Just go on перевод на испанский
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James Chivers seems to spend a lot of time online supposed to be a community resource but most people just go on to rant, complain, even flirt with each other.
James Chivers parece pasar mucho tiempo en linea supone que es un recurso de la comunidad pero la mayoria de la gente solo tiene que ir en a despotricar, quejarse, incluso coquetear con los demas.
But then i saw you were on the fund-raising committee. I thought i should just go on the fund-raising committee.
Luego vi que estabas en el comité de recaudación... de fondos.
And let us just go on as we were.
Y déjanos seguir como estábamos.
It'll be a while before we're tipping pints back with him again, so you might just go on home.
Pasará bastante tiempo antes de que tomemos cervezas de nuevo con él, así que deberían ir a casa.
I told him, you know, he couldn't just go on and take stuff for free, but he said he's your kin.
Se lo dije, sabes, que no podía ir y tomarse lo que quisiera gratis, pero dijo que es pariente tuyo.
Now just go on, now!
¡ Ahora vete, ya!
Just go on, now, get. ♪ I'm cuttin'my dick off Wait!
Vete, ya, vamos. ¡ Esperad!
Just go on an audition, man.
Tan solo ve a una audición, tío.
- Would you just go on? Get out.
Venga, toma.
Just go on your stupid trip.
Marchaos a vuestro estúpido viaje.
But, seeing as how there's no criminally unbecoming activity currently going on, let's say Danny here cuts me loose and we all just go on our way, huh?
ya que no hay ninguna actividad... ¿ qué tal...? Si Danny me suelta y todos podemos... seguir nuestro camino?
So just go on home... or else I'll call somebody to take you home.
Así que vete a casa o llamaré a alguien para que te lleve.
Go on, then, just be quick.
Vamos, entonces, sólo apúrate.
You think they ask the guys to go down on some fat fuck just to deepen their cover?
¿ Crees que a los hombres les piden que se la coman a un maldito gordo solo para mantener su cobertura?
So just resign, I'll be cheer captain, and life will go on.
Así que dimite, yo seré la capitana de las animadoras, - y la vida seguirá.
We'll just go to walk, sit on the grass or something.
Solo iremos a andar, sentarnos en la hierba o algo.
Go on, just put me in my place, just a little...
Ponme en mi sitio, solo una pequeña...
I absolutely love those prison programs on television, so I just need to go a little berserk and chase a fright at some of the small assholes.
Soy un gran seguidor de Scared Straight! y series de la tele sobre la cárcel. Pierdan el control y enséñenles el temor de Dios a estos infelices con toda confianza.
Okay, let's compromise on the jazz band and just go with the jazz band.
Bien, vamos a replantearnos la banda de jazz y sí, elegimos banda de jazz.
I just need your signature on these and then you're free to go.
Solo necesito tu firma aquí y luego serás libre para irte.
I just didn't think it was safe to go on a... pass... oh.
Solo pensé que no era seguro Pasar a... oh... oh...
Oh, they just had to go check on something.
Han tenido que ir a investigar algo.
I'm just gonna... I'm just gonna go over there and say what's in my heart, and then we can all get on with our night.
Sólo voy a acercarme y decirle lo que siento, y luego podemos seguir a lo nuestro.
Just go easy on the carbs.
Solo ten cuidado con los carbohidratos.
Can't just bloody go on private land and start...
Puedes sólo seguir adelante con lo de tierra privada y empezar...
A foreign affair is really just an international version of any kind of local dating service that you would go to online in order to try to meet someone, only we focus more on the international sector.
Tal vez le escriba. A Foreign Affair es, en realidad, solo una versión internacional de todo tipo de servicio de citas local que visitarás en línea para tratar de conocer a alguien. Pero nos enfocamos más en el sector internacional.
Guys, it'll never ever happen just sitting on your couch, whether you go with us or you go with someone else or you, I don't care, get on a plane and just go over there yourself.
Amigos, nunca ocurrirá si se quedan sentados en el sofá. Si van con nosotros o con otra compañía o... No me importa.
We grab a couple cases, put'em on a forklift, blaze out of here, just go right through the front door.
Cogemos un par de cajas, las ponemos en una carretilla elevadora, ponerla en marcha y salir por la puerta delantera.
Just go make sure that Sweet Sue has her underpants on.
Fíjate si Sweet Sue se puso los calzones.
Trevor would save himself a mess of pain if he could just learn to let go of things and-and move on.
Trevor podría salvarse un lío de dolor si pudiera aprender a dejar ir de las cosas y - y seguir adelante.
Hold on, we can't just go poke around the ICA.
Espera, no puedes investigar a la AIA.
