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His mistress перевод на испанский

801 параллельный перевод
"You... were his mistress?"
¿ Usted... era su amante?
"So you were his mistress? !"
"Así que ¿ dónde está su amante?"
He perished at the hands of his mistress Charlotte Corday... who was inspired to the deed by her fanatical devotion to her country.
Pereció a manos de su amante, Charlotte Corday, cuya fanática devoción por la nación le llevó a obrar tal acto.
Competing between his mistress's house and his wife's, he'd felt bashful.
Debe estar apurado con esa competición entre la casa de su amante y la de su mujer.
The eye of the master who fears that of his mistress!
¡ El ojo del amo que teme el ojo de la amante!
" First, the creature, hiccuping and throwing up in the arms of his mistress.
" Primero, la criatura, hipando y vomitando en brazos de su ama.
He scolded her for her delay for an entire hour, she who was to become his mistress, then his wife, and soon after, his victim.
La amonestó por su retraso durante una hora, a ella, que iba a convertirse en su amante, y después en su esposa, y poco después, en su víctima.
Henri IV had given it to his mistress.
Enrique IV se la había dado a su amante.
He killed his mistress.
Mató a su amante.
You were his mistress, weren't you?
- ¡ Te has acostado con él! - ¡ No!
Did you become his mistress at once?
¿ Se convirtió en su amante en seguida?
Of course, she isn't his mistress yet. He will have to struggle before he can claim his victory.
Aún no es su mujer, deberá conquistarla.
You must have been his mistress.
Debes haber sido su amante.
I asked money of Mr. Matsuzaki, because I wanted to marry Jirô as soon as possible, but he thought that I was his mistress.
Le pedí dinero al Sr. Matsuzaki porque quería casarme con Jirô cuanto antes, pero él creía que yo era su amante.
Big Louis sent several money orders to his mistress, a certain Julie Sirot, with whom he has 3 children.
Luisón envió varios giros a su querida, una tal Julie Sirot, con la que tuvo tres hijos.
I thought she was his mistress.
Pensé que era su amante.
If he wouldn't get his way - he threatened to tell you that I was his mistress.
Para conseguir lo que quería, amenazó con decir que yo era su amante.
You couldn't admit just anybody into your distinguished association. Certainly not a barfly, who lives openly with his mistress.
No podían admitir a un cualquiera en el seno de su noble sociedad, a un asiduo de los bares, que vive abiertamente con su querida.
She was his mistress.
Ella era su amante.
The truth is... I'm his mistress.
La verdad es... que soy su amante.
I could be his mistress.
Podría ser su amante.
Now, if he were to marry his mistress...
Si se casara con su amante...
He goes too far, bringing his mistress here.
Ha ido muy lejos al traer aquí a su amante.
How is his mistress?
¿ Cómo es su amante?
I've talked to his mistress.
Todo el mundo discutía intentando saber si el doctor tenía una amante...
If Harry Graham had taken Phyllis Martin as his mistress Some people would have winked an eye and turned their head.
Si Harry Graham hubiera tomado a Phyllis Martin como amante algunos hubiesen cerrado los ojos y girado la cabeza.
He's sleeping with his mistress
Está durmiendo con su amante.
She was his mistress... and she helped you.
Ella era su amante... y ella la ayudó.
I'm his mistress, and I'm proud of it.
Soy su señorita y estoy orgullosa de ello.
Is it true Desiree Armfeldt was his mistress?
¿ Es verdad que Desirée Armfeldt era la amante del abogado?
General, it seems she's already been accepted as his mistress
- De hecho, ya goza de su favor.
Muller hopes his new position will gain him favor with the mistress.
Müller confía en ganar el favor de la patrona desde su nueva posición.
Look at Rosenow. It is his dream mistress.
Vea, Rosenow, ¡ hay que echarse una querida así!
- He's off to see his old mistress.
Verá a su vieja amante
and the affair about mother's jewels the arbitrary giving away of the family jewels, which is an established fact the unestablished fact, of him spending his fortune under the influence of his mistress on whom he seems to be submissively dependent
Al fin y al cabo, los millones gastados en un yate de lujo, en un castillo en Baviera... ¡ Y lo de las joyas de mi madre! La arbitrariedad de regalar las joyas de la familia, que es un hecho...
Mistress Dillard, I put Pres on his first horse.
Sra. Dillard, yo le enseñe a Preston su primer caballo
The Bothwell's wives have learned to let their husbands run free he has cheated on me often, but he always returns to me every time he's a cavalier full of consideration for his wife never has he brought a mistress into my home
Las mujeres de los Bothwell tienen que dejarles libertad. Me ha engañado muchas veces, pero siempre vuelve. Cada vez.
Out of timidity, he misses his chance to conquer her. Instead, she becomes the mistress of the great actor Frederick Lemaitre.
Por timidez, deja pasar la ocasión de conquistarla, y ella se convierte en amante del actor Frédérick Lemaître.
Apollodorus, rebuke this Roman dog! And bid him bridle his tongue in the presence of the mistress of the queen's household.
Apolodoro, reprende a este perro romano y arráncale la lengua, por el ama del servicio de la reina.
Then, sweet Mistress Bowen... since you are such a stickler for the correct definition... you will grant me the legal fact that this boy died by his own exhalations.
Ya que deseáis siempre los términos correctos, la razón estricta de su muerte fueron sus propios vapores.
I daresay he'll find his way back to his old master. Or mistress.
Encontrará su camino de vuelta a su dueño o dueña.
Only had his share in her ventures, same as Mistress Spitfire does now.
solo compartió las aventuras, como la Señora Cascarrabias hace ahora.
It's not that his wife wants to become a mistress, it's that he wants his wife to become a mistress.
Los que dicen que mató a su mujer son los que dicen que tenía una amante.
When Pasquale finds out you were a guest in his house... not with your wife but your mistress, he'll be upset and will get everyone to vote for your rival.
Cuando Pasquale se entere de que le ha tenido invitado en su casa no con su señora, sino con su amante, le sentará como un tiro y hará que todos voten por su adversario.
- They are for his guests, mistress.
- Son para los invitados, ama.
When you found out that in order to keep that mistress, the accused, in the guise of a quiet father, piled up a debt after debt, pretending to be ashamed to feed his own kids...
Cuando supo que, para mantener a dicha amante, el acusado, bajo su apariencia de buen padre de familia, acumulaba deuda tras deuda, aduciendo el pretexto de que era para dar de comer a sus hijos...
I was never his paid mistress.
Nunca fui su amante pagada.
While you were still his paid mistress... did you accept the invitation of the defendant - a younger and richer man - for a luxurious trip abroad?
Mientras fue su amante pagada... ¿ aceptó la invitación del acusado... un hombre más joven y rico, a un viaje lujoso al extranjero?
His Majesty married a mistress of the ex-Emperor Shirakawa just as you married my mother.
Sa Majestad ha desposado una amante del Ex-Emperador Shirakawa, una amante como mi madre.
I never looked for better at his hands... after he once fell in with Mistress Shore.
Nunca había esperado nada bueno de sus manos, tras haberse enamorado de mistress Shore.
I never looked for better at his hands after he once fell in with Mistress Shore.
Nunca esperé nada bueno de él, desde que lo vi relacionado con mistress Shore.

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