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Pay him перевод на испанский

4,690 параллельный перевод
Could be worth our while to pay him a visit, see what Ned's background report turned up.
Podría merecer la pena hacerle una visita, ver lo que aparece en los antecedentes de Ned.
If I have to pay him $ 5,000, I will.
Si tengo que pagarle $ 5,000, lo haré.
- Maybe we should pay him a visit.
- Tal vez deberíamos hacerle una visita.
People pay him rent, and he was the bank.
La gente le pagaba un alquiler, y él era el banco.
Daddy, why didn't you pay him?
¿ Por qué no le pagaste?
I'll pay him a visit.
Voy a visitarle.
Let's find out where this guy lives and go pay him a visit.
Averigüemos en donde vive y vamos a hacerle una visita.
I've arranged to pay him a visit in the morning.
He dispuesto hacerle una visita por la mañana.
Pay him to beat up Rita Rudner.
Pagarle a golpear a Rita Rudner.
You're not going to pay him.
No vas a pagarle.
I will pay him once.
Le pagaré una sóla vez.
They pay him a living allowance like everyone else, but apparently Rick likes to just pocket the cash and sleep wherever on set.
Le pagan un subsidio como a todo el mundo, pero aparentemente a Rick solo le gusta la pasta y duerme en cualquier parte del set.
And I put the money to pay him in the till.
Y metí el dinero para pagarle en la caja registradora.
I thought I'd pay him a visit, with our lawyer, and remind him who his real friends are.
Pensé en hacerle una visita, con nuestro abogado, y recordarle quienes son sus verdaderos amigos.
Not a fucking cent, the man's obviously a lunatic, he murdered 14 innocent pensioners, we pay him, we'd have every nutcase in Europe kidnapping our business colleagues, our families, us - the idea's absurd.
Ni un puto céntimo, obviamente el hombre es un lunático, ha matado a 14 pensionistas inocentes. Le pagamos, tendremos a locos en Europa secuestrando a nuestros colegas de negocios, nuestras familias, nosotros... la idea es absurda.
Just pay him the money
Págale el dinero
But you have to pay him up front.
Pero tienen que pagarle por adelantado.
Maybe I should just pay him.
Tal vez debería pagarle y listo.
You pay him back?
Le pagaste?
I want to pay him, and that'll be the end of it.
Quiero pagarle y será el fin de esto.
So, Gainsley's mine caves in and a judge orders him to set aside a fund to pay the families of the victims.
Entonces, la mina de Gainsley se derrumbó y un juez le ordenó apartar un fondo para pagar a las familias de las víctimas. Sí.
Ben would be thrilled to know that Cornell wants to pay tribute to him.
Ben estaría contentísimo si supiera que Cornell quiere darle un homenaje.
Oh, pay no attention to him.
No le haga caso.
We may not be able to prove that he killed your babies, Pamela, but at least we can make him pay for killing J.R.
Quizá no demostremos que mató a tus bebés, Pamela... pero al menos podemos hacerlo pagar por asesinar a J.R.
You didn't have to pay for him.
Tú no tuviste que pagar por él.
You got him suspended without pay.
Has hecho que lo suspendan de empleo y sueldo.
How much did Miguel Leyva pay you to tip him off about the drug raid?
¿ Cuánto te pagó Miguel Leyva para avisarle sobre la redada por drogas?
It was him, and God knows he'll pay.
Era él, y Dios sabe que lo pagará.
It makes people pay attention to him.
Hace que la gente le preste atención.
You don't have to pay me to see him.
No tienes que pagarme para verlo.
The men who pay to see him...
Los hombres que pagan para verle...
The men who pay to see him, they're salesmen or lawyers or a provost of a major university.
Los hombres que pagan por verle, son hombres de negocios o abogados, o rectores de universidades importantes.
Well, he begged us for months, and I told him, I said, "Billy, your father's not gonna pay for a new pair of trousers until you've outgrown your last pair of knickers."
Pues nos lo imploró durante meses, y yo le dije, "Billy, tu padre no te va a comprar un nuevo par de pantalones hasta que ya no quepas en tus antiguas bermudas".
Don't let anyone know why. Tell him we have back pay for him or something ;
Dígale que tenemos una paga atrasada para él, o algo así.
Well, you gotta pay Kay Song back what you owe him.
Bueno, vas a pagar a Kay Song el dinero que le debes.
I didn't pay that much attention to him.
No le presté tanta atención.
Men who pay to see him, they're salesman or lawyers or a provost of a major university.
Los hombres que pagaron por verle, eran vendedores o abogados o el Decano de una gran universidad.
Uniforms intercepted him on his way up to pay Mr. Fosse a visit.
Lo interceptamos cuando iba a visitar al Sr. Fosse.
And you wanted to make him pay.
Y tú quisiste hacérselo pagar.
Yeah, but you were the one knocking on his door forcing him to pay up.
Pero fuiste tú quien lo obligó a pagar.
We will bring him in, and we'll make him pay.
Le traeremos aquí y haremos que pague.
Look, believe me, I want to make him pay.
Créeme, quiero que pague.
Or maybe she was gonna pay somebody... to what, kill him?
- O tal vez iba a pagar a alguien... - Para qué, ¿ para matarlo?
( Chuckles ) If I flirt with him, maybe he'll pay for lunch.
Si coqueteo con el, quizás pague mi almuerzo.
He was buying up all the pay phones in Manhattan, but they stopped him.
Estaba comprando todos los teléfonos públicos de Manhattan, pero le han parado.
You'll give this to him and you'll tell him I'll pay everything soon.
Dale esto y dile que más tarde le daré el resto.
- Kill him and Nadia will pay for it!
- ¡ Mátalo y Nadia pagará por ello!
You want me to say I saw him, sure, you gotta pay me first.
Quieren que diga que lo vi, claro, tienen que pagarme primero.
I'd pay to see him.
Pagaría por verlo.
I wanna pay him, Ray.
Quiero pagarle, Ray.
Don't pay any attention to him, Jen.
No le pongas atención a él, Jen.

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