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On him перевод на испанский

73,331 параллельный перевод
Until he gets out, I'm not giving up on him, Jug.
Hasta que salga, no me voy a rendir con él, Jug.
I didn't want to go off on him in front of Maddie and her friends.
No quise responderle frente a Maddie y sus amigas.
You can always count on him to help.
Siempre puedes contar con su ayuda.
Don't be too hard on him.
No seas demasiado duro con él.
And I want to go check on him to make sure he's okay, but I don't know his actual address.
Y quiero ir a ver si está bien, pero no sé cuál es su dirección actual.
If I ever lay eyes on him again, I might just kill him.
Si alguna vez vuelvo a verle, puede que lo mate.
Maurice gets a little bit stabby when you hold out on him.
Maurice se hace un poco stabby poco cuando se mantiene fuera de él.
You can rely on him.
Puede confiar en él.
- Get the torch on him. Nick?
- Pon la linterna sobre él.
But the joke's on him.
Pero salí ganando.
That guy, he has a set of grapes on him.
Ese tipo sí que tiene cojones.
I'd like you to keep an eye on him for me.
Quiero que lo vigiles por mí.
I just asked Russel to keep an eye on him for me tomorrow at the auction, that's all
‐ Solo le pedí a Russel que lo cuidara por mí mañana en la subasta ; eso es todo.
Not taking his side. You're picking on him.
- No estoy de su lado.
Yes, they turned their backs on Jon when it was time to retake Winterfell and then they named him their king and now they're ready to turn their backs on him again.
Sí, le dieron la espalda a Jon Cuando llegó el momento de retomar Winterfell Y entonces lo nombraron su rey y ahora están listos para darle la espalda de nuevo.
They'll soon pin the murder on him.
Pronto lo acusarán del asesinato.
Until one of his guys rolled on him as a witness.
Hasta que uno de sus hombres le delató y va a testificar.
Because Clifford Blossom visited him on the night of his arrest, with a threat, that I, Jughead Jones, would suffer the same fate as Jason Blossom, if my father didn't confess.
Porque Clifford Blossom lo visitó la noche de su arresto con una amenaza. Que yo, Jughead Jones, sufriría el mismo destino que Jason Blossom si mi padre no confesaba.
But his father is in jail, and think it might be confusing to have him up on the Jubilee stage.
Pero su padre está en la cárcel, y creo que generaría confusión que subiera al escenario.
Put him on a leash already, would you?
Necesitas ponerle una correa, ¿ puedes?
Somebody held him by the ankles and dropped him on his head.
Alguien lo sujetó de los tobillos y lo soltó de cabeza.
Based on he told me and I believe him.
Basado en que él me lo dijo y yo le creo.
What you want, to convict him on the basis of that?
¿ Qué quieres? ¿ Condenarlo en base a eso?
I don't know what's going on with him.
No sé qué pasa con él.
Yes, despite the fact that you, questioned him without a lawyer present, denied him his right to his medication and are now holding him overnight on some bogus murder charge, yes.
Sí, a pesar de que lo haya interrogado sin un abogado presente, le haya negado su derecho a tomar la medicación y ahora lo tenga retenido toda la noche por un falso cargo de asesinato, sí.
You should have heard him go on about what styles would suit you best.
Deberías haberlo oído hablar sobre los estilos que te irían mejor.
- Get him on the phone.
- Que se ponga al teléfono. Sí.
I gave it to him because there was heat on me.
Se lo di a él porque estaban cerca de mí.
The last time my brother was caught on camera was a drive-through on Fieldsman Road, and this son-of-a-bitch was following him.
La última vez que mi hermano fue pillado en cámara fue en un autoservicio en la calle Fieldsman, y este hijo de puta lo estaba siguiendo.
You gonna set him on fire?
¿ Vas a prenderle fuego?
And Michael, the grandson, they describe him as a loner, rarely seen out on the estate.
Y a Michael, el nieto, lo describen como un solitario, se lo ve raramente fuera del barrio.
Let me just talk to him and find out what is going on.
Deja que hable con él y averigüe qué ocurre.
He's as I found him, but postmortem lividity says he died on his front.
Está como lo encontré, pero la lividez postmortem dice que murió boca abajo.
You press him on that?
¿ Lo presionaste por eso?
I think something's going on between him, Emma and Pippa.
Creo que algo está pasando entre él, Emma y Pippa.
I don't know what you did to manipulate Frankie, what angle you used, what you blackmailed him with to put yourself on that ticket and I don't care, but America will care.
No sé lo que has hecho para manipular a Frankie, qué método utilizaste, con lo que lo chantajease para que te pusieras en esa candidatura y no me importa, pero a los Estados Unidos le importará.
QR-24 facial recognition picked him up on a street cam in Jennifer's neighborhood the night she was beaten up.
La QR-24 de reconocimiento facial lo captó en una cámara de la calle del barrio de Jennifer la noche en que la golpearon.
I guess he wasn't really my boyfriend, I'd been on a few dates with him.
En realidad no era mi novio, sólo había estado unos pocos días con él.
But he hit me and tried to force himself on me, so I beat the shit out of him.
Pero él me golpeó y trató de lastimarse a mí mismo, Así que le gané a esa mierda.
Keep him occupied while we focus on the task at hand...
Mantenlo ocupado mientras nos centramos en la tarea a mano...
His deals on the black market are so shady they landed him on a certain government's hit list.
Sus tratos en el mercado negro son tan turbios... que está en la lista de blancos de algunos gobiernos.
We could put him on our table?
¿ Podemos ponerlo en nuestra mesa?
When he first showed up on Heliotrope, I booked him on a G of chiva.
Cuando fue a Heliotrope, lo arresté por cargar heroína.
He had this asshole friend. He just... He just kept filling his head with smoke and leading him on.
Tenía un estúpido amigo que le llenaba la cabeza con falsas esperanzas.
Keep on him.
Sigue vigilándolo.
And they want to put him on lithium.
Y quieren meterle litio.
You see him, you shoot on sight, you hear me?
Si lo ven, disparen, ¿ entendido?
I saw this thing on his phone... telling him to pay... pay Victoria's rent.
Vi una cosa en su teléfono... diciéndole que pague el alquiler de Victoria.
It was all a ruse to get Tom to recant his confession, get him back on my side.
Todo era una trampa para que Tom se retractara de su confesión, para ponerlo de mi lado.
I told him not to touch a hair on Frankie Vargas'head.
Le dije que no tocara ni un pelo de la cabeza de Frankie Vargas.
Take this punk back to West Hollywood and drop him on the street.
Lleven al vándalo a West Hollywood, déjenlo en la calle. Con gusto.

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