Hold on to that перевод на испанский
1,185 параллельный перевод
Can you hold on to that thought?
¿ Puedes agarrarte a esa idea?
Well you've gotta learn to hold on to that thing.
Bueno, tienes que aprender cómo sujetar esa cosa.
You got to hold on to that fury!
¡ Muy bien! ¡ Déjate llevar por Ia furia!
No, why don't you hold on to that one.
No, quédate con ése.
Will you hold on to that?
¿ Tenemos que llevar eso?
Hold on to that.
Sujétame esto.
Hold on to that picture.
Quédate con esa imagen.
Hold on to that girl for me, please!
Sujete a esa Putita, por favor.
Mars didn't have enough gravity to hold on to that atmosphere.
"El débil campo gravitatorio de Marte no pudo retener su atmósfera".
If you get you a woman that really, really loves you, you've got to hold on to that, Sherman.
"Por Favor Entregar A Sherman Klump" "¡ Atención! Archivo Personal de Klump Abierto"
Hold on to that ball, Petey!
Manten la pelota, Petey!
Hold on to that ball!
Manten la pelota!
Hold on to that rawness!
¡ Espera a que la carne viva!
I think when you have something like that in your life to hold on to that's not another person but it's more like a part of yourself, you know, like a goal or a dream the whole world falls apart around you, you'll be okay.
Cuando uno tiene algo a qué asirse en la vida que no sea otra persona algo que sea parte de uno mismo como una meta o un sueño el mundo puede derrumbarse y eso no nos afectará.
And do you actually think that you could hold on to that beautiful woman... -... with a selfish ultimatum?
¿ Y tú de veras crees que podrás retener a esa bella mujer con un ultimátum egoísta?
I hold on to that day, but you disappeared, and the picture of you was already fading, and it's all I had.
Me aferro a ese día, pero desapareciste... y tu imagen ya se está desvaneciendo, y es todo lo que tengo.
Or do we hold on to the hope that, someday, we'll be with them again?
¿ O nos aferramos a la esperanza de reunirnos con ellos algún día?
Your mind held me locked here, but that innocent blow to your head weakened your hold on me, permitting me to escape.
Tu mente me mantuvo encerrado aquí, pero ese inocente golpe a tu cabeza debilitó tu control sobre mí, y me permitió escapar.
And that is it. If they can hold on to it, the championship is theirs.
Asi es, si no hacen algo ya, el campeonato es de ellos.
All I meant to do, I swear, was just hold him by the wrist and just give him a little swat on the butt, that's all.
Todo lo que quería hacer, lo juro, era tomarlo de la muñeca y darle un pequeño azote en el trasero.
Hold on there, fella. You sure you don't want to go back to that last sin some more?
Espera, ¿ seguro que no quieres volver a ese último pecado?
You know, I guess I always knew that I could never hold on to a prize like you forever.
En el fondo siempre he sabido que no podría reterner a una joya como tú para siempre.
[Tomkins] I'd say that's grounds to hold you on federal weapons charges.
Yo diría que hay fundamento para presentar cargos federales contra Ud.
It's a question of whether... we want to hold on to those values... that made this place great.
Debemos aferrarnos a esos valores que hicieron grande esta ciudad.
Or some stupid student takes hold to me for a philosophical discussion.. on my nature, the reaches of my omnipotencia and all that excrement.
O algún estúpido estudiante me agarra para una discusión filosófica sobre mi naturaleza, los alcances de mi omnipotencia y toda esa mierda.
OK, hold on, first the ground rules. If you say to me things like that, I'll have to slug you. If you say anything nasty about Jake, I'll have to slug you.
Ok ok pongamos las reglas, si dices mas estupideces como esas, te dare un golpe, si dices cosas desagradables sobre Jake te dare un golpe, si intentas pasarte de listo te dare un golpe, si dices un chiste machista o racista te dare igual un golpe.
James, you watch, you're catching up to him go on Lee I was working up here until very recently but they discovered I've got rheumatoid arthritis so at the moment that's put work on hold
James, cuidado, lo estas alcanzando sigue, Lee estaba trabajando aca hasta hace poquito pero me descubrieron artritis reumatoide asi que por ahora no estoy trabajando
And you can hold on tighter to me. That'II calm you down.
Y puedes abrazarte a mí, eso tranquiliza.
Well, she said that Greg was going to hold... an emergency press conference on the steps of the courthouse.
Ha dicho que Greg iba a dar una rueda de prensa en los escalones del palacio de justicia.
That's what you planned to do all along, isn't it? You knew the data rod wouldn't hold up to scrutiny. You just wanted to get him on the station so that you could plant a bomb on his shuttle!
¡ Solo quería que viniera a la estación para poner una bomba en su nave!
If you can find that kindness, hold on to it.
Si logras hallar algo de bondad, aférrate a ella.
Hold that thought until I get Grace on the phone, because I think you meant to bark that at her. You know what? No, Jack, that was meant for you.
No, eso fue para ti.
