu familia tiene muchísimo en su conciencia.
My dad, his whole family were destroyed.
Mi padre, su familia entera estaba arruinada.
But let me tell you about when I was a little girl, and Amancio killed my whole family and took me out of my pueblo. Or the thousands of innocents he sacrificed, or the many, many years I was his slave.
Déjame hablarte de cuando era pequeña y Amancio mató a toda mi familia y me llevó de mi pueblo, o de los miles de inocentes que sacrificó, o de todos los años en los que fui su esclava.
Protecting his "get." Family and friends didn't even know he was in New Orleans.
Protegiendo su trabajo. Ni la familia ni los amigos... - sabían que estaba en New Orleans.
So my long-time family cardiologist tells me he's being harassed, stalked in his own office, when my wife and I want to wrap this up and bury our boy this weekend.
Mi cardiólogo familiar de muchos años me dijo que fue incordiado y acosado en su propia oficina, cuando mi esposa y yo queremos acabar con esto y enterrar a nuestro hijo este fin de semana.
Did you know that... that Max proposed to his girlfriend, Frieda, this weekend... in front of her whole family?
¿ Sabías que... que Max propuso a su novia, Frieda, este fin de semana... delante de toda su familia?
What is interesting is the fact that his C.O. says he's been divorced three times, has no friends or family that still talks to him.
Lo que es interesante es el hecho de que su CO dice que ha estado divorciado tres veces, no tiene amigos o familiares que todavía habla con él.
And to his own family, too.
Y también a su propia familia.
His life is here at court, not on some family farm he cares little about.
Su vida está aquí en la corte, no en ninguna granja familiar que poco le importa.
But the love that he was getting back from his new family brought him joy, and he was heartbroken no more.
Pero el amor que él estaba detrás de su nueva familia lo trajo alegría, y él era con el corazón roto no más.
I-I didn't really have a family, so he and his wife- - they kind of, they adopted me.
II realmente no tenía una familia, por lo que él y su esposa- - que tipo de, ellos me adoptaron.
So, you also know that this patient with no family can't have his abdomen closed.
Así que, también sabe que este paciente sin familia no puede cerrar su abdomen.
He took our family in as his in-laws.
Nos acogió como familia política.
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family is everything 18
family first 36
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family comes first 25
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family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family members 20
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his father 174
his friend 45
family stuff 23
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family meeting 38
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his father 174
his friend 45