Like you wanted перевод на испанский
3,043 параллельный перевод
All tuned up, just like you wanted.
Puesta a punto, como querías.
So, here it is, my life savings, just like you wanted.
Aquí tienes los ahorros de mi vida, como dijiste.
And you get to say "myrrh" like you wanted.
Y podrás decir "mirra" tal como querías.
Just like you wanted to share your joy with me, and now you want to confess, because the urges, they got to be too much.
Igual que querías compartir tu alegría conmigo, y ahora quieres confesarlo, porque los deseos, son demasiado.
I wear long hair just like you wanted me to do.
Llevo el pelo largo porque tú querías.
Was there no other way to achieve what you wanted than by using me like this?
¿ No había otra forma de conseguir lo que querías que utilizarme así?
Turns out she couldn't handle me being in a wheelchair, so... you know, for the longest time, I felt sorry for myself, like Dixon,'cause I wanted to blame someone, but, I realized that the person that put me in this chair was me.
Parece que no podía soportarme estando en una silla de ruedas, así que... sabes, durante mucho tiempo, sentía lástima de mí mismo, como Dixon, porque yo quería culpar a alguien, pero... me di cuenta de que la persona que me había puesto en esa silla había sido yo.
Hyeong, I wanted to introduce you to someone, but it looks like that person isn't here yet.
Hyeong, quiero presentarte a alguien, pero parece que no ha llegado.
Or like the time you wanted to start your own line of deep-fried jewelry?
¿ O como cuando querías empezar tu propia linea de joyería hervida en aceite?
I just wanted to give you, like, a little advice before you go out there.
Sólo quería darle, como, un pequeño consejo antes de ir por ahí.
I'm excited to be able to mentor you'cause ially connected with you, you know, through your first performance, a I just wanted to give you, like, a couple notes and a little advice.
Estoy emocionado de poder ser mentor usted porque ially conectado con usted, ya sabe, a través de su primera actuación, un yo quería darle, como, un notas de pareja y un pequeño consejo.
We just wanted to come over here and have, like, a quick chat with you.
Sólo queríamos venir aquí y tienen, como, una charla rápida con usted.
'I just wanted to say sorry about before, the way I left'and, for the record, in case you didn't know,' I really like you.
Solo quiero decir que siento lo de antes, el modo en que me he ido, y, para que conste, en caso de que no lo sepas, me gustas de verdad.
You thought I wanted to sit in the audience like some slutty Treb rat?
¿ Creíste que quería sentarme entre el público como si fuera una puta "groupie" de los Agudos?
What I mean is... you wanted to go so badly, and you're letting a chance like that go.
Lo que quiero decir es... que tenías muchas ganas de ir y ahora dejas pasar esa oportunidad.
I've always really wanted to do things like that with you with a lot of people around.
Realmente quiero estar contigo y que la gente nos vea.
"I'm going to a BronyCon," you know, I wanted to tell everyone, I want to tell my friends, and my family, but my friends are all in the military, and it's like, oh, I can't tell them because, you know.
"Yo voy a la BronyCon", ya sabes, yo quería decirles a todos, quiero decirles a mis amigos, y a mi familia, pero mis amigos están todos en el ejército, y es como, oh, no puedo decirlo porque, ya sabes.
You could live like this if you wanted to.
Podrías vivir así si quisieras.
Or perhaps you just wanted to feel like God again.
O igual solo quería sentirse otra vez como Dios.
Uh, I wanted to know, do you like'80s cover bands?
Quería saber si te gustan las covers de bandas de los 80.
Just never wanted you to end up like me.
Nunca quise que acabaras como yo.
And, what I wanted to say although it's a bit late, I'd like to say thank you.
Y quiero decirte algo. Aunque sea un poco tarde, quiero agradecerte.
I wanted you to do something like this.
Es lo único que quiero de ti.
She was so happy... when you said you wanted her on that journey with you, like a girl who just received a marriage proposal.
Estaba tan contenta cuando le dijo que quería que le acompañara. Como una chica que acaba de recibir una propuesta de matrimonio.
And I wanted to make a kiss like we have always done, muack, muack. You know? And he says, "No, don't kiss me anymore."
Quise darle un beso, como antes, pero él dijo, " No.
Well, uh grandma and grandpa just called too. She wanted to know what you'd like to eat this weekend.
Bien, el abuelo y la abuela acaban de llamar desean saber que quieres de comer el fin de semana.
I just wanted you to hang out with me and see how cool I was so you'd take me under your wing and teach me everything you know and become like my big sister!
