Hold on to it перевод на испанский
1,204 параллельный перевод
Perhaps I'll hold on to it a bit longer.
Creo que me lo quedaré unos días más.
Come over here and we'll find some fella we can trust to hold on to it.
Acérquense. Encontraremos a alguien de confianza que guarde el dinero.
The next time we kill one of those things, I'd like to hold on to it and run some tests on it.
El próximo de esos bichos que matemos quiero quedármelo y quiero hacerle unas pruebas.
You can hold on to it. It's a copy.
Puede quedársela, es una copia.
Hold on to it.
- Just hold on to it.
I'll just hold on to it, then.
- Ella está bien. ¿ Gwen?
He said to hold on to it until you hear word from Belfast.
Dice que lo guardes. Que no cierres el trato sin autorización de Belfast.
All you gotta do is hold on to it.
Sólo tenia en las manos. Ellos captarán la idea.
Hold on to it. lf Big John finds out, he`ll come and get it.
Guárdala. Si se entera John El Grande vendrá a reclamarla.
- Actually, I'll hold on to it.
- Mejor me aguantare
And that is it. If they can hold on to it, the championship is theirs.
Asi es, si no hacen algo ya, el campeonato es de ellos.
How long could we hold on to it before the competition steals it?
¿ Cuánto tiempo podríamos tenerlo antes de que lo robe la competencia?
Then you must hold on to it.
Entonces no lo dejes escapar.
By the time they get turned around, we'll have secured Proxima... then all we have to do is hold on to it while we move on to the next target.
Para cuando les hagan dar la vuelta, habremos asegurado Próxima. y luego solo tenemos que aferrarnos a ella mientras pasamos al siguiente blanco.
- Then, you hold on to it!
- ¡ No lo dejes ir!
Guess I'll just have to hold on to it for... safekeeping.
Creo que tendré que guardarla... por seguridad.
Hold on to it.
¡ No lo sueltes!
Hold on to it for me.
Aférrate a él para mí.
But it would help if I could hold on to this for a day.
Pero ¿ podría quedármelo un par de días?
Come on, Niles. Are you seriously telling me that Miss Fine is the type of person to hold it over my head just because I... oh, God, is it too late to send flowers?
Venga, Niles. ¿ Me dices en serio que la señorita Fine es el tipo de persona que se enfada sólo porque simplemen...
Hold on, doc, you mean we got three minutes to get up on the roof and away from this house before it blows?
Aguarde, doc, ¿ dice que solo tenemos tres minutos para llegar al techo y para alejarnos de esta casa antes que vuele?
Tenemos que vengarnos, usemos las armas.
Come on, Waco. Hold on to this. Push on the contacts, while I give it a try.
mantén el contacto.
Well, I, uh, I happened to manage to hold on to one bottle of it.
Da la casualidad que me las arreglé para quedarme con una botella.
Hold on to that image, Dylan, and breathe through it... and let it take you wherever it's gonna go.
Aférrate a esa imagen, Dylan y respira profundo. Deja que te lleve a donde sea que vaya.
No, no, I understand that you have to put me on hold, but it's just that I was already on hold before you put me on hold.
Yo entiendo que tengo que esperar, pero cuando respondió ya estaba esperando.
It's getting hard to hold on to, the way things are going.
Es difícil creer, viendo cómo van las cosas.
At the same time it is something to hold on to... something very concrete, until death.
Al mismo tiempo es algo a lo que aferrarse,... algo muy concreto, hasta Ia muerte.
You want to hold off on it?
¿ Quieres dejarlo?
- It's gonna take a miracle for us to hold on.
Vamos a necesitar un milagro.
It's getting tough to hold on in this wash.
Se está haciendo difícil de sostener en este lavado.
He had a hold on her that had to be broken, so I broke it.
Tenía un poder sobre ella que debía romperse así que lo hice.
Hold on, it's going to be all right.
Aguanta, todo irá bien.
We were to hold the cart on the top edge of the stairwell, leaning it downward, and wait for the vendor.
Íbamos a llevar el carro al borde de las escaleras y a esperar.
Hold on, "Paul Revere." I happen to agree with you, by the way, but here's the problem - how do we do it?
Espere, "Paul Revere." Por empezar, concuerdo con Ud., pero hay un problema... ¿ cómo lo hacemos?
- Put a hold on it. - I want to talk to you.
Quiero hablar contigo.
He's trying to hold on the cat hair with dog paws and keep it in at the same time!
¡ Intenta agarrarse al pelo del gato con sus patas delanteras y mantenerla dentro al mismo tiempo!
You can try to say whatever it is you should have said before or you can just hold on tight.
Puedes intentar decir algo que deberías haber dicho antes o puedes abrazarlo fuerte.
Because it's all you got to hold on to.
Porque es lo único que tienes.
Hold on to anything long enough and it'll become valuable.
Ivamos a ir al cine esta noche
His ship and the people on it hold the key to where we came from.
Su nave y la gente en ella, tienen la clave de donde venimos.
It's hard to tell on an x-ray. Hold on.
Es dificil de ver en los rayos X. Espera.
He Wanted to know what I was up to and decided to hold off his attack on Piedmont till he could figure it out.
Quiso saber qué estaba tramando y decidió posponer su ataque a Piedmont hasta descubrirlo.
It's a question of whether... we want to hold on to those values... that made this place great.
Debemos aferrarnos a esos valores que hicieron grande esta ciudad.
To hold it on, dear.
Para sostenerlo querida.
Now, in the meantime, goddamn it, I wantyou to hold on until I get there.
Mientras tanto, maldita sea, mantened la posición hasta que yo llegue.
I was called by President Kennedy at 8 o'clock in the morning and he said, come to my room, and he still had his bathrobe on and and he said, here's something I'm writing for you, you're going to hold a press conference to announce it.
El Presidente Kennedy me llamó a las 8 en punto de la mañana y dijo, ven a mi habitación, todavía tenía su bata de baño encima y dijo, aquí hay algo que estoy escribiendo para ti, vas a dar una conferencia de prensa para anunciarlo. "
Witness to resurrection with his own eyes, to hold finger on it.
Quiere ver la resurrección con sus propios ojos, tocarla.
Our company is to try to take the bridge on the Kall Trail again and hold it.
Nuestra compañía intentará de nuevo tomar el punte de la vereda Kall
I wanted a hold on him but I didn't want to use it.
Quise apoyarme en él pero no quería utilizarlo.
hold on 13161
hold on a second 1159
hold on to me 73
hold on tight 161
hold on a sec 244
hold on a moment 33
hold on a minute 292
hold on one second 255
hold on for a second 24
hold on there 121
hold on a second 1159
hold on to me 73
hold on tight 161
hold on a sec 244
hold on a moment 33
hold on a minute 292
hold on one second 255
hold on for a second 24
hold on there 121
hold on one sec 46
hold on now 65
hold on just a second 39
hold on to that 25
hold on to him 18
hold on here 28
hold on to this 18
to it 19
hold the door 81
hold my hand 117
hold on now 65
hold on just a second 39
hold on to that 25
hold on to him 18
hold on here 28
hold on to this 18
to it 19
hold the door 81
hold my hand 117
hold it 2458
hold me tight 34
hold it right there 423
hold your horses 138
hold me 244
hold still 691
hold up 1863
hold me close 21
hold it down 43
hold the line 129
hold me tight 34
hold it right there 423
hold your horses 138
hold me 244
hold still 691
hold up 1863
hold me close 21
hold it down 43
hold the line 129