His watch перевод на испанский
2,816 параллельный перевод
His watch was at the scene.
Su reloj estaba en la escena.
His watch?
¿ Su reloj?
Less than an hour before his watch was smashed.
Menos de una hora antes de que su reloj se estrellara.
And he just looked at his watch and walked away.
Y miró el reloj y se marchó sin más.
His watch was on his right hand.
Su reloj estaba en su mano derecha.
Shows up every day to get his watch cleaned.
Aparece todos los días para que le limpie el reloj.
Well, he-he he still had his watch on.
Bueno, él... todavía tenía su reloj puesto.
Watch his blood pressure.
Controlen su presión sanguínea.
We shall have to watch ourselves, or else His Lordship will want to pinch you off Captain Crawley.
Debemos tener cuidado o Su Señoría querrá robárselo al Capitán Crawley.
When he can watch over you with his own eyes, our task will be complete.
Cuando él pueda cuidarlos con sus propios ojos, nuestra tarea será completada.
When I mug a guy, I take his $ 30,000 watch.
Cuando robo a un tipo, me llevo su reloj de 30.000 dólares.
Please don't tell me that you watch his sitcom.
No me digas que ves su programa.
and I watch him every day, trying to make amends for his past mistakes.
Y le veo cada día, intentando enmendar sus errores del pasado.
But shooting at his home is easy. Now watch!
Pero disparar a su casa es fácil. ¡ Ahora mira!
- When night watch contacted his mother, she said let him spend the night in jail.
Cuando el turno de la noche contactó a su madre, dijo que lo dejáramos pasar la noche en la cárcel.
His mother's reported him, he's on a watch list, Naz confirms their worst fears.
Su madre lo reporta, lo vigilan, Naz confirma sus peores temores.
I saw that "Planet Earth" was playing on his giant TV, so I started to watch.
Ví que "Planeta Tierra" estaba puesta en su enorme TV. Así que empecé a verla.
He can watch his son grow up, protect him.
Él puede ver crecer a su hijo, protegerlo.
After a long day you find His Holiness sometimes in his living room, he likes to relax and watch the news.
Después de un largo día, se le puede encontrar a Su Santidad en el living, dónde le gusta relajarse y mirar los noticieros.
Can't watch his own daughter.
No puede vigilar a su propia hija.
Do you want to go into the video room and watch that fantastic interview you just conducted where you said to her, very directly, "Did he, at any point, tell you to kill his wife?"
¿ Quieres ir a la sala de video y ver esa fantástica entrevista que acabas de dirigir en la que le dijiste muy directamente, "¿ en algún momento le dijo que matara a su mujer?"
Our officers searched his $ 12 million pad and found a $ 60,000 watch in his dresser drawer.
Nuestros oficiales registraron su mansión de 12 millones y encontraron un reloj de 60000 dólares en su vestidor.
The thief has to come out of hiding to stop us or watch his money vanish.
El ladrón tiene que dejar de esconderse para pararnos o ver desaparecer su dinero.
Hold him down and watch his mouth.
Sujételo y vigile su boca.
Yeah, well, then why'd he have the compass points for your little death camp in his sailing watch?
Sí, bueno, entonces ¿ por qué la brújula de su reloj apuntaba a tu campamento de muerte?
No one's gonna want to watch a TV show about that I talk to some guy who's all his friends took him out.
Nadie va a ver un programa de TV en el que hablo con un tipo a quien sus amigos lo sacaron.
Watch his head.
Cuidado con su cabeza.
Looks like we're gonna have to watch his every step.
Parece que vamos a tener que vigilar cada uno de sus pasos.
From what I can see, Jared Kushner better watch his back.
Por lo que puedo ver, es mejor que Jared Kushner vigile sus espaldas.
I told you, let's go to the deli and buy a "Daily News" and go home, but you wanted to get all fancy and go to the aquarium, so you gotta watch Daddy shit water out of his asshole.
Te lo dije, vayamos a la tienda, a comprar el periódico, y volvamos a casa, pero querías ir de moderna e ir al acuario, así que tendrás que ver a papá cagar agua por su culo.
Has to watch his friend become a big star, the woman he loves on Solly's arm.
Tiene que ver como su amigo se convierte en una gran estrella, la mujer a la que ama está en los brazos de Solly.
he flip me a 20, and I watch his car.
Me dio 20 dólares por cuidar su coche.
You watch his car- - the one that has all the tickets?
¿ Cuidaste su coche, el que tiene todas las multas?
His pocket watch stopped when he hit the water.
Su reloj de bolsillo se paró cuando se mojó.
I want to watch his expression when he sees the painting in my hand.
Quiero ver su expresión cuando vea la pintura en mi mano.
I am sure his men were keeping a watch outside my house.
Estoy seguro de que sus hombres estaban vigilando afuera de mi casa.
"Watch the witch, but never trust him, " for his every thought is a sin, his every word a lie. "
"Vigila el brujo, pero nunca confíes en él, porque cada pensamiento es un pecado, cada palabra una mentira".
Danny Parker, Michael Smith, but his real name is Danny Fernandez... and he's on an Interpol watch list.
Danny Parker, Michael Smith, pero su auténtico nombre es Danny Fernández... y está en la lista de búsqueda de la Interpol.
Plus his gizmo fried my watch.
Además su juguete quemó mi reloj.
Watch his head.
Agárrale la cabeza.
Tom needs to watch his back.
Tom necesita vigilar sus espaldas.
Even I would rather watch bike racing than listen to James talk about his pre-flight checks.
Incluso prefiero ver carreras de bicicleta mientras se escucha a James hablando sobre sus comprobaciones de pre vuelo.
Tom needs to watch his back.
Tom tiene que cubrirse las espaldas.
Stay here and watch his men.
Quédate aquí y vigila a sus hombres.
To watch his precious Tamika.
Para vigilar a su preciosa Tamika.
But yesterday, I did exactly as was asked of me, hard as it was just to sit there and watch us dance around his rights, after what he did to me for eight years.
Pero ayer, hice exactamente lo que se me pidió, por muy duro que fuera simplemente sentarme allí y ver cómo bailábamos alrededor de sus derechos, después de lo que me hizo durante ocho años.
But watch what happens if the alien hops on his bike and rides directly away from Earth.
Pero mira lo que pasa si el alienígena da un salto en su bicicleta y se aleja de la Tierra.
Guy like you should watch where he puts his hands.
Un tío como tú debería ver donde pone sus manos.
Honey, he could fall off there and split his head open. Dad, please, go sit down and watch. I'll do this.
He comes daily to get his water logged watch cleaned.
Viene todos los días para que le limpie el reloj que ha encharcado de agua.
Remember what it was like to watch her kiss another dude right in front of you... her lips on his.
Recuerda lo que se siente verla besar a otro justo frente a ti... sus labios en los de él.
watch 1138
watching 230
watched 17
watches 61
watch out 2503
watch your mouth 281
watch tv 56
watch your tone 44
watch it 1500
watching tv 59
watching 230
watched 17
watches 61
watch out 2503
watch your mouth 281
watch tv 56
watch your tone 44
watch it 1500
watching tv 59
watch your step 464
watch your language 95
watch your back 240
watch your eyes 17
watch your six 28
watch and learn 230
watch yourself 314
watch this 999
watch me 376
watch your head 255
watch your language 95
watch your back 240
watch your eyes 17
watch your six 28
watch and learn 230
watch yourself 314
watch this 999
watch me 376
watch your head 255