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Kill him перевод на испанский

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I mean, isn't there some way I can stop Oswald without having to kill him?
Es decir, ¿ no hay alguna manera en que pueda detener a Oswald sin tener que matarlo?
Yeah, I hated him, but I wouldn't kill him.
Sí, lo odiaba, pero no le maté.
Then just find some other Yanbian Koreans and make them testify you didn't order them to kill him.
Entonces, simplemente encuentra a otros coreanos de Yanbian... y hazles testificar que tú no les ordenaste matarlo.
You want to kill him?
¿ Quiere matarlo?
I mean kill him and send him back where he came from.
- A matarlo y enviarlo donde pertenece.
So I was hoping... you could tell me how to kill him.
Así que esperaba... que pudieras decirme cómo matarlo.
You ain't have to kill him!
¡ Ni siquiera tienes que matarle!
- You ain't have to kill him!
- ¡ No tienes que matarle!
I'll kill him in court.
Acabaré con él en el juicio.
Yes, and with the mopping and this, and, er, oh, yes, let's not forget the phone call he made to his wife saying you stabbed him and that you had a very strong motive to kill him.
Sí, y con la limpieza y esto... y, sí, no olvidemos la llamada... que él hizo a su esposa diciendo que Ud. lo apuñaló. Y que Ud. tenía un gran motivo para matarlo.
You did dispose of his body, but you didn't kill him.
Se deshizo de su cuerpo, pero no lo mató.
Why would we kill him together?
¿ Por qué nos pondríamos de acuerdo para matarlo juntos?
Would you have let me kill him?
¿ Me habrías dejado matarlo?
So, you don't have to kill him.
No tienes que matarlo.
And he'll kill him for it.
Y le matará por él.
I just can't imagine that anyone would want to kill him.
no puedo imaginar que alguien quisiera matarlo.
When he turns up, I'm going to kill him.
Cuando él aparece, voy a matarlo.
There was someone else who had reason to kill him over his bad decisions.
Había otra persona que tenía motivos para matar a él por sus malas decisiones.
- I'm not gonna kill him.
- No voy a matarle.
You were supposed to kill him.
Se suponía que debía matarlo.
Hey, look, I know you didn't kill him ;
Oye, mira, sé que tú no lo mataste ;
I didn't kill him.
Yo no lo maté.
Enough to kill him if the bullet didn't get there first.
Suficiente para matarlo si la bala no lo alcanzaba primero.
And then you kill him.
Y luego tú lo matas.
What if someone had a motive to kill him?
¿ Y si alguien tenía un motivo para matarle?
And even if you do, if you kill him, you're done.
Y aunque pudieras hacerlo, si lo matas estás acabado.
If you care about us... You should not kill him.
Si te preocupas por nosotros, no lo debes matar.
Don't kill him!
¡ No lo mates!
Please don't kill him.
Por favor, no lo mates.
And you said..... you said you wanted to kill him.
Y tú dijiste que querías matarle.
Benton's obsessed with Harp, he's not gonna kill him, not straight off.
Benton está obsesionado con Harp, no va a matarle, no enseguida.
Or we could just kill him. And negotiate with the next man?
O podríamos simplemente matarle y negociar con el siguiente.
Stay the fuck back! I'll kill him!
No te acerques, coño. ¡ O lo mato!
I didn't kill him!
¡ Yo no le mate!
So you were always gonna kill him.
Por lo que siempre ibas a matarlo.
- We only need enough time to get close to Munro and kill him.
- Solo necesitamos tiempo suficiente para acercarnos a Munro y matarle.
Munro already took my sword, and even if I had it, I can't get close enough to Munro to kill him.
Munro ya cogió mi espada, y aunque la tuviera, no puedo acercarme lo suficiente a Munro para matarlo.
If Dr. Joe was the target, I can think of a thousand easier ways to kill him.
Si el Dr. Joe fue el objetivo, puedo pensar mil maneras más fáciles para matarlo.
You met him at your brother's parole hearing. - You threatened to kill him.
Tal vez me haga arrestar.
Or else I'll kill you and him.
O te mataré a ti y a él.
You wanted to kill him!
- ¡ Querías matarlo!
He wouldn't kill Cabe without interrogating him first to find out why he was around his warehouse.
El no mataría a Cabe sin interrogarlo primero Para averiguar qué estaba alrededor de su almacén.
Well, if he did kill Phillip Harris, he's bound to be on guard, so we can't let him know that we are looking at him as a suspect.
- Bueno... Si mató a Phillip, estará en guardia, no debe saber que sospechamos.
Kill him!
Let him watch me kill his wife.
Deja que vea como mato a su mujer.
I cannot deliver you to him so he can kill you.
No puedo entregarte a él para que pueda matarte.
But why kill a guy and then try To keep him alive on the internet?
¿ Pero por qué matar al tipo y después intentar mantenerlo vivo en Internet?
Well, according to marcus, You hired him to kill your husband here in venice, Where you knew there was a crime - -
Pues bien, de acuerdo con Marcus, lo contrató para matar a su marido aquí en Venecia, dónde sabía que era un crimen...
He just tried to kill several police officers. Even without the drugs, we have plenty to hold him on.
Sólo intentó matar a varios agentes de policía, incluso sin las drogas tenemos mucho para detenerlo
And he, uh, he never hinted at who ordered him to kill his victims?
y, uh, ¿ Alguna vez insinuó quién lo mandó a matar a sus víctimas?
And I watched him shoot up a courtroom, kill my chief and a couple of good friends.
y lo he visto disparar en un tribunal, matar a mi jefe y un par de buenos amigos.

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