Presently перевод на испанский
937 параллельный перевод
Henry Norris, ride to the king presently.
Enrique Norris, tomad vuestro caballo e id a ver al Rey.
I married you, Queen Userti, as I was ordered And just as I was ordered I am presently en route to the country of Goshen, and Ana, the poet, accompanies me
Me he casado contigo, regia Userti, como me ha sido ordenado y como igualmente me ha sido ordenado, ahora me pongo en camino hacia el país de Goshen, y Aná, el poeta, me acompaña
Not yet, presently.
- Aún no. Enseguida. Vaya, John.
I shall be going out presently.
Saldré en un momento.
He'll be along presently.
Llegará en cualquier momento.
Bueno, él está ahora en la biblioteca.
- Presently, Mr. Preysing.
- Enseguida, Sr. Preysing.
I'll recover again presently, in 10 or 20 years.
Me recuperaré enseguida, en 10 ó 20 años.
Presently, he stopped in front of your house.
Poco después, se detuvo frente a su casa.
Helen, I shall take you home presently.
Helen, te llevaré a casa enseguida.
I expect shell be down presently.
Supongo que bajará enseguida.
Monsieur Giron, madame will be with you presently.
Monsieur Giron, Madame estará con usted en breve.
Presently, he enters.
Entonces, se presenta.
They'll be along presently.
Vendrán pronto.
Will you have something? Presently.
- ¿ Quiere algo?
I'll have a fire for you presently.
Enseguida le prepararé el fuego.
We will hear it presently, in private audience.
Lo trataremos ahora, en audiencia privada.
I'll have Mrs. Townsend bring you up presently.
- La Sra. Townsend irá a verla.
- I'll tell you a better one presently.
- Pues sé uno mejor.
I'll talk to you presently.
Luego hablaré contigo.
Get your costumes together, meet presently at the palace.
Preparad los vestidos, reuníos en el palacio.
I'll tell you that presently.
Le diré eso dentro de poco.
Presently will do.
están bien así.
Presently he'll be taking you back to Zenith.
El presente te lleva a pensar en Zenith.
I'm examining that girl we looked at presently.
Voy a examinar a esa muchacha que vimos ayer.
He'll be back presently.
Volverá enseguida.
My husband will be here presently.
Mi esposo vendrá en un momento.
Your father will be here presently.
Tu padre llegará enseguida.
Guest will be here presently.
Los invitados llegarán enseguida.
- Oh, that's just a minor risk compared to some of the dangers I've had to go through, and the adventures in which I'm presently engaged.
- Es un pequeño riesgo... comparado a los peligros que he tenido que pasar... y las circunstancias en las que actualmente me encuentro.
Then presently others will go.
Entonces, pronto llegarán otros.
Of a summer night, young men would bring an orchestra under a pretty girl's window a flute, harp, fiddle, cello, coronet, bass viole, would presently release their melodies to the dulcet stars.
para los paseos en trineo, los juegos, las reuniones y los bailes, las fiestas de Año Nuevo y las excursiones al bosque. Incluso para una encantadora costumbre :
It'll be sharper presently.
Más lo va a ser.
- Presently, you come in.
- Luego, entras tú. - Sí.
- upstairs. he'll come down presently
- ¿ Dónde está? - Arriba. Bajará enseguida.
- He'll be along presently.
- Él volverá cuando pueda.
- Presently?
- ¿ Cuándo pueda?
! Presently!
¡ Cuándo pueda!
The whole world is seething, nations are crashing to their doom and he'll be along presently.
El mundo entero arde, las naciones se lanzan a la ruina y él volverá cuando pueda.
That wire will be here presently.
El hilo llega.
Mr. Ross will see you presently.
El Sr. Ross los recibirá enseguida.
- I will presently.
- ¿ Por qué no?
I'll talk to you presently.
Yo sé lo que digo.
Presently, I am out of touch.
Actualmente, lo he perdido.
We won't require your presence until presently. Official business.
Por ahora no la necesitamos, esto es un asunto oficial.
See you presently.
- Los veré luego.
I'll be up presently, Achille.
¿ "Pickwickiana"? Sí. De Pickwick.
- Darling, ask me presently.
Dime que sí ahora.
Presently, mein Herr.
- Desde luego que no.
¡ Inmediatamente!
She'll be down presently.
- Bajará en un momento.
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presentation 18
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presents 92
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presence 19
presentation 18
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presents 92
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preserved 33
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present company excepted 25
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