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I really shouldn't перевод на испанский

767 параллельный перевод
I really shouldn't!
No debo.
I really shouldn't go over there.
En realidad, no debería ir.
You know, I really shouldn't be here.
No debería estar aquí.
Oh, I really shouldn't.
En realidad no debería.
- I really shouldn't, with my figure.
- De veras no debería, con mi figura.
I really shouldn't have lived.
No debí sobrevivir.
Well, I really shouldn't.
- Bueno...
As a matter of fact, I really shouldn't be left alone. Yes, I can see that.
De hecho, no deberían dejarme solo.
I shouldn't have asked you, really. But you know how broke I am and you're rolling.
En realidad no te lo tendría que haber pedido, pero sabes que estoy sin blanca y tú estás forrado.
And then I did something. Willy I really shouldn't have done.
Entonces yo hice algo, Willy que no debería haber hecho.
- Yes. Oh, well, I really shouldn't, but... I'm sure Mr. Alexander won't mind this time.
No debería, pero seguro que el Sr. Alexander no se molestará.
I really shouldn't wear a dress to this party.
Es sólo que no estoy de humor, lo siento. Lo perdí. ¡ Jesús!
I didn't mind, but really you shouldn't get so excited.
No tuvo importancia, pero no debería excitarse tanto.
You know, I really shouldn't do this.
No debería hacer esto.
I really shouldn't.
Realmente no debería.
And you shouldn't be so surprised, because if I may be so bold as to say I would be in love with you as well. Really? Exactly.
¿ En serio?
Dunja, I shouldn't have said that about those women excuse me now Mitja, I really must go home just one kiss
Dunia, eso de las mujeres no tenía que haberlo dicho... Perdóname. No Mitja, tengo que irme de verdad...
You are really too gracious, Lady Catherine, but, I shouldn't care to disturb the housekeeper.
Es demasiado amable, Lady Catherine pero no quisiera molestar al ama de llaves.
I really shouldn't take money for this.
No debería aceptarle dinero por esto.
It is really none of my business and I shouldn't have come but.. The Police. They have been to the Priory.
No es asunto mío y no debí venir, pero vino la policía.
Excuse me. But I really shouldn't be talking to a man I've never been formally introduced to.
No está bien que hable con un hombre a quien no conozco.
- In fact, I really shouldn't be here.
- De hecho, no debería estar aquí.
Well, I really don't see why I shouldn't tell you about it now.
No veo por qué no decírtelo ahora.
Mr. Hoag, I really shouldn't be doing this.
Sr. Hoag, no debería hacer esto.
I really shouldn't, but I must see it.
- No debiera pero tengo que verlo.
Oh, I really shouldn't.
No debería. Impresionante, ¿ verdad?
Well, I suppose I really shouldn't keep you any longer, so, goodbye.
No debo entretenerla más, así que adiós.
- I really shouldn't.
- No debería...
I really shouldn't, but I've been starving.
Sinceramente no debería, pero tengo tanta hambre atrasada.
I really shouldn't impose on you like this, but... I feel as if I must talk to someone.
Pero preciso conversar con alguien.
I really shouldn't bring these fellas out of the lab but I grew kind of attached to this one.
Patología, es parte de mi trabajo.
I really shouldn ´ t stay out too long
No debo estar mucho tiempo fuera
I really shouldn't.
- No debería.
No, I really shouldn't be in a place like this.
El caso es que yo no debería quedarme aquí.
Well, I really shouldn't tell you this...
No debería contárselo.
I really must go home in a moment. I shouldn't leave Margaret alone.
Debo irme ya, no quiero dejar sola a Margaret.
- I really shouldn't be helping you. After all, having dinner in a public place with a strange man.
- No debería ayudarte... puesto que vas a cenar en un sitio público con un hombre extraño.
I know I shouldn't have come here, really.
Sé que no debía haber venido aquí realmente.
Mother, you really shouldn't stay up any longer. No, I suppose not.
Mamá, no deberías estar despierta tan tarde.
" I really shouldn't, Mrs. Monahan.
" No debería, Sra. Monahan.
It's a military secret, and I really shouldn't tell you.
Es un secreto militar y no debería contarles.
I really shouldn't be saying this to an outsider but sometimes he's terribly irresponsible and gets into all kinds of escapades.
No debería decírselo a nadie de fuera pero a veces es tremendamente irresponsable y se mete en toda clase de aventuras.
You know, I really shouldn't let you in after the treatment I received from you.
No debería dejarte pasar después del trato que me has dispensado.
I'm so sorry. I really shouldn't start asking questions.
No debería empezar a hacer preguntas.
- Well, I really shouldn't, but I...
- No debería.
I — I really shouldn't — Oh, no apologies are necessary.
No necesito disculpas.
- Well, really I shouldn't.
- Muy bien.
I really shouldn't have this.
Realmente no debo pensar esto.
I shouldn't think Billy would mind, really.
No creo que a él le importase mucho.
Well, I really shouldn't have asked, but... I'll do anything I can for you, Father.
Bueno, realmente no debiera haber preguntado, pero... Haré todo lo que pueda por usted, Padre.
Oh, I really shouldn't tell you.
No he debido decíroslo.

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