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Of course it wasn't перевод на испанский

263 параллельный перевод
Well, of course you're a specialist, and I'm an old cow doctor, but... well, in fact, it wasn't me that discovered the idea that it was typhoid.
Ud. es especialista yyo soy médico de vacas, pero... en realidad, no fui yo quien descubrió la idea de que es tifoidea.
Only, of course, it wasn't so nice up north when it was cold and rough was it?
Aunque no fue tan lindo al norte cuando hacía tanto frío, ¿ no?
Of course, it wasn't nearly so pretty, but it was silver.
Por supuesto, no era tan bonito, pero era plateado.
- Muchos jornaleros viajan juntos.
Of course, you know, I wouldn't consider this investment... if it wasn't for Susan's future...
Por supuesto, no consideraría esta inversión si no fuese para el futuro de Susan...
Well I'm sorry it happened, of course. It wasn't my fault.
Lamento que eso haya pasado, pero no fue culpa mía.
- Of course it wasn't. may's right.
- Claro que no. May tiene razón.
Of course it wasn't, sir.
Claro que no, señor.
Oh, of course, I wasn't expecting it before.
Claro, no me lo esperaba.
But of course he was against it, wasn't he?
Precisamente le dije a David si podía ir a verla.
- Of course, it wasn't.
- Claro que no.
That wasn't fair. Of course it wasn't.
- ¿ No es justo?
Of course it wasn't me.
Claro que no era yo.
Of course, I keep forgetting. "Stonehurst" or something like that, wasn't it?
- Claro que sí. Siempre me olvido. Stonehurst, o algo así, ¿ no?
It wasn't all work, of course.
No todo era trabajar, claro.
Of course it wasn't that.
Creo que nadie puede perder eso, ¿ verdad?
It wasn't me, of course.
No he sido yo, por supuesto.
We wasn't there. Of course, we got Mr. Hogan's word for it.
El Sr. Hogan nos lo dijo.
As soon as I saw the box, of course, I realized at once that it wasn't mine.
En cuanto vi el maletín me di cuenta de que no era el mío.
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Ya sé que el de dentro no era usted, pero y si el mecanismo falla, ¿ qué pasaría?
Of course, it wasn't a saucer at all.
Claro, no era un platillo en absoluto.
Of course, it wasn't in quite as good shape as this.
Por supuesto, no estaba en tan buen estado como este.
Of course it wasn't an out-And-Out quarrel, But it was a strong difference of opinion.
No han tenido una discusión violenta pero sí diversidad de opiniones.
H wasn't the first time I seen a man blown to bits of course, it wasn't even as if Willie was anything special to me.
Había visto a otros hombres morir, desesperados. A Willie no le tenía un cariño especial.
Of course it wasn't true, but he " d just keep talking and talking.
Por supuesto, no era verdad, pero él seguía hablando y hablando.
Of course it wasn't a story.
¿ Un cuento? Claro que no.
Of course it wasn't.
- ¡ Claro que no!
Except of course, it would still be up there because it wasn't travelling quite so fast.
Excepto, por supuesto, que todavía estaría allí, porque no viajábamos tan rápido. Bueno, ¡ Bendita sea!
- So it wasn't real? - Of course not.
- ¿ Entonces no era verdad de verdad?
It wasn't so easy, of course.
No fue fácil, claro.
Of course, you'll say it wasn't your fault, but I just don't have it in me to work for you anymore
Por supuesto, dirás que no fue culpa tuya, pero no las tengo todas conmigo para seguir trabajando para ti.
But it wasn't you, of course?
Pero no fue usted, desde luego.
I mean, it was me, of course, but it wasn't me.
Bueno, era yo, claro, pero no era yo.
of course, it wasn't magic, it was his astronomers.
Por supuesto que no había tal magia. Lo hacían sus astrónomos
Of course, it wasn't so big in those days.
Claro que no era tan grande en aquellos días.
When I left home yesterday - this morning - it was of course it wasn't like that.
esta mañana... estaba... bueno, por supuesto que no estaba así.
So I did as I was told, but, of course, it wasn't good enough.
Asi que hice lo que me dijo, pero, por supuesto, no valía.
Of course it wasn't fixed. They start to miss'em once they've been fixed.
Notan su desaparición si están reparados.
Of course it wasn't.
Sé que no es así.
Of course, it wasn't healed.
- Claro, no estaba curada.
As it happened, she wasn't there when I got there. But I can't prove it, of course.
Resultó que no estaba allí cuando llegué... pero no puedo probarlo.
- Of course it wasn't.
¿ Está segura?
Of course it's impossible. Because it was you, wasn't it?
- Claro que lo es, por qué fue usted.
But it didn't sound like the shooting one hears in the woods. But of course it might not if it was echoing back from the woods and wasn't a shotgun in the first place.
Pero no sonó como los tiros que oímos en los bosques, no parecía un eco, parecía una escopeta.
Of course, it wasn't really the wilderness.
Aunque realmente no era el monte.
It wasn't always like this, of course.
Claro que no siempre fue así.
Of course it wasn't.
Claro que no.
It wasn't the one she was wearing, of course, but it's a start.
No la tenía puesta, pero es un comienzo.
- Of course it wasn't you!
- ¡ Claro que no has sido tú!
I really don't have anything to say except that, uh... there would be no Wonders of the World miniature golf course if it wasn't for the imagination and the creativity of one woman.
Realmente no tengo nada que decir, excepto que... no habría minigolf de las Maravillas del mundo si no fuese por la imaginación y creatividad de una mujer.
But, of course, it wasn't.
Pero, por supuesto, no lo era.

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