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Let him try перевод на испанский

497 параллельный перевод
All right. Let him try.
De acuerdo, que lo intente.
- We're right behind you. - Let him try.
Les diré que lo dejen salir.
I'm not gonna sit here and just save him! Let him try putting that rope around his neck for a change.
Dejemos que pruebe esa soga alrededor de su cuello.
Let him try.
Que lo intente.
I say let him try. Thus my fear seeing him kiss you the other day.
Por eso el otro día tuve miedo cuando lo vi besándote.
Oh, please let him try anything to bring Bob back.
Oh, por favor, déjele intentar algo para traer a Bob de vuelta.
- Strasse, we'll let him try it.
- Dejaremos que lo intente.
- Yeah, just let him try to collect.
- ¡ Que intente cobrar!
Let him try and get it back though.
Por las dudas, lo devuelvo.
Won't you let him try again? No.
- ¿ Dejarás que lo intente de nuevo?
Let him try it.
Déjale intentarlo.
Let him try again.
Deja que lo intente otra vez.
Well, we're prepared to let him try, aren't we, Mr. Dewitt?
Estamos preparados para dejarlo probar, ¿ no, Sr. DeWitt?
Let him try to break away. They'll stop him.
Si trata de escaparse lo detendrán.
– Let him try.
- Que Io intente.
Let him try it, Father.
Deja que lo intente, padre.
Let him try.
Déjenlo intentar.
Rosa, don't let him try to do too much.
Ocúpate de él, Rosa.
Let him try.
Deja que lo intente.
Let him try!
¡ Qué lo intente!
- Why? Don't let him try to sell you anything.
- Digo, no dejes que te venda nada.
- Let him try.
- Probémoslo.
Just let him try.
Que se anime.
Let him try to get away!
¡ Deja que él se trate de escapar!
Bring the 3600 kg halberd and let him try it.
Traed la lanza de media luna, la de 3600 Kg.
Let me try to find him.
Le encontraré.
Let's try to get a shot at him.
Vamos a intentar tirarle.
I let him make a mug out of me, but don't anybody try it again.
He dejado que se burlara de mí, pero que nadie vuelva a intentarlo.
Let her try to pick him up.
Deja que haga su luchita.
Let's put him on the bed and try the system of "rational disarticulation."
Pongámoslo en la cama y comprobemos las articulaciones.
It's time to try it. Come, let's go and ask him.
¿ No crees que es momento de probar suerte?
I'm afraid not at least he's not conceited and he has nice clear eyes he shall come tomorrow, I'll let him have a volume of Corneille, he shall try his hand at that
No tengo miedo por lo menos, no es presumido y tiene ojos claros él vendrá mañana, le permitiré tener un volumen de Corneille, él probará su mano a eso
I'll try to get him to let you off early.
Trataré de que te saque pronto.
Let's try him.
- Let's return and try to locate him.
- Volvamos y tratemos de localizarlo.
- Let's try to calm him down, we'll get something out of it.
Tratemos de calmarlo, algo conseguiremos. Vengan con nosotros.
I'll try to be as good as my last name... let him drink his poison who has demanded a funeral...
Procuraré ser tan bueno, como dice mi apellido que se trague su veneno el que velorio ha pedido
If he enters this end, don't try and stop him, just let him see you.
Si llega por aquí,... no intente detenerle. Sólo deja que le vea.
Excuse me. And will you try not to let him hear about this?
¿ Tratarás de que no se entere?
- Let me try and talk to him, inspector.
- Déjeme intentar hablarle, inspector.
Let me try and talk to him.
Déjeme intentar hablarle.
You better let him go, Doc. Try to stop him, and somebody's gonna get hurt.
Será mejor que lo deje ir, doctor... o alguien saldrá lastimado.
Listen to me., let me try to explain for him.
Escúchame, déjame intentar explicarle.
Oh, I know he's seen a great deal more of life than you, but you can make that an advantage, too. Let him see how sweet and unspoiled you are, and, darling, you must try your hardest not to be shy.
Ya sé que tiene más experiencia que tú, pero de eso puedes sacar gran ventaja, haciéndole ver lo buena y virtuosa que eres.
Let's try him out on this test.
Sí, a ver qué sale con él en este test.
I wanted to tell him :'Luca, love me, let's try.
"tenía ganas de decirle :" Luca, ámame, probemos. Déjame que probemos. "
Bien ; parece que ambos lo perdimos, ¿ no?
Let me try him sometime.
Déjame probarlo algún día.
If they let him off tomorrow, they can never try him again.
Si mañana le dejan libre, nunca le podrán volver a juzgar.
- Let's try and save ourselves! - Let me kill him!
¡ Deja a ese cerdo y pensemos en salvarnos!
Let's try to meet him.
Tratemos de conocerle nosotros a él.

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