Sólo quería que pasaras tiempo conmigo para que vieras lo genial que era, me cuidaras y me enseñaras lo que sabes. ¡ Y así serias como mi hermana mayor!
You wanted to prove that you're not like Tracy?
¿ Quieres probar que no eres como Tracy?
I just wanted to tell you that, and, uh, maybe your dad has something he'd like to say to Freddie?
Solo quería decirte eso, y... ¿ tal vez hay algo que tu padre quiera decirle a Freddie?
I just thought he was like, you know, homeless guy or something, he wanted free food.
Pensé que era, ya saben, un vagabundo o algo así, que quería comer gratis.
I just, um, I wanted to stop by to see if, you know, you need any help around the gallery - you know, like an assistant or, you know, like a nude model.
Yo solo, queria pasar para ver si, tu sabes, necesitas ayuda en la galería... ya sabes, como una asistente o, ya sabes, o una modelo de desnudos.
Well, you came to me in the beginning because you wanted help, because you don't like what you are.
Bueno, viniste a mí en un principio porque querías ayuda, porque no te gusta lo que eres.
I just wanted to let you know to stay in the hotel, as long as you like. I'm sorry it ended that way, as you have.
Solo quería que supieras que puedes permanecer en el hotel el tiempo que necesites.
I just wanted to tell you that I like-like-like you!
Solo quería decirte que me gustas.
Just wanted to let you know, - I fired Eve like you told me to. - Oh.
Sólo quería que supiera, que he despedido a Eve como me dijo que hiciera.
I wanted to sound just like him, you know?
Quería sonar como él, ¿ me explico?
And perks like the grain handout help you understand why people wanted to be Roman.
Y ventajas como el donativo de grano ayuda a entender por qué el pueblo quería ser romano.
I always wanted a sister like you.
Siempre quise una dongsaeng como tú.
I would like you to ask yourself : if we were in the ruling class, the'investment ownership class', to paraphrase Thorstein Veblen, and we wanted to preserve our interests against any interference, what would we do?
Me gustaría que te hicieras la pregunta : ¿ Si fuésemos parte de la clase dominante, la "clase propietaria inversionista", parafraseando a Thorstein Veblen, y quisiéramos preservar nuestros intereses contra cualquier interferencia, qué haríamos?
Mr. McCall, I just want to say, first of all you know, she's the one that always wanted to be the filthier animals, like the skunk and the naughty beaver.
Pero ella es la que siempre quería ser los animales más cochinos, como el zorrillo o el castor malo.
I just wanted to say that... if I did like guys... you'd totally be the kind of guy that I'd like.
Sólo quería decir... que si me gustasen los muchachos... tú serías el tipo de muchacho que me agradaría.
You wanted to feel like this was Mike's plan, and that he was giving Sulley what Sulley needed to perform, but that it was really Mike who was literally pulling the strings.
Debía verse como si fuera el plan de Mike, y que le daba a Sulley lo necesario para que actuara, pero que en realidad era Mike quien dirigía todo.
If I wanted to steal something from you, it wouldn't be no little shit like this.
Si quisiera robar algo de ti, no sería una mierda como esto.
I hired a lawyer like you wanted.
Contraté un abogado, como tú querías.
But Jerry Salinger listened like you were the most important person in the world, and he wanted to know about my family.
Pero Jerry Salinger escuchaba como si fueras la persona más importante en el mundo, y quería saber sobre mi familia.
I wanted to make sure that was you'cause I don't know what you look like.
Quería asegurarme de que fueras tú, no te conozco.
So, like I was talking on the phone, I wanted to ask you about Dad.
Así, como si estuviera hablando por teléfono, quería preguntarte sobre papá.
I just wanted to make it seem like you were experiencing everything with me.
Quería que se viera que compartías todo conmigo.
Just like you've always wanted!
¡ Como tú siempre quisiste!
- I want to treat you like the adult that your father wanted you to grow into and that your mother wished she could see.
Quiero tratarte como la adulta en la que tu padre quería que te convirtieras y que tu madre desearía haber visto.
How many you wanted and stuff like that?
¿ De cuántos querían y esas cosas?
like you mean it 28
like your brother 20
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like you 1448
like you said 759
like yours 81
like your mother 32
like you used to 18
like your brother 20
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like you 1448
like you said 759
like yours 81
like your mother 32
like you used to 18
like you do 64
like you don't know 28
like your father 54
like yourself 72
like you wouldn't believe 25
like you always do 49
like you care 36
like you were 21
like you know 24
like you are 30
like you don't know 28
like your father 54
like yourself 72
like you wouldn't believe 25
like you always do 49
like you care 36
like you were 21
like you know 24
like you are 30