It belongs to you перевод на испанский
539 параллельный перевод
It belongs to you. It's yourn!
Te pertenece. ¡ Es tuyo!
- No, now it belongs to you.
- No, ahora es tuyo.
But it belongs to you. It mustn't belong to me.
- Sin embargo le pertenece a usted.
But most of all, it belongs to you.
Pero, principalmente, el mérito es de ustedes.
It belonged to my mother, and before that to her mother... and now it belongs to you.
Perteneció a mi madre, y antes a mi abuela, y ahora te pertenece a ti.
It belongs to you.
Os pertenece.
─ I want to make sure it belongs to you.
- Quiero asegurarme de que sea suyo.
It belongs to you.
Te pertenece.
It belongs to you and me!
¡ Nos pertenece a tí y a mí!
She seems to think it belongs to you, her cousin, too.
Ella parece pensar que esto le pertenece, su primo, también.
He says it belongs to you. Does it?
Dice que es tuyo. ¿ Es cierto?
But you'll think differently, when it belongs to you.
Si fueras adulta y todo fuese tuyo, pensarías diferente.
But it belongs to you, and you are free to do with it as you wish.
Pero le pertenece, y es libre de hacer con él lo que desee.
It belongs to you now.
Ahora te pertenece a ti.
You belong to the railroad and it belongs to you.
Perteneces al ferrocarril y él te pertenece a ti.
This cigarette box was found? You know who it belongs to?
¿ Sabe usted quién es el dueño de estos cigarrillos?
You might as well say it belongs to the King of Spain.
También podría decir que le pertenece al Rey de España.
But I don't see how you can say it belongs to anyone, except by right of possession.
No veo cómo se puede decir que es de alguien... salvo por derecho de posesión.
It all belongs to you if you want.
¡ Todo será vuestro si queréis!
And it all belongs to you.
La casa es toda tuya.
And, say, if you find a fountain pen, it belongs to me.
Y, de paso, si encuentran una estilográfica, es mía.
Well, this belongs to you, doesn't it?
Esto te pertenece, ¿ no?
You must be strangers here, or you'd know it belongs to my master, Baron de Varville.
Deben ser forasteros o sabrían que pertenece a mi amo, el Barón de Varville.
It belongs to you, josie, just like you're going to belong to me.
¿ Dónde está tu corazón, Jim?
I came in here and saw the bar and all the bottles, and thought, "It all belongs to you alone, like your watch."
Vine aquí y vi el bar y todas sus botellas, Y pensé, "Si todas te pertenecieran a ti, como tu reloj."
It all belongs to you.
Es toda para ti.
That's not my baby and you can just take it back to the Foundling Home where it belongs.
No es mi hijo. Llévenselo al orfanato.
"Forget it. All this stuff I've been telling you about this land is a lot of hooey! This country belongs to the Taylors."
" Olvídenlo. ¡ Todo lo que les he estado diciendo sobre este terreno es un montón de tonterías!
This soil belongs to you, as it did to your forefathers.
Esta tierra te pertenece igual que a tus antepasados.
it's just my opinion it's my opinion that you have no right to keep Dunjasha here, where she'll just wither no, your Dunjasha belongs to Petersburg in Petersburg she'll create a sensation will be invited to every ball
Mi opinión es que no tienes derecho a retener a Duniasha aquí, apagándose. No, tu Duniasha pertenece a San Petersburgo. En San Petersburgo sería una sensación.
Now, Squire Poultice, until this house belongs to you you are not welcome in it.
Ahora, señor Poultice, hasta que esta casa sea suya... no es bienvenido en ella.
Mantener una cosa como esta donde debe estar te da algo en lo que concentrarte - Un control sobre tí mismo.
- You miserable barber. It belongs to my robe. It belongs to me, you understand?
Suelta miserable barbero, pertenece a mis ropas ¿ Entiendes?
- Yeah, it's a bad habit you got. - What? - Forgettin'what belongs to others.
Sí, tienes el vicio de olvidar Io que pertenece a los demás.
It belongs to Marcellina, but it's leaving you.
Corresponde a Marcellina, pero te está abandonando.
Father begs me to tell you that beauty belongs to beauty, and asks that you honor him by presenting it to your wife.
Mi padre me suplica que le diga que la belleza pertenece a la belleza, y le pide que lo honre ofreciendo esto a su esposa.
- Do you know who it belongs to?
- ¿ Sabe de quién es?
- He belongs to the law now. It might be easier for you if you could bring yourself to realise that.
Ahora él es cosa de a la justicia.
Everything in this house belongs to you, doesn't it?
Todo lo que hay en esta casa te pertenece, ¿ verdad?
Anything that belongs to you would be just as filthy and evil as you, and I wouldn't want it.
Todo lo que te pertenece es tan aborrecible como tú y no quiero nada que sea tuyo.
You've got somethin that belongs to me. If you want out of here alive, you better give it back.
Si queréis salir vivos, devolvedme lo mío.
But if you know it belongs to him, why do you return it to me?
Pero si es de él, ¿ por qué me la devuelve a mí?
I bought it, don't you understand? The thing belongs to me.
La he comprado, ¿ lo entiende bien?
Read your contract. No matter how you built it, it still belongs to me.
Si lee el contrato, verá que todo lo que construya es propiedad mía.
If the evening belongs to anyone, General, it is to you.
Si esta noche le pertenece a alguien, es a usted.
The world belongs to you as much as to the next fella so don't give it up.
El mundo les pertenece..... tanto como al compañero de al lado... así que no se dejen vencer.
- Is he at the hospital now? You see, Monty, every body belongs to somebody... and it isn't a thing people want messed about.
Verás, Monty, todo el mundo reclama los cuerpos... y nadie quiere bromas con eso.
Everything in it belongs to me, including you.
Todo en él me pertenece, incluso tú.
"This world belongs to you, you keep it"
El mundo te pertenece, cuida de él.
"The world belongs to you, you keep it"
El mundo te pertenece cuida de él
And here's a toast to all of you who brought it back where it belongs.
Y aquí va un brindis por todos ustedes que la trajeron de vuelta a su lugar.
it belongs to me 35
it belongs to us 19
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
it belongs to us 19
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20