It has to stop перевод на испанский
426 параллельный перевод
It has to stop.
Se tiene que acabar.
It has to stop.
Tendrá que parar.
That's why it has to stop right now.
Por eso debe detenerse ya mismo.
A long time. I've been living in a dream these last few days. It has to stop.
He estado viviendo como en un sueño durante los últimos días y tenemos que dejarlo.
Well, it has to stop sometime in any marriage.
Eso ocurre en todos los matrimonios.
It has to stop, I can't stand this.
No puede seguir así, debemos acabar con esto.
It has to stop. It's got to stop!
¡ Tienes que parar de una vez!
It has to stop now.
Tiene que terminar aquí.
? But it has to stop.
¡ Este misterio se debe acabar!
But the only joy she has is pretending that he ain't. You're not going to stop her doing that if I can help it!
Pero su única alegría es fingir que no lo está y usted no se lo impedirá si de mí depende.
Suppose the man in charge of the snow has forgotten how to stop it.
¿ Y si el encargado de la nieve se ha olvidado de detenerla?
Did you ever stop to think why it grows, why is it green?
¿ Te has parado a pensar por qué crece, por qué es verde?
You've got to stop brooding over it, Mrs Poster.
Luego, no has comido nada esta mañana.
Did you ever stop to think how it is?
¿ Has pensado alguna vez que el juez no puede decir ninguna cosa más que treinta días?
"That racket has got to stop or I'll have to call the Cops to do it."
"Ese escándalo tiene que terminar o llamaré a la policía."
It's just fate. I don't want you to rupture your brain, but did you ever stop to figure... if we all showed up with apples, we'd all come out with peanuts?
No quisiera dañarte el cerebro, pero ¿ has pensado que si todos llegamos con manzanas acabaremos con calderilla?
You've been getting away with murder, and it's got to stop.
Has estado saliendote con la tuya, y tiene que parar.
Bravo! You managed to stop it.
Bravo, has conseguido pararlo.
The boys I've got working for me ain't gonna blame me when the mining has to stop and their good wages along with it.
Mis trabajadores no me culparán cuando cierre la mina y sus buenos salarios se acaben.
This has to stop, I won't stand for it.
- Esto se tiene que acabar. No lo soporto.
You get it straight the first time. This fighting has got to stop.
Chicos, en un momento así, ¡ os comportáis como niños!
Ellen, you've got to stop doing this to yourself, because you're doing it to Pidge too, and to me.
Has de dejar de hacerte esto a ti misma, porque también se lo haces a Pidge, y a mí.
You know, did you ever stop to figure that maybe it takes more energy... to keep running away than it does to stop and fight it out?
¿ Te has parado a pensar que quizá cuesta más... seguir huyendo que pararte y afrontar algo?
Marisa, it's not that I want to stop you getting married, or engaged, but you're a sergeant's daughter, and you get engaged with a young boxer who has a motorcycle!
Marisa, no quiero impedir un matrimonio, un noviazgo, pero eres hija de un sargento y estás comprometida con un joven boxeador y motociclista.
It would be easier to stop Karswell's demon... than a woman who has her mind made up.
Sería más fácil detener el demonio de Karswell... que a una mujer decidida.
- It was clever of you not to stop.
- Has hecho bien en no parar.
Only I don't know exactly what it is that has to stop.
Salvo que no sé qué es lo que exactamente tiene que terminar.
- Has it? Well, don't tell Jacko, he's liable to stop the presses.
Bueno, no le digas a Jacko, es el responsable de parar las prensas.
Five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30... did you ever stop to think of it?
¿ No te has parado nunca a pensarlo?
It is possible that the Lord has made use of that road to tell us he wants us to stop our order being pilgrim and gain stability.
Es posible que el Señor se haya valido de ese camino para decirnos que desea que nuestra orden deje de ser peregrinante y tome estabilidad.
Your mission, Dan, should you decide to accept it, is to stop Lowell before he has a chance to sell the patents, and make sure he does not remain in control of the company.
Su misión, Dan, si decide aceptarla, es detener a Lowell antes de que venda las patentes... y asegurarse de que no guarde el control de la compañía.
Has it never occurred to your little fish brains to stop that supply of food?
Que nunca se les ha ocurrido a vuestros pequeños cerebros de pescado dejar de suministrar los alimentos?
Now remember, Max, you've got to find out which song the Theory has been transposed into and stop it from being played.
Recuerda, averigua en qué canción se traspuso la teoría y evita que la toquen.
Did you ever stop to think how much it helps us?
¿ Te has detenido a pensar cuánto nos ayuda?
Has got to stop. I made it quite clear When potter tried to go public last term
El trimestre pasado, con el intento de salir a la Bolsa... ya dije basta de compraventa de acciones.
We've also got to devise a system that can stop crime before it has a chance to start.
Además, hay que implantar un sistema que prevenga el crimen antes de que se inicie.
It has only one hand, not nor is it tied to stop!
Tiene una sola mano, no la deja quieta áunque se la peguen.
it took a while for your meat to stop being tough, your chips to stop being greasy, the wine vinegary, for these pejorative adjectives, which at first evoke the sad fare of the soup-kitchens, to lose little by little their meaning,
has necesitado algún tiempo para que la carne deje de ser correosa, las patatas aceitosas, el vino ácido, para que esos adjetivos que evocan comidas pobres y sopas de caridad... pierdan poco a poco su sustancia,
It simply has to stop. "
Simplemente tiene que parar. "
It's something that has to be dealt with. Grandfather, stop it.
Abuelo, no sigas hablando.
As long as it doesn't stop the ship that has to take me back to America. Right?
Mientras no detenga el barco que tiene que devolverme a América.
This has got to stop. it's silly.
¡ Es necesario que pare! ¡ Es estupido!
He has to think, because he's got this terrible head... Stop it!
Tiene que pensar porque tiene esta cabeza terrible.
It's the only power Kalid has left to stop us.
Es el único poder que le queda a Kalid para detenernos.
Stop fooling around, give it back to me
Ah, por fin has vuelto.
In other words, for me to serve the King it has been enough to stop obeying.
O sea que para servirle ha sido suficiente dejar de obedecerle.
And it has taken us all... All these years we have tried to stop him.
Probablemente será la cosa mas importante que hay hecho en mi vida.
Marcie, I only want your happiness, preferably at your own house, because, you see, now I have healthy kids, a happy husband, and it has just got to stop.
Marcie, Solo quiero tu felicidad, preferiblemente en tu propia casa, porque, como veras, ahora hijos sanos, un esposo feliz, y esto tiene que parar.
Bueno, ¿ le has dicho que pare?
This has nothing to do with you. Stop it!
No tiene nada que ver con ustedes. ¡ Basta!
It has got to stop.
Se tiene que parar.
it has been a long time 28
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it has to be you 46
it hasn't been easy 41
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it has to be you 46
it hasn't been easy 41