His wife перевод на испанский
26,768 параллельный перевод
I'd have let that fire burn if the vicar and his wife hadn't walked past.
Habría dejado que el incendio se consumiera si el vicario y su esposa no hubieran pasado por ahí.
Leaving a son without his father, his wife a widow.
Dejaste a un hijo sin padre, a su esposa viuda.
A happy home, with his wife and children.
Un hogar feliz, con su esposa e hijas.
He and his wife have nasty little nicknames for all of us.
Su esposa y él tienen apodos perversos para todos nosotros.
That's not how it will look. That's not how it will feel. It will feel like a eunuch, an amoeba, is kneeling before his wife.
Así me sentiré, un eunuco, una ameba inclinándose ante su esposa.
His wife had an affair with another man.
Su mujer tenía una aventura con otro hombre.
If he were a good influence he'd patch things up with his wife, and leave Margaret well alone.
Si fuera así, se arreglaría con su mujer y dejaría en paz a Margarita.
And he let his wife go in the process.
Y a costa de perder a su mujer.
Turns out he's been separated from his wife for over a year.
Resulta que se separó de su mujer hace como un año.
But he kisses you like a coal miner greeting his wife.
Pero te besa como un minero saludando a su mujer.
If he blames Torres for his wife being sent away...
Si culpa a Torres porque a su esposa la apartaron de su lado...
His wife and son came home, encountered gärningsmannen flydde to downstairs and where they were liquidated.
Su esposa y su hijo llegaron a la casa, se encontraron con el agresor... y huyeron a la planta baja donde fueron liquidados.
Yes, it is his wife.
- Sí, es su esposa.
His wife and son are killed and Maria is kidnapped.
Su esposa y su hijo fueron asesinados y María Santos fue secuestrada.
You saved his wife.
Tú salvaste su esposa.
Then his wife.
Luego a su esposa.
If you had done your job properly so did not Rickard, his wife and his son have been dead today.
Si hubieras hecho bien tu trabajo... Rickard, su esposa y su hijo no estarían muertos.
- Must be his wife.
- Debe ser su esposa.
No, not him, his... his wife.
No, él no, su... su mujer.
His wife says he wants to be a D.N.R., so he's a D.N.R.
Su esposa dice que quiere ser un DNR, por lo que es un DNR
The victim, identified as Ryan Larson, is survived by his wife and young child.
La víctima, identificada como Ryan Larson, es sobrevivido por su esposa y su hijo pequeño.
I told him... a-a married man who's not gonna leave his wife.
Le dije que... es un hombre casado que no va a abandonar a su mujer.
What about the pastor and his wife?
¿ Qué hay del pastor y su esposa?
While you're away, the Pastor and his wife will have an accident.
Y mientras estáis fuera, el pastor y su esposa tendrán un accidente.
Perhaps they'll see the value in... sparing Pastor Tim and his wife if they believe their deaths will make Paige un-recruitable.
Quizás consideren el valor de... de perdonar al pastor Tim y a su esposa si creen que sus muertes harán que Paige no pueda ser reclutada.
I mean, the guy loses his wife, and now he's gonna lose his daughter too?
Es decir, el hombre pierde a su esposa, y ahora se va a perder su hija también?
Oh, and his wife just left him.
Y su mujer acaba de dejarlo.
What I read was the account of a courageous man. Who falls into a true love. With a woman who isn't his wife.
Lo que leí fue el relato de un hombre corajudo que encuentra el amor verdadero en una mujer que no es su esposa y arriesga todo para estar con ella.
He's got his wife.
Tiene a su esposa.
He lost his job, his wife.
Él perdió su trabajo, su esposa.
He lost his job, his wife divorced him, and his eight-year-old child has been taken from his home.
Él perdió su trabajo, su esposa se divorció de él, y sus ocho años de edad, niño ha sido sacado de su casa.
He and his wife Sheila moved to Kauai, 2012.
Él y su esposa Sheila se mudaron a Kauai en 2012.
You said his wife's name was Sheila?
¿ Dices que el nombre de su esposa es Sheila?
His wife thought it was over one of his unsolved cases.
Su esposa piensa que estaba a punto de resolver uno de sus viejos casos.
Bad news is his wife was wrong.
La mala noticia es que su esposa estaba equivocada.
Others thought she was his wife.
Otros que era su esposa.
Yeah, but that was his wife.
Sí, pero esa era su esposa.
To see the poor man hear that his wife didn't just die, she was murdered?
¿ Para ver al pobre hombre oír que su mujer no murió... sino que fue asesinada?
A good man admires his wife's beauty, he doesn't slut shame her.
Un buen hombre admira la belleza de su esposa, jamás la trataría de puta.
Then uses the book as a blueprint to kill his wife.
Y luego usó el libro como guía para matar a su mujer.
The guy who couldn't give it to his wife, so she fantasizes about doing it with everybody else.
En el tipo que no puede satisfacer a su esposa... y por eso ella fantasea sobre hacerlo con todos los demás.
An angel to his mother, wife and children.
Un cielo con su madre, su mujer y sus hijas.
You can't do this. Am I to be the only man in the country whose wife and children don't take his name?
¿ Seré el único hombre cuya mujer e hijos no toman su apellido?
The man that gave away India, and his own wife.
El hombre que regaló la India y a su propia esposa.
He's unresponsive, which makes the wife his proxy.
Es que no responde, lo que hace que la mujer de su proxy.
That is, if he and his lady wife are not too busy measuring carpets and curtains for what is still my home.
Si él y su esposa no están muy ocupados comparando alfombras y cortinas para la que aún es mi casa.
He's not gonna leave his wife.
No va a dejar a su esposa.
Because his ex-wife is running, too.
Debido a su ex mujer se está ejecutando, también.
We just left him there with his dying wife.
Simplemente lo dejamos allí con su esposa moribunda.
I think I heard it from Daniel, about his Korean-Russian wife.
Creo que lo escuché de Daniel, acerca de su esposa coreana-rusa.
He said if I didn't tell him where I was, his people would kill my wife, my daughters back in Afghanistan.
Dijo que si no le decía donde estaba su gente mataría a mi esposa, mis hijas, allí en Afganistán.
his wife died 20
his wife left him 23
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
his watch 21
his words 65
his work 33
his whole life 20
his wallet 24
his what 76
his wife left him 23
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
his watch 21
his words 65
his work 33
his whole life 20
his wallet 24
his what 76