You know, I am just so tired of going on dates where I have to listen to guys go on and on about how they're turning their Twitter feeds into blogs, their blogs into books, and their books into Twitter feeds.
Estoy muy cansada de ir a citas en las que tengo que escuchar a tíos una y otra vez hablando de cómo convierten su cuenta de Twitter en blogs, sus blogs en libros y sus libros en cuentas de Twitter.
He didn't go to the trouble of re-creating the serum and testing on people just to walk away.
No se tomó todo el trabajo de reproducir el suero y probarlo en personas para simplemente irse después.
Just go down to the main gate on the docks at 2 : 30 and dial 4-8-1-6.
Bajando por la puerta principal en los muelles a las dos y media y el número es 4-8-1-6.
- Dave Richards used to go to parties in high school with a condom on his dick Just in case.
ricHards - dave utilizados para ir a las partes en la escuela secundaria con un preservativo en su caso dick just in.
Can we just go home and put on our pajamas and watch "Mike Molly"?
¿ Podemos simplemente ir a casa, ponernos los pijamas y ver "Mike y Molly"?
You don't pull a stunt like this just before we're supposed to go on the air.
No pueden hacer esto justo antes de salir al aire.
Let's just go home, put on PJs, and watch House Hunters.
Vámonos a casa, pongámonos el pijama y veamos House Hunters.
[Scoffs] Just go downstairs right now and see what's going on, okay?
Baja ahora y ve lo que está pasando.
We'll just go down a floor, hop on the elevator, and we are gone.
Vamos a bajar un piso. Tomemos el elevador y nos vamos.
An award can't be a substitute... all right, just go back to hitting on your patient.
Un premio no puede sustituir... De acuerdo, solo vuelve a coquetear con tu paciente.
Yes, I have to go, but it's official business, - just in case anyone asks. - Hold on.
Sí, tengo que irme, pero es un asunto oficial... solo en caso de que alguien pregunte.
Well, then, we go on just as we were before, like nothing's happened.
Bueno, entonces, todo seguirá como hasta ahora, como si nada hubiera pasado.
I mean, normal people who live by the rules of society do not just go around kissing people without- - Whoa. [Chuckles] Heck on the breakaway.
O sea, la gente normal que vive bajo las reglas de la sociedad no van besando a las personas sin... Heck se escapa.
Mr. Smith, please tell my friend here what you just told me. Go on.
Señor Smith, por favor cuéntele a mi amigo lo que me acaba de decir.
Well, I was gonna go on that Starbucks run, just fuckin'with you, there's no Starbucks, but when I came back this was on the doorstep.
Bueno iba hacia Starbucks. Es broma no hay Starbucks. Pero cuando volví.
Can we just go on the bed?
¿ pordríamos solo ir a la cama?
And I have to go bail him out, just as soon as I can get my hands... on a giant pile of cash.
Y tengo que ir a pagar la fianza tan pronto como pueda encontrar esa gigantesca pila de efectivo.
I have to go in front of the school board, which Timothy is on, and nail my interview, and I just...
Debo enfrentarme a la junta del colegio, en donde está Timothy, y concretar mi entrevista, y yo sólo...
And we don't have enough money for everyone to go to L.A., so I asked my mom if she would help us raise some money but she said no... and I just... I love being on the team,
Y no tenemos suficiente dinero para que vayamos todos a Los Ángeles, así que le pregunté a mi madre si nos ayudaría a conseguir algo de dinero pero dijo que no... y yo... amo estar en el equipo,
You and Deacon and Will Lexington just go off on your tour and have a great time, and I'll just be here, keeping Highway 65 afloat with Juliette Barnes.
Tú, Deacon y Will Lexington simplemente salid en tu gira y pasadlo genial, y yo simplemente me quedaré aquí, manteniendo Highway 65 a flote con Juliette Barnes.
just go 1748
just go with it 127
just go away 152
just go for it 29
just go home 199
just gone 41
just gonna 20
just go ahead 63
just goes to show 16
just go back to sleep 27
just go with it 127
just go away 152
just go for it 29
just go home 199
just gone 41
just gonna 20
just go ahead 63
just goes to show 16
just go back to sleep 27
just go in 31
just go back 28
just go to sleep 48
just go now 17
just go to bed 26
just got here 29
just go inside 16
just got word 18
just go back to bed 17
go on 13820
just go back 28
just go to sleep 48
just go now 17
just go to bed 26
just got here 29
just go inside 16
just got word 18
just go back to bed 17
go on 13820
go on then 265
go on now 98
go on in 178
go on home 110
go on ahead 60
go on without me 34
go on through 17
go on up 45
go on inside 28
go on now 98
go on in 178
go on home 110
go on ahead 60
go on without me 34
go on through 17
go on up 45
go on inside 28