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Is he breathing перевод на испанский

300 параллельный перевод
Is he breathing?
¿ Respira?
Frank, is he breathing?
- ¿ Está respirando?
- My husband. - Is he breathing?
- Mi marido. - ¿ Est respirando?
Is he breathing all right?
¿ Ya respira bien? Sí.
Is he breathing?
Está respirando?
- Is he breathing?
- Si? - Respira?
- Is he breathing?
- ¿ Respira?
Is he breathing?
¿ Está respirando?
[Panting] Is he breathing?
¿ Respirará?
is he breathing?
¿ Respira?
Pede's on their way. Is he breathing?
- Vienen los residentes de Pediatría.
- Is he breathing?
- Débil. ¿ Respira?
- Let's see, is he breathing?
- Veamos... ¿ está vivo?
- Is he breathing?
- ¿ Respira? - Sí, respira.
Is he breathing?
¿ Me escuchas, George?
This is how the Lord must have felt... when he first beheld a finished world... with all his creatures breathing, living.
Así es como se debe haber sentido el Señor... cuando vio por primera vez un mundo terminado... con todas sus criaturas respirando, viviendo.
He is breathing.
Miss Luise, quickly, get Dr. Kempner. The breathing is uneven... - Where is he then?
Srta. Luise, rápido, el Dr. Kempner, se le para la respiración...
He is still breathing.
- Respira.
The third is the man's death, and he's lying there on that bed breathing five by five.
Una es la ionización, y eso no ocurrió. La otra son las manchas solares, y eso no ocurrió.
He is unconscious, but he's still breathing...
Está inconsciente, pero respira.
He ain't breathing so good. is he. ma'am?
No respira muy bien, ¿ no, señora?
Father, is he still breathing?
¿ Padre, aún respira?
But he is breathing.
- He is still breathing.
- Aun respira.
He is still breathing : he has only closed his eyes.
Todavía respira Sólo cerró los ojos
Is he still breathing?
¿ Aún respira?
Somebody else is breathing, he's in there with me.
Alguien está respirando a mi lado.
His fever is very high and he's having difficulty breathing.
La fiebre es muy alta, tiene dificultad para respirar.
He is not breathing!
¡ No respira!
If he's breathing, our best bet is to get outta here fast and call an ambulance, crawl out from under a murder rap.
Si respira, lo mejor sería llamar a una ambulancia. - Así no nos acusarán de asesinato.
He is breathing, is breathing.
Está respirando, está respirando.
She's getting all hot, naturally, and he is too from all the heavy breathing I hear in the back.
Se está poniendo cachonda, claro está, y él también, porque lo oigo jadear en la parte de atrás.
Is he still breathing?
¿ Aun esta respirando?
And... save the overcrank, the really overcranked stuff for when he's in the corner, or in this case, for when he is not actually fighting, but breathing against the ropes
Y... guardar el dramatismo, el verdadero dramatismo, para cuando él está en la esquina, o para cuando no está peleando, sino respirando contra las cuerdas.
Is he be OK? He's not breathing. He doesn't look very well.
Va a estar bien, Va a estar bien, Tiene buen aspecto.
We have him on an artificial respirator. That's why he seems to be breathing. But his brain is dead.
Nosotros estamos oxigenando a su hijo con máquinas, por eso parece que respira, pero su cerebro está muerto.
If you say he's breathing, maybe he really is breathing.
Hombre, si usted dice que respira, a lo mejor... a lo mejor es que respira.
That is how he's breathing his cold breath on me... from behind.
Así es como sopla su frío aliento sobre mí...
BP is holding. He's breathing on his own.
Se mantiene la tensión arterial.
No... Is he breathing?
¿ Respira?
He says the whole earth is breathing and that their song is the earth breathing.
Dice que la tierra respira. Y sus canciones son la tierra respirando.
Mr. Saldez's attorney, Mr. Martinez, is here, and he is breathing fire about Mr. Lacrosse shooting his client.
Y está furioso porque el señor LaCrosse le disparó a su cliente.
Is he conscious? Is he still breathing?
¿ Está conciente?
If he stops breathing, call 911 and make sure his airway is clear.
Si deja de respirar, llama al 911 y mira que sus vías estén libres.
- He's breathing. - He is?
- Está respirando.
- Is he conscious, breathing?
- ¿ Su amigo está consciente, respira?
- Is he still breathing?
- ¿ Aún respira? - No lo sé.
Truth is, Mintz was so busy timing his wife's breathing, he didn't realize that Med Tech needed Global more
La verdad es que Mintz estaba tan confundido, que no se percato que Medtech necesita mas a global que al revés.
- Is he still breathing?
- ¿ Todavía respira?
- Is he still breathing?
- ¿ Sigue respirando?

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