I'm sorry I didn't hold on to you with so much strength that even God couldn't pull you away. "
Lamento no haberte sujetado con tal fuerza que ni Dios te hubiera podido llevar ".
Then hold it off the air until you got that, but I wanna go to New York, and I wanna go on the record right now.
No lo emita hasta que consiga todo eso. Pero quiero hablar... ahora.
If only you could bottle that unfettered state of mind that comes with being on foreign soil to just hold on to it even for a day, an evening an hour.
Si pudiera envasarse esa liberación que surge en el extranjero. Si pudiera conservarse aunque fuese un día, una noche una hora.
Slide it on to your knee, hold it like that.
Deslízalo sobre tu rodilla, cógelo de esta manera.
Oh, so just'cause a robot wants to kill humans... that makes him a "radical." Hey, hold on.
Sólo porque un robot quiera matar humanos, lo llaman radical.
They don't do a damn bit of good. But they're orange and you can chew them, and hold on to the hope that eventually they'll kick in.
No me han hecho ningún bien, pero son de sabor naranja y se mastican y sigo esperando que sirvan de algo.
If that gives him one last shred of dignity to hold onto, then I'll go on ignoring what's happening to him until the very end.
Si eso le proporciona la dignidad que necesita para seguir adelante, seguiré fingiendo que no sé nada hasta el último minuto.
When we can't accept that we've died, we create the illusion of life to hold on to.
Cuando no aceptamos que morimos creamos una ilusión de vida para aferrarnos.
I think that if you know, that you could find a way to hold on.
Creo que si lo supieras, podrías resistir.
You convinced me that it would be immoral to hold on to it.
Me convenciste de que seria inmoral tenerlo.
The Russians, of course, would be free to hold their own trial with the ones that you have on hand.
Los rusos, por supuesto, podrán llevar libremente su propio juicio con los que... ustedes tienen a mano.
If you would take the sticks out of your head you would see that all I have to do is do what I wanna do, and all I wanna do is hold on to my bag and not listen to you.
Si se quitara esos palitos de la cabeza, quizá vería que tengo sentimientos y sólo quiero hacer lo que quiero hacer, y eso es aferrarme a mi maleta y no hacerle caso, y la única manera de que la suelte
Hold on! You were the one that taught us... to take charge in each situation, to get our foot in the door.
Usted fue quien nos enseñó... a hacernos cargo de cada situación, a poner nuestro pie en la puerta.
{ \ fad ( 150,300 ) \ be1 \ 1aH00 \ 1cH000000 } yakusoku wo shiyou yo { \ 3cHE8AD85 } Let's promise each other... { \ fad ( 150,300 ) \ be1 \ 1aH00 \ 1cH000000 } ano hi no hageshisa wo { \ 3cHE8AD85 } that we'll hold on to the intensity...
Seguiremos adelante de la mano No nos olvidaremos que nos tenemos el uno al otro
He used to get so excited that I used to hold him down with one hand and try and carry on the manual mix on the desk with the other.
Se emocionaba tanto que tenía que sujetarle con una mano y seguir con la mezcla manual de la mesa con la otra.
All you have to do is hold on with that hand there, that left hand.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es tomarte con esa mano ahí, con la izquierda.
So even with everything that you went through... you still think it's possible to hold on to your heart?
Aun con todo lo que pasaste... ¿ sigues creyendo que es posible aferrarte a tu amor?
I want you to know... that I am going to see to it that you never serve on a school committee, hold an office or even so much as set foot... in a P.T.A. Meeting as long as I can help it.
Quiero decirle que me aseguraré de que... nunca participe en el comité escolar, ni tenga un cargo... ni asista a la Asociación de Padres y Maestros... mientras yo pueda impedirlo.
The fact that I'm on hold isn't a cue to tell me about life 100 years ago.
Que esté esperando no es óbice para que me cuentes cómo era la vida.
hold on 13161
hold on a second 1159
hold on to me 73
hold on tight 161
hold on a sec 244
hold on a moment 33
hold on a minute 292
hold on one second 255
hold on for a second 24
hold on there 121
hold on a second 1159
hold on to me 73
hold on tight 161
hold on a sec 244
hold on a moment 33
hold on a minute 292
hold on one second 255
hold on for a second 24
hold on there 121
hold on one sec 46
hold on now 65
hold on just a second 39
hold on to him 18
hold on to it 26
hold on here 28
hold on to this 18
to that end 82
to that 33
hold the door 81
hold on now 65
hold on just a second 39
hold on to him 18
hold on to it 26
hold on here 28
hold on to this 18
to that end 82
to that 33
hold the door 81
hold my hand 117
hold it 2458
hold me tight 34
hold it right there 423
hold your horses 138
hold me 244
hold still 691
hold up 1863
hold me close 21
hold it down 43
hold it 2458
hold me tight 34
hold it right there 423
hold your horses 138
hold me 244
hold still 691
hold up 1863
hold me close 21
hold it down 43