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I always have been перевод на испанский

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I always have been.
Siempre lo he sido.
I always have been.
Desde siempre.
I always have been. But with style.
Lo descubrí cuando tenía cinco años, pero es mi estilo.
I am a square... and I always have been.
Soy de mente cerrada... y siempre lo he sido.
I keep forgetting wars have always been fought by children.
Siempre olvido que a las guerras siempre envían a los niños.
For some reason unknown to me I have always been charged with being unpunctual.
Por alguna razón que desconozco siempre me han acusado de impuntual.
Please allow me to be more explicit. I'm absolutely sure you have always been behind Lauri's work.
Estoy absolutamente seguro de detrás de Lauri ha estado siempre Ud., Bizanti.
Ledbetter, you have always been most kind to me and I shall always be very grateful.
Ledbetter, ha sido usted muy amable y le estaré siempre muy agradecida.
I have always been at your side.
Siempre he estado a tu lado.
I've always maintained that the Loop Theory of Time shouldn't have been so arrogantly dismissed by Crabshaw and his cronies.
Yo siempre he mantenido que la teoría del bucle temporal... no debería haber sido tan arrogantemente ignorada por Crabshaw y sus compinches.
Where I have been waiting for you always, and I always find you again.
Donde he estado esperando por usted siempre, y siempre lo encuentro de nuevo.
For reasons I have never been able to understand, Vincenzo has always confused my reporter's clever ingenuity... with what he calls high-handed lunacy.
Por razones que nunca he entendido Vincenzo siempre ha confundido mi ingenio de reportero con lo que él llama locura arbitraria.
That is how I've always understood it although I have been ashamed of Polish nobles when compared to French noble for while the French noble will permit the worst he would never betray his lord.
Eso es lo que yo siempre he entendido aunque me haya avergonzado de nobles polacos en comparación con nobles franceses porque aunque el noble francés permitirá lo peor él nunca traicionaría a su señor.
We've just got to find a trace of Christmas spirit and goodwill somewhere. I know. Santa's favorites have always been the little ones, the children.
Santa siempre ha sido el favorito de los preguntemosle a ellos.
Since then I never once have had real independence. I've always been dependent on men, and now on you.
Desde entonces, yo nunca más fuí independiente estuve siempre dependiendo de los hombres y ahora de tí...
Lord Bullingdon I have always been willing to live with you on friendly terms.
Lord Bullingdon... siempre he estado dispuesto a vivir con vos en términos de amistad.
The other sheep I've dipped have always been running away from their countries.
Todos los borregos a los que he ocultado huían de sus países.
- May the Lord always be praised. Since my husband died I've been deeply in debt, yet I've always offered money to Jesus Sacred Wounds, then I don't have the money to pay off the mortgage.
Desde que murió mi marido, estoy llena de deudas, pero mis plegarias y mis donaciones a Jesús siempre las he cumplido.
How strange, i who always have been in such good health.
¡ Qué extraño! ¡ Si siempre he sido como la diosa de la salud!
Because I have always been faithful.
Porque yo en cambio, siempre te he sido fiel.
And to think that with the burning ovaries I've been always had, my dear, I might have had a daughter being 11 years old.
¡ Y pensar que con los ovarios tan precoces que yo siempre he tenido, querida,... hubiera podido tener una hija, incluso a los 11 años.
Oh, no. I have always been very good... and could even be better sometimes.
Siempre he sido muy buena... y a veces he podido ser incluso mejor aún.
The sensation of the passing of time has always been vivid for me, and I have been attracted by it, just as others are allured by dizzying heights or by water.
Siempre he tenido una sensación muy viva del paso del tiempo ; me atraía... como a otros los atrae el vacío o el agua.
Having met you, I felt as if I have always been looking for you.
supe que siempre te había estado buscando.
Billy... I've always been straight with you. You don't have too many choices.
Billy, siempre he sido directo contigo, no tienes muchas opciones
And I hope that those years spent at Roosevelt High, Have been an experience that you shall always remember.
Y espero que los años en la secundaria Roosevelt... hayan sido una gran experiencia que siempre recordaran.
I have always been on my own.
Siempre he estado sola.
I am and I have always been against any form of Negro domination.
¡ Estoy y siempre he estado en contra de cualquier forma de dominación negra!
Now, you have always been a mighty powerful prayer. And I was wondering, are you still praying? Oh, child, I'll be praying till they put me in my grave and they'd best be careful about that first shovelful because my mouth be still open.
Mira lo principal es que tienes miedo de ese hombre, ¿ porque es blanco o porque es hombre?
I haven't been a good father, but I have always loved you.
No he sido un buen padre, pero siempre te he querido.
I have always been yours!
¡ Si lo fuiste siempre, sélo entonces ahora!
I have always doubted how a good fight and devoted subordinate like Yu I Ju, could have been killed by three robbers or committed suicide.
Siempre he dudado de que un buen luchador y subordinado fiel como Yu I Ju... fuera asesinado por 3 ladrones o se suicidara.
The only thing I have always been afraid of is the quiet.
la única cosa a la que siempre le tuve miedo es a la quietud.
The poor have always been the favourites of God and his Saints, but I believe that it's one of the special achievements of grace to sanctify the whole of life.
Los pobres siempre han sido los favoritos... de Dios y de sus santos, pero yo creo... que uno de los logros especiales de la gracia es santificar toda vida.
But the war has always been clear enough and I have always believed in that.
Pero siempre tuve muy en claro lo que es la guerra y siempre creí en ella.
... "I have always been free".
... "Siempre he sido libre".
I'd been rather surprised, because André's taste used to be very ascetic... even though people have always known that he had some money somewhere.
Siempre tuvo unos gustos sencillos... aunque se sabía que tenía dinero en algún sitio.
I have always been a stable, well-adjusted individual.
Siempre he sido un individuo estable y equilibrado.
.. I have always been.
Siempre estuve libre.
You must always have been very different from the man I thought you were.
Quiere decir que siempre has sido muy diferente de lo que pensaba.
My dear fellows, I will be brief and clear just as I have always been.
Queridos míos, seré breve y claro, como siempre.
I have been and always shall be yours.
Siempre he sido y siempre seré su amigo.
I have been and always shall be your friend.
Siempre he sido..... y siempre seré..... su amigo.
I was four years in the Austrian resistance and I have given talks since 1963, and I have always after the talks recently been addressed with regard to this "'Allo'Allo. "
Quiero que vayas a la sala de atrás
I have always been intimidated by that man.
Siempre me he sentido intimidada por ese hombre.
I have always been interested in your excuses.
¡ Oh sí! Tus excusas me interesan.
I have been and always shall be your friend.
Siempre he sido su amigo y siempre lo seré.
I have been and always shall be your friend.
Siempre he sido y siempre seré su amigo.
I may have been, yes, and I have been pagan in spirit, But I have always known there is more sincerity in religion than in politics,
Puede que sí que haya sido pagano de espíritu, pero siempre he sabido que hay más sinceridad en la religión que en la política,
I have always been cognizant of that in the teeth of mercenaries and capers like MacSwiney, manager or some such, of the Queen's Theatre in Haymarket, or some such...
Siempre he sido consciente de eso ante las garras de mercenarios y criminales, como MacSwiney, que era gerente del Teatro de la Reina de Haymarket,
Yes, I know you have always been hers and a part of herself.
Sí, sé que no has cesado de ser suya y de ser parte de ella.

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