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I always knew it перевод на испанский

450 параллельный перевод
I always knew it was big, but I didn't think it was this big.
Siempre supe que era grande, pero no pensaba que tanto.
Our little comedy is ending, just as I always knew it would.
Nuestra pequeña comedia se acaba, tal como siempre pensé que acabaría.
Yes, I think I Always knew it, too.
Sí, supongo que yo también lo supe.
I always knew it was too beatiful to last
Sabía que era demasiado maravilloso para durar.
I always knew it, you know.
- Siempre lo supe.
In some queer sort of way, I always knew it. What about me?
De alguna extraña manera, siempre lo supe.
Every time there was a do, everything went ; and I always knew it was me!
Cada vez que faltaba algo, ¡ era por mi!
Somehow I always knew it would be like this.
Siempre supe que sería así.
I think I always knew it would be like this.
Pensaba que siempre seria asi.
I always knew it.
Lo sabía, siempre lo he sabido.
I always knew it.
Siempre lo supe.
I always knew it.
Estaba seguro.
I always knew it'd be like this.
Siempre supe que sería así.
I always knew it was a matter of time before another professional came in and noticed the discrepancies.
Siempre supe que era una cuestión de tiempo... antes de que otro profesional viniese y se diese cuenta de las discrepancias.
- I always knew it, you know.
- Siempre lo supe, sabes.
Always put something in it. Listen, I knew a guy once that went to one of those temperance lectures uptown.
Escuche, conocí a un sujeto que fue a una de esas reuniones de abstinencia.
I never knew what wretched lives women have to live, how one slipup is fatal for them, how there's always a man to take advantage of it.
No sabía que las mujeres eran unas pobres infelices. Cometen tonterías sin remedio. Y siempre hay alguno que se aprovecha.
What did I always tell you? I knew it was too good to last.
Ea demasiado bonito para durar.
It's been my heavy cross that those whom I was given to guide and rule have always fought against the right which I knew to be the right.
Es mi cruz que a quienes guié siempre luchan contra lo que considero correcto.
I always knew you'd do it.
Sabía que podías hacerlo.
Although I knew it was just a play, It always hurt.
Aunque sabía que era solo una obra, siempre me dolió.
You know, I always knew Theodora had it in her.
Siempre supe que Theodora tenía algo.
I always knew you had it in your tongue.
Siempre supe que lo lograrías.
I knew they were always up to the fashion. But I didn't know they were ever that far ahead of it.
Sabía que siempre iban a la moda, pero no imaginaba que fueran tan avanzados.
She always knew why I used to come back here. We had a joke about it.
Ella sabía que yo me refugiaba aquí y nos reíamos de ello.
I always knew you'd have to leave someday... but now that it's come, I just can't bear it.
Siempre supe que algún día tendrías que marcharte... pero ahora que ha llegado, no lo soporto.
And all the time you knew it I guess you always knew it
Y tú lo sabias bien Sí, tú lo sabías bien
I always knew that it was true.
Siempre supe que era verdad
It's no secret. I always knew I had a real father somewhere.
Siempre supe que algún día conocería a mi verdadero padre.
I knew you'd come. I've always known it, even when I had those hideous dreams.
Sabía que vendrías, incluso cuando tenía pesadillas.
I always knew we'd meet again one day, but I never imagined it would be quite like this.
Siempre supe que un día volveríamos a encontrarnos, pero nunca imaginé que sería así.
I almost quit 100 times, but always managed To hold out because I knew something was boiling Inside her, eating her up, and I wanted to find out what it was.
Estuve a punto de abandonar un centenar de veces, pero al final siempre me quedaba, porque sabía que algo se estaba cociendo en su interior y quería averiguar de qué se trataba.
I always knew food like this existed, but I never dreamed I'd ever mouth it.
Siempre supe que existía comida como esta. Pero nunca soñé con llegar a probarla.
I knew it would has prevailed. Right as it always must has prevailed.
Lo correcto como siempre... debe imponerse.
I always knew you were a fine person... but it took really a great man to forgive another man... for signing his...
Siempre supe que eras un buen hombre, pero sólo un gran hombre... perdonaría a otro que firmó...
Even when we were happiest together having fun, I was always a little unhappy too, it's because I knew it would have to end.
Incluso cuando más felices éramos,... por dentro estaba un poco triste, porqué sabía que tendría que acabar.
But I knew how it had always been.
Pero sé como fue.
But it didn't matter! Somehow, we always knew that we were together, you and I.
No importaba de algún modo sabíamos que siempre estábamos juntos.
I've listened to that Peach Boy story a hundred times before and never knew what the treasure really was. Because, my brother, you've always had it.
He escuchado esa historia del chico Durazno cientos de veces y nunca supe cual era el tesoro, porque, hermano, tu siempre lo tuviste.
I always knew life was good, but I didn't know it was this good.
Siempre supe que la vida era buena, pero no sabía que tanto.
No sabía cuánta presión es... finalmente obtener algo que siempre has querido.
Well, boy, I always knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo lograría.
I knew it, but one must always keep trying, again and again.
Lo sabía, pero hay que intentarlo, una y otra vez.
I always thought that you knew a lot about Don Mariano but you keep it hush hush.
Siempre he creído que de Don Mariano sabes pero callas.
Somehow I always knew that you'd find out about it.
Yo sabía que un día aprendería.
It's always been a mistake, and when I caught her with Igor, I knew it.
Siempre fue un error, y cuando la pillé con Igor, me di cuenta.
I knew it would end like it always does.
Ya sabía que terminaría como siempre.
I guess you always knew it
Supongo que siempre lo supo
The doorman always announced raids,... so I never knew if it was true,... or if he did it to swipe what little we had.
El portero siempre nos anunciaba redadas, así que nunca sabíamos si era verdad, o si lo hacía para birlarnos lo poco que teníamos.
And he'd written it so that the words always would trip each other up, I just knew he had.
Y él lo escribió para que las palabras se tropezaran unas con otras, sé que lo hizo así.
You know, I always knew this place was small but I never realized it was quite this tiny.
Sabe, siempre supe que el lugar Era pequeño Pero nunca me di cuenta que Tan diminuto.

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