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Pump it перевод на испанский

839 параллельный перевод
I'm afraid she's filling up faster than they can pump it out, Captain.
Se llena más rápido de lo que pueden achicar, Capitán.
Come on, Buzz, pump it up. Hit it.
Vamos, Buzz, sube el volumen.
And you can put that in your oil well and pump it!
Y puedes meter eso en tu pozo de petróleo y bombearlo!
If more than one, pump it like this.
Si es más de uno, muévelo así.
Maybe you can pump it up faster.
Quizá usted la hinche más rápido.
- You did pump it in!
Se me bambeó.
- Go ahead, pump it.
- Venga, bombea.
Stand by to pump it overboard when I give you the word.
Stand by a bomba, por lo que borda cuando le doy la palabra.
Honey, please, don't pump it.
Cariño, no bombees más.
- Don't pump it.
- No bombees.
Pump it.
No bombear.
"Don't pump it, floor it," who.
"No bombees, pisa a fondo".
Pump through it.
Bombear a través de él.
It would be different if you had that shot of hop handy.. So you could pump yourself full of enough guts to shoot somebody in the back.
Ni tenéis a mano esa dosis que os da fuerza para disparar por la espalda.
What good does it do the boss to pump the world full of dope and not make any money off it?
¿ En qué beneficia al jefe dar droga a todo el mundo y no hacer dinero de ello?
You know, the old pump isn't what it used to be.
Ya sabes, el viejo corazón no es lo que era.
These oil pump connections aren't very good, but we'll have to risk it.
Las conexiones de la bomba no están bien, habrá que arriesgarse.
with a gas pump. It's not by here.
Pero no es por aquí.
So what could be simpler than to use the glass pump to force the real pump into action after it has stopped?
¿ Qué puede ser más fácil que usar una bomba de cristal para forzar a la bomba real a volver a funcionar después pararse?
They'll have you force-pump your wells for quick money then you'll lose your gas pressure, and then suddenly one day you'll find half your oil still underground, right down there and no way on this man's Earth to get it out.
Les harán bombear sus pozos para obtener dinero rápido ustedes perderán presión y de pronto descubrirán que la mitad del petróleo sigue allá abajo y nadie en la Tierra podrá extraerlo.
Don't you think it's a good idea to pump him?
¿ No cree que habría que entrevistarlo?
- You mean... - Only, it's 200 acres and the house is bigger, with more windows, and the kitchen's got a pump.
Solo que ahora son 200 acres y la casa es mayor, con más ventanas, y la cocina tiene una bomba.
Then again, it might be the ignition or the water pump.
Pero claro, podría ser el encendido o la bomba de agua.
Also, the pump sticks a little. You know, it's hard getting a mechanic just for that.
Oye otra cosa te voy a decir... la bomba de agua potable está rota, y es imposible hacer venir aposta un mecánico desde Ferrara para esto.
If it's poison, he'd certainly rid of it after using the stomach pump.
Si es veneno seguro que lo hemos eliminado con el lavado de estómago.
It feels strange to hear the pump when Blom isn't here.
Me resulta extraño escuchar la bomba cuando Blom no está aquí.
If he's got it, pump him full of serum.
Si la tienen, llénenles de suero.
- But it was no drowning. He had a hole through his pump.
Pero no murió ahogado, fue asesinado.
- Just pump the lever and shoot it.
Se levanta la palanca y se dispara.
You took it. I wouldn't know a scalpel from a stomach pump. You're outta your mind.
- No lo distinguiría de una bomba gástrica.
Save you a lot of time, give it to you without you havin'to pump me, everything that happened.
Para hacerles ganar tiempo, se lo diré todo sin que tenga que preguntarme. Todo lo que pasó.
If it doesn't get any worse, I think the bilge pump can take care of it.
Si no empeora, creo que la bomba puede solucionarlo.
Take them into the pump room and quench it.
Encárguese de que puedan saciarla.
I like finding oil, not watching it pump.
Ya me conoces, disfruto buscando petróleo, no sentándome a ver cómo sale.
Well, it's not fair of me to pump you.
Conseguiré información directa de "ma cherie".
You've got to pump the pedal for it. That's what they pay you for.
Tendrás que llevar el volante, para eso te pagan.
I mean, we have to pump our own water from the well... and every time there's a... every time it thunders, the electricity goes off.
Es decir, tenemos que sacar el agua del pozo nosotros mismos y siempre hay... siempre que hay tormenta se va la electricidad.
Only it isn't the oil pump at all.
Seguro que no es ni la bomba de aceite.
Through them, the oil pump the sea until it covers an area several miles, and then burn it.
A través de ellas bombean el petróleo al mar hasta que cubra una superficie de varias millas, para después hacerlo arder.
Yesterday it was an oil pump.
Hoy ha sido el combustible, ayer el aceite.
Ruby, run to the house and fetch the tub and put it by the pump.
Ruby, corre a casa y trae la tina. Ponla junto a la bomba de agua.
It could do with another pump.
Necesitaremos otra bomba.
It just isn't clinically possible that his heart should just pump like this.
Es imposible que su corazón responda así.
We pump air under it so the pressure... will force the water back out through the fracture... or at least keep us floating.
Bombeamos aire por debajo para que la presión... expulse el agua a través de la fractura... o nos mantenga a flote.
It may pump some sense into your head.
A lo mejor así recobras el juicio.
Ida Bee, I want you to pump this here organ like you never pumped it before.
Ida Bee, quiero que toques el órgano como no lo has tocado nunca.
It appeared as if something had been attached to pump out the blood!
Parecía como si algo las hubiera usado para bombear la sangre!
Pump him full of black coffee till it runs out his ears.
Dadle café hasta que le salga por las orejas.
Mr Peters, Van Leyden, find some wood and take it to the pump house.
Peters, Van Leyden, busquen un poco de madera, por favor, y llévenla a la caseta de la bomba.
- A priming pump? - Is that what it is?
¿ La bomba de cebados?
You pump a round into it, did you?
Has tirado de un redondel hacia dentro, ¿ verdad?

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