People do that перевод на испанский
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I don't think they let people do that.
Creo que no dejan que la gente haga eso.
I mean, why would people do that?
¿ Por qué alguien haría eso?
Which you know, people do that.
Lo que sabes, la gente lo hace.
Lots of people do that.
Mucha gente lo hace.
The only people we've ever met are your roommate and that pack of friends you do everything with.
Las únicas personas que te he conocido son tu compañera de cuarto... y ese grupito de amigas con quien haces todo.
Not many people can do that successfully.
No mucha gente puede hacer eso con éxito.
You may find this shocking, but it turns out that people with Down syndrome actually like doing exactly the same things that other people do.
Te resultará sorprendente, pero resulta que, a las personas con síndrome de Down, de hecho, les gusta hacer exactamente las mismas cosas que al resto de la gente.
The point being is that most people, to get through that first getting-to-know-you phase, do everything they can to make sure the other person doesn't get to know them.
A lo que me refiero es que la mayoría de la gente, para poder superar esa fase de conocer al otro, hace cualquier cosa que puede para asegurarse de que la otra persona no llegue a conocerles.
So here's... and that's why they always say, we didn't do anything wrong, we didn't do anything in violation, but they really know what's at stake here, because they've actually prosecuted people for the same thing.
Es por eso que ellos dicen, nunca hicimos nada malo, no incurrimos en ninguna violación, pero saben lo que está en juego aquí, porque ellos acusaron a otros por hacer lo mismo que ellos.
I definitely do believe that there are people in the US that don't think that the government is doing anything wrong.
Definitivamente creo que hay gente en EEUU que no creen que el gobierno esté haciendo algo mal.
And, I mean, I actually kind of believe that probably a lot of people who do believe that they have been abducted, were actually victims of sleep paralysis of varying degrees.
Y, quiero decir, que en realidad yo creo que probablemente mucha gente que creen que ellos han sido abducidos, fueron en realidad victimas de la parálisis del sueño de diversos grados.
For me, what doesn't fit is he said there was six people in his room. How do you get six people in and out of that room without...
Para mí, lo que no encaja es que él dijo que tenía seis años personas en su habitación. ¿ Cómo se llega a seis personas dentro y fuera de esa habitación sin...
"What do you think when you hear..." "about former NFL players suffering from symptoms..." "that has only been seen in boxers and people at over 80 years old?"
¿ Qué opina de exjugadores de la NFL que sufren de síntomas solo vistos en boxeadores y octogenarios?
Those are not the people that should do the change, but the ones that have nothing to lose.
Esas no son las personas que deben realizar el cambio. Esto es para los que no tienen nada que perder.
How much longer do you think people are gonna be satisfied with that?
Cuánto tiempo más crees que la gente se va a ser satisfecho con eso?
People are paying money for me to do my job and then he does that and then it just...
La gente está pagando dinero para que yo haga mi trabajo y luego se hace eso y entonces, sólo...
You're a good boy, you try your best, you do this weird show, but it doesn't matter because you're trying, you're getting yourself out there and you're trying to tell jokes that make people happy,
Eres un buen muchacho, intenta lo mejor posible, usted hace este espectáculo raro, pero no importa porque usted está tratando, que te metes por ahí y que está tratando de decir chistes que hacen feliz a la gente,
You've got an adult daughter that's gone through some very bad stuff. Stuff that makes most people do some very stupid things... things like running off with her boyfriend.
Cosas por las que muchas personas hacen cosas estúpidas, cosas como escaparse con su novio.
Because I know that you don't think that amazing, intelligent people get grades like I do.
Porque sé que no crees que la gente increíble e inteligente saque notas como las mías.
Do you think the people that sent you here are any different?
¿ Crees que la gente que te envió aquí...? ¿ es diferente?
I think that if there's a sort of sadness for people under 45, it has something to do with pleasure and achievement and entertainment.
Creo que la tristeza que experimentan las personas de menos de 45 años, tiene algo que ver con el placer, los logros y el entretenimiento.
That's what people do when they get stabbed at work.
Eso es lo que la gente hace cuando la apuñalan en el trabajo.
He didn't burst into tears and he didn't think that the first thing people most people do when they realise someone doesn't love them anymore is cry.
No se puso a llorar y que no creía que la gente lo primero mayoría de la gente cuando se dan cuenta que alguien no los ama más es llorar.
But it seems that most people do their shopping at places like the big suburban supermarket in a neighboring city.
Pero parece que la mayoría de la gente hace sus compras en lugares como en el gran supermercado de una ciudad vecina.
That's how people should do it :
Eso es lo que debe hacer la gente :
When do you let your people make their own mistakes so that they can learn?
"¿ Cuándo dejas que tus trabajadores cometan sus propios errores para que puedan aprender?"
That was my biggest thrill, for me, because I guess being an actor, people don't really expect you to do it as well, and I was a big man of my house with my kids for awhile, anyway.
Esa fue mi emoción más grande, para mí, porque supongo que ser un actor, la gente realmente no espera que lo haga así, y yo era un hombre grande de mi casa con mis hijos por un tiempo, de todos modos.
