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Keep your nose clean перевод на испанский

130 параллельный перевод
So you couldn't keep your nose clean.
Así que no pudiste mantener el hocico limpio.
Too bad you couldn't keep your nose clean.
Qué pena que no pudiste mantener el hocico limpio.
Keep your nose clean.
Procure no meterse en líos.
If you want to keep your nose clean, all you gotta do is open up.
Para mantener la nariz limpia sólo tiene que hablar.
Now stay kosher. Keep your nose clean. And remember, you'll always come out on top with honesty, industry, and, uh, a good hard right to the button.
Bien, respetad las reglas, no os metáis en líos... y recordad, siempre llegaréis a la cima... con honestidad, diligencia y un buen derechazo al mentón.
Keep your nose clean. See there's no slip-ups.
No cometas ningún desliz.
When you're working for me, you keep your nose clean.
Si trabajan conmigo, no cometen errores.
All's I gotta say to you is keep your nose clean.
Yo sólo te digo que te andes con ojo.
Bye, Perce. Keep your nose clean.
Mantenga limpia su nariz.
I've been thinkin'if you keep your nose clean if, as in when we get out of here I might have a loss of memory.
He estado pensando que si te comportas limpiamente cuando salgamos de esto puedo tener una pérdida de memoria.
Look... i'm your brother, and i want you to keep your nose clean.
Escucha. Soy tu hermano y quiero que estés limpio.
Keep your nose clean, or we'll leave you in there.
Pórtate bien o te mandaré allí.
Fill it in. And just keep your nose clean, that's all.
Y no busque problemas.
Be best to keep your nose clean out here.
Permanezca con su nariz limpia fuera de todo.
Mae... [SLAPS]... you keep your nose clean.
Mae no te metas en esto.
Just keep your nose clean.
Mantengan limpia la nariz.
"Just keep your nose clean and keep in there wailing."
"Sólo mantente fuera de problemas y sigue tocando la guitarra."
TOM : And for God's sake, when you get down there, keep your nose clean.
Y por Dios, cuando lleguen allá, no os metáis en líos.
Keep your nose clean and you'll get there.
No se meta en líos y llegará a serlo.
Keep your nose clean.
Mantén limpia tu nariz.
Keep your nose clean and get out.
Mantente limpio y sal de aquí.
You just don't know what you're getting into... and I'm trying to keep your nose clean.
No sabe dónde se está metiendo y yo sólo intento salvarle.
They said : "Keep your nose clean."
"Mantén tu nariz limpia"
Y'all keep your nose clean or I'll wipe it off with this here.
Mantengan las narices limpias o se las limpiaré con esto.
Keep your nose clean.
Mantenga la nariz limpia.
I just want you to keep your nose clean.
Quiero que te mantengas limpio. ¿ Capise?
Keep your nose clean for another week.
Pasa otra semana sin meterte en líos.
- Keep your nose clean.
- Límpiate la nariz.
- Keep your nose clean, Neely.
- Mantente limpio, Neely.
Keep your nose clean and your heart open.
Mantén limpia tu nariz y tu corazón abierto.
I suggest you keep your nose clean and head straight back to Washington, Agent Mulder, before someone takes another swipe at it.
Sugiero que vuelva inmediatamente a Washington, agente Mulder, antes de meterse en otro jaleo.
You'd better keep your nose clean.
¡ Tu! , Será mejor que mantenga lejos tu nariz
If you want to keep your nose clean around here, I suggest that you steer clear of bad apples like this Johnny Rottenseed.
Si desea mantener la nariz limpia por aquí, Le sugiero que se mantenga alejado de las manzanas podridas como este Johnny Rottenseed.
Now look, lad, remember, keep your nose clean, and don't make a move till you hear from me.
Recuerda, muchacho, mantén limpia la nariz, y no te muevas hasta saber de mí.
Keep your nose clean, Quinn.
Mantén limpia la nariz, Quinn.
So keep your nose clean, be a good earner, follow the rules, and who knows, maybe one day when they open the books, you get straightened out.
Así que mantén tu reputación, trabaja bien, sigue las reglas...
Yo, Baby Bear, keep your nose clean.
Bebé Oso, límpiate la nariz.
Hey, Alan. Keep your nose clean, kid.
Oye, Alan, no te metas en líos.
I'm on parole. - Keep your nose clean.
- Seis semanas, libertad condicional.
And in the meantime, keep your nose clean.
Y mientras tanto, mantén limpia tu nariz.
You make sure you keep your nose clean, we won't have any problems.
No hagas nada ilegal y no vas a tener problemas.
It's not the sort you want to associate with to keep your nose clean and get out.
No es la gente con la que quiere asociarse si quiere salir de aquí.
Well, that's all behind you now, so, keep your nose clean and you will do fine.
Bien, pues eso se ha acabado, así que, no te metas en líos y nos llevaremos bien.
Rico, my darling, I don't want you to keep your nose clean.
Rico, mi bonito, no quiero que te mantengas fuera de líos.
You keep your nose clean, both figuratively and literally, and we'll get along.
Si mantienes tu nariz limpia, tanto figurativa como literalmente, nos llevaremos bien.
You better keep your nose clean.
No vuelvas a meterte en líos.
- Keep your nose clean, eh
Mantiene la nariz limpia, eh.
You're going to have to keep your nose clean, Ricky
- Mantiene la nariz limpia, Ricky. - Cigarrillos, vamos.
Keep your chin up and your nose clean, kid.
Levanta la barbilla y limpia tu nariz, chico.
If you wanna keep it, you keep your nose clean, hear?
Si quieres conservarlo, no te metas en líos, ¿ vale?
- You gotta keep your nose very clean.
- No hay que mojarse demasiado.

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