It was over перевод на испанский
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It was over that fast.
Así de rápido se acabó.
I mean, yes, I know you thought it was over, but it wasn't really.
Es decir, sí, ya sé que pensé que había terminado, pero no era verdad.
When it was over, however it was gonna happen.
Cuando todo terminara... sin importar cómo sucediera.
It was both disappointing and good that it was over so quickly so not a lot of Danes fell.
Fue ambas cosas : Decepcionante por un lado... Y algo bueno, el que haya terminado tan rápido.
I thought it was over
Creí que todo se acababa
WARE [narrating] : By nightfall it was over.
Acabó al anochecer.
Every time I thought it was over, I would hear another scream.
Cada vez que creía que se había acabado, oía otro grito.
And, um, when I woke up, it was over.
Y, um, cuando me desperté, se había terminado.
Because it was over before it started.
Porque terminó antes de comenzar.
By the time we actually got the divorce itself, it was over, so...
Para cuando nos divorciamos, ya se había acabado. - Así que fue...
One day I had an overwhelming feeling that it was over between me and him.
Un día tuve una sensación muy clara de que se había terminado entre él y yo.
Then you'll know how hard it was for them when it was all over.
Entonces sabrá lo difícil que fue para ellos cuando todo terminó.
It was a mission over Northern France.
Una vez. Era una misión sobre el norte de Francia.
It was dangerous, but I got into a plane equipped with a directional microwave transceiver, and I flew over Northern France.
Era peligroso, pero me metí en un avión equipado con un transceptor de microondas direccional, y volé sobre el norte de Francia.
There was so much all over the fields, that I figured it would be a waste to not at least eat some of it.
Había tantas en los campos, que pensé que sería un desperdicio no comer un poco.
The more I think about it, this whole threesome thing was just the way for her to get leverage over you and me and it's fucking working.
Cuanto más pienso en todo este asunto del trío... era la manera de que ella tenga influencia sobre tú y yo, y está funcionando.
But then I looked over at the South Tower and it was still calling to me.
Pero entonces miré la torre sur... y todavía me estaba llamando.
This racing picture was so close to all of us that when the studio took it over,
Esta foto de carreras estaba tan cerca de todos nosotros que cuando el estudio se hizo cargo,
Hand over whoever it was that planted the bomb in my truck, surrender your arms and explosives by tomorrow morning, and everything stays between us.
Entrega a quien sea que haya puesto la bomba en mi camioneta, Entreguen sus armas y explosivos para mañana por la mañana, y todo queda entre nosotros.
And the little green horse crossed the finish line for the ninth time and everyone thought the day was over because in a few hours it would be Monday.
El caballito verde cruzó la línea de meta por novena vez y todos pensaban que el día se terminaba porque quedaban pocas horas para el lunes.
It... it was... messed up over there.
Es... Estaba en mal estado por allí.
You have no idea how hard it was for me to be stuck over there knowing... what you were going through back here.
No tienes idea de lo difícil que era para mí estar atrapado allí, sabiendo lo que estabas pasando aquí.
You know how it felt when Scott was chosen over me?
¿ Sabes cómo me sentí cuando eligieron a Scott antes que a mí?
[Sighs] Over 1,000 years and it's just stood there, knowing exactly what its purpose was...
Por más de mil años y sólo estuvo ahí, sabiendo exactamente cual era su propósito...
It was... it stretched over That, er, remarkable
Fue... fue estirado Estas, em, notables
You were arguing over something. What was it?
Estaban discutiendo por algo. ¿ Por qué era?
I was fumbling, but over time it seemed to be working.
Iba a tientas, pero con el tiempo, pareció funcionar.
It was over.
Se había acabado.
But, I don't know... it was like a calm came over me.
Y cuando te vi en el restaurante que estaba allí de nuevo... y yo no lo puedo explicar. Pero no se... era como una calma se apoderó de mí.
And I didn't know he had planned to do it and, uh, I didn't notice him doing it but I woke up in the middle of the night and he was standing over me... crying.
Y yo no sabía que había planeado hacerlo... y no noté que lo estaba haciendo, pero desperté a mitad de la noche... y él estaba parado encima de mí, llorando.
I wanted to say that what you saw earlier was nothing. It's over now.
Quería decirle que eso que ha visto no significa nada, se terminó.
I was a bit in love with you when I first met you... because of what you said. But now I'm over it and it's OK.
Al principio, estaba un poco enamorada de ti... por lo que me dijiste, pero ya pasó.
He got into it with Muldoon over last mess, said Muldoon was chewing too loud or something.
Se metio en eso con Muldoon sobre su ultimo lío, dijo que Muldoon estaba masticando demasiado alto o algo.
You know, when I was going out with Zander, it was just... his constant over-analyzing of every little moment, it was too much.
Sabes, cuando estaba saliendo con Zander, fue... su constante sobre análisis de cada pequeño momento, fue demasiado.
I was all over it.
Estaba preparado.
You know, when I was going out with Zander, it was just his constant over analyzing of every little moment, it was too much!
Sabes, cuando salía con Zander, estaba analizando constantemente cada pequeño momento, ¡ era demasiado!
We actually spent all of Monday in bed, Ela had a sore throat it was real cold over Easter.
De hecho pasamos todo el lunes en cama, Ela tuvo dolor de garganta. Se pone muy frío en Pascua.
Mom, it was so beautiful and over-the-top.
Ma, fue tan hermoso todo.
It's like if I was really 26 and I could start all over, that is the man I'd be falling in love with.
Es como si tuviera de verdad 26 y pudiera empezar todo de nuevo, ese es el hombre del que me enamoraría.
He was unfaithful, he abandoned his daughter, and he lorded it over me for years.
Era infiel, abandonó a su hija, y me trató con prepotencia durante años.
Promised he'd come back to her when it was all over.
Le prometió que volvería con ella cuando todo terminara.
Was it you that splashed my face all over the papers?
¿ Fuiste tú la que colocó mi cara en todos los periódicos?
It was a sur-list, which means over-list.
Era alterna, lo cual significa diferente.
If I said I was, that I really wanted to invite Matthew over, would it matter?
Si dijera que quiero invitar a Matthew... ¿ te importaría?
Because it seemed like she was trying to run me over.
Porque parecía que intentaba atropellarme.
So it was Youngdeung who took over this lot.
Entonces, fue Youngdeung quien se adueñó de este lote.
It was hours ago! Get the fuck over it!
Fue hace horas, súperalo de una puta vez.
Growing up, her peers picked on her and bullied her and by the time she got to Austin and by the time I knew her, she had already been profoundly hurt over and over. And so in Austin, it was the same way.
mientras crecía, todos la tratan contra ella y la molestaban y para cuando se fue a Austin y la conocí, ella ya estaba lastimada profundamente por ello y en Austin, sucediólo mismo
I was excited over it.
Estaba ansiosa por dártelo.
You thought it was game over, didn't you?
Pensaste que el juego había terminado, ¿ no?
But when I was over there visiting, they had just reclaimed their factory, and it was a coat factory, and that's where I got this.
Pero cuando estuve por allí visitando, tenían simplemente recuperado su fábrica, y era una fábrica de abrigo, y ahí es donde yo me encargo.
it was 5878
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was just 358
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was just 358