We have to do the things that people won't like.
Que tenemos que hacer cosas que a la gente no le gustará.
She told me once that people pay her to do séances.
Una vez me comentó que la gente la paga por hacer sesiones espiritistas.
What is she going to do? And I was like, why is there not somewhere, like a community place? Somewhere that I can put her and feel good about it, with, like, a lot of different people.
Y me preguntaba por qué no existe... un sitio comunitario... un lugar que me guste... donde haya todo tipo de gente.
You know what? I do think that you could be a little more careful with the people in your life who really matter to you.
Debes tener más cuidado con la gente que quieres.
That's what fat people do.
Eso hacen los gordos.
I cannot do that by watching people eat each other.
No puedo hacer eso viendo a la gente comerse entre ellos.
People see you waiting there and they know I am in the Major's tent and I do not like that.
La gente te ve esperando ahí y saben que estoy en la tienda del Mayor y no me gusta eso.
I mean, the people need to know that we care, so my wife would be expected to do the Princess Di thing...
Quiero decir, la gente necesito saber que nos preocupamos, por lo que estaría esperaba mi esposa hacer lo Lady Di...
And I'm also guessing that many of those people, whom we're gonna have to talk to at length, had absolutely nothing to do with this crime, and probably don't even know that you're involved with the drug trade.
Y también me imagino que muchas de esas personas, con las que vamos a tener que hablar largamente, no tienen absolutamente nada que ver con este crimen, y probablemente, ni siquiera sepan que estás metido en el tráfico de drogas.
I must face it as my father's daughter, and I believe that in order to do that, I have to tell these people that which I've kept from them.
Debo afrontarlo como hija de mi padre, y creo que para hacerlo, tengo que decirle a esta gente lo que les he ocultado.
Miss Peyton, first off, let me say that the work you and all the ER nurses do for the people of New York is, well, it's nothing short of heroic.
Señora Peyton, primero, déjeme decir que el trabajo que usted y todas las enfermeras de urgencias hacen para la gente de NY, es, bueno, simplemente increíble.
I was going to say... that perhaps you're more concerned with whether or not people talk about what you and I do may be doing behind closed doors... than with what we actually are doing.
Yo iba a decir... que tal vez estés más preocupado por si o no la gente habla de lo que tú y yo lo hacemos pueden estar haciendo a puerta cerrada... que con lo que en realidad estamos haciendo.
But I do know that people can change after spending time in jail.
Pero con seguridad sé.. .. que la gente puede cambiar luego de pasar tiempo en prisión.
What I'm... trying to say, is that someone who doesn't even have HIV, and isn't even taking prep, shouldn't probably be telling people... I do take prep.
Lo que... trato de decir, es que alguien que ni siquiera tiene VIH, y ni siquiera toma el prep, no debería probablemente decirle a la gente... tomo el prep.
How do you people not know that?
¿ Cómo no saben eso?
How do you think it's going to look when people find out that Congressman Pryce, the superhero of the BP oil spill is fucking the wife of a local fisherman, the black wife of a black local fisherman?
¿ Cómo crees que que se va a ver cuando la gente se entera de que el congresista Pryce, el superhéroe del derrame de petróleo de BP está follando a la esposa de un pescador local, esposa negro de un pescador local negro?
Uh, do you think that maybe the Guinness record people would like to take your picture?
¿ Cree que tal vez a la gente de los Records Guinness le gustaría tener una foto suya?
I said, I just think this is not working for both of us, you want to go off and do things with other people and I'm not strong enough to handle that.
Le dije, esto no esta funcionando para ninguna de las dos tu quieres irte y hacer cosas con otra gente y yo no soy lo suficientemente fuerte para soportarlo
I want to influence people. I can't do that here.
Quiero influenciar a la gente.
That's what people with problems do. No!
Es que eso lo hace la gente con problemas.
Somehow, somebody's getting ordinary people, innocents, to do extraordinary things, things that nobody should be able to do.
De alguna manera, alguien está consiguiendo gente corriente, inocentes, para hacer cosas extraordinarias, cosas que nadie debería ser capaz de hacer.
We do always say that. Mm-hmm. And people like you and me don't do things just because they're supposed to.
Siempre decimos eso. Y la gente como tú y yo no hacemos cosas porque se supone que debamos hacerlas.
[sighs ] And if I tell you, Carlos... [ sniffing] that what I want, sincerely... is to help the poor people of this country... do you believe me or what?
[suspira] Y si le digo, Carlos que yo lo que quiero, sinceramente es ayudar a la gente pobre de este país, ¿ usted me cree o qué?
Okay, you know what? He said people stay here after he said do nothing, so I think that cancels it out.
Él dijo : "Que me esperen aquí", después de decir : "No hagas nada", así que eso lo cancela.
people don't change 46
people do 54
people do it all the time 28
do that 435
do that for me 24
do that again 97
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
people do 54
people do it all the time 28
do that 435
do that for me 24
do that again 97
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
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that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
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that's great 6151
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that's all 8171
that's 10531
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that's my girl 410
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that'll be it 25
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that doesn't seem fair 27
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that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's me 2273
